A different perspective.

  • Last Post 4 weeks ago
Atti posted this 28 October 2024

About a hundred years ago, an important factor was removed from mathematical solutions. Today some people know. 
Scalar wave applications. The electron is pressurised, not propelled.

Some researchers have figured this out and put it into practice. 
Some concepts.
Negative energy-negative time, time-reversed electron, pumped phase cone conjugate mirror, Kozirev mirror, non-Lirish optics,Woodpecker radar (Duga).

We see examples of this in energetics, or in medicine, or even in weaponry. 
We don't have to be mathematicians, but we have to accept the facts. Some videos are worth watching.
Look around the world today what is happening.  With an open mind, read up on it.  




Submarine PAJVA-M1 27:00


Alaxander Mishin coil. Purely E field.




https://ai-xtech.eu/  Distribution EU and Canada.






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Atti posted this 28 October 2024

About a hundred years ago, an important factor was removed from mathematical solutions. Today some people know. 
Scalar wave applications. The electron is pressurised, not propelled.

Some researchers have figured this out and put it into practice. 
Some concepts.
Negative energy-negative time, time-reversed electron, pumped phase cone conjugate mirror, Kozirev mirror, non-Lirish optics,Woodpecker radar (Duga).

We see examples of this in energetics, or in medicine, or even in weaponry. 
We don't have to be mathematicians, but we have to accept the facts. Some videos are worth watching.
Look around the world today what is happening.  With an open mind, read up on it.  




Submarine PAJVA-M1 27:00


Alaxander Mishin coil. Purely E field.




https://ai-xtech.eu/  Distribution EU and Canada.






Atti posted this 29 October 2024

A more practical approach.


Interesting study.


Jagau posted this 03 November 2024

Hi Atti

It would be very interesting if a member here would do Dr. Meyl's experiments.
Having done it on a very small scale using two light emitting diodes, which are antiparallelly fed switched mode, I can tell you that it works. The diodes lit up with more intensity at frequency Pi over 2 of the primary frequency.

Too many projects in progress at the moment, I will come back to it one day?


Atti posted this 08 November 2024

It would be very interesting if a member here would do Dr. Meyl's experiments.


They won't.

In any area!

 As you can see, 93 members are registered. The vast majority of them have left the forum because they are just interested. A small part just reads but never says anything. (and doesn't even share completed experiments)

Due to lack of time, the remaining few members only carry out limited experiments. But only what the member himself imagines.
Married. This is how one falls into thinking.



Fighter posted this 09 November 2024

Replying To: Atti

I'm not concerned about the members which are here just to read. That's how they learn and after they learn most likely many of them will try to apply what they learned from us and from our experiments.

About those who try to experiment in secret - without sharing and asking for others opinion their experiments will go much slower and most likely will fail.

It's true, we all fight with the lack of time but it doesn't mean we will not continue. Personally I have many experiments in my list on hold because of lack of time but, believe me, I will continue them no matter what.

I have on my list: the DSE experiment, the Aharonov-Bohm experiment and if these experiments goes well I will use the results for a new/better version of ZPM. I also want to retry on how to use the energy of the Quantum Power Cells replicas (here at some point I want to build a 3rd generation of cells).

So as you can see I have my list in place and the only thing slowing me down is the lack of time where a considerable amount is the 8 hours everyday allocated to my job (sometimes more than 8 hours, sometimes I also needed to work in weekends).

The fact that each of our members are working on its own experiments and ideas is an advantage not something bad because this way we can exchange ideas and results between our experiments and that allows all of us to advance on our way to Rome. 😉

All what I did was shared with our team and with the public and I will continue to do so. That's why I'm a member of this team and that's the purpose of our site.

About the lack of time - I do what I can when I can but it doesn't mean I will not continue.



"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
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Atti posted this 09 November 2024


Hi Fighter.

No, that's not what I said.No misunderstanding. 
I cannot afford to question any member about their work. No matter what he writes (especially not on old members, maybe we know each other!) 

I was merely noting that there are many new members who have not even posted a welcome to the forum. Not even to give his opinion on something. But he has registered.  You don't need to register to read.
You're absolutely right (and I agree) that everyone would get ahead if there were sharing. 

But our world is what it is. So are the people themselves.


Thanks, Atti.


Fighter posted this 09 November 2024



I was merely noting that there are many new members who have not even posted a welcome to the forum. Not even to give his opinion on something. But he has registered.  You don't need to register to read.
You're absolutely right (and I agree) that everyone would get ahead if there were sharing. 


We all come from the same schools where they told us the technologies we're experimenting with here and the effects we see on our workbenches from our devices shouldn't be possible. Breaking that mental "barrier" imposed by what they taught us in school is hard and needs time and learning.

I broke that "barrier" only after I saw these effects on my workbench and I saw them in the experiments we shared with each other. Before, if one would've told me about these technologies I would've said they're not possible because that's what they told me in school.

So it's okay, I don't mind, let them read, learn and especially see our devices and experiments with their own eyes so they can break that mental "barrier" too. When they will learn enough and will want to experiment I guess they will share and ask questions about their experiments.



"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
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Jagau posted this 09 November 2024

Hi all

I think Atti is right in a sense that he would like like me that more members share their experiences. I understand that the language barrier takes away some of the way of saying it in all the subtlety of our mother tongue.

In most other forums when they express themselves they are accosted by the local guru so they are afraid to express themselves even here.

I tell you all who want to express themselves do not be afraid in the forum here your ideas will be considered and respected.


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Dummyload posted this 4 weeks ago

What a disappointment it can be to share these things that we hold dear, to be met with little response (if any). Not being a specialist, nor being particularly capable, or competent, or qualified to conduct meaningful experiments of my own, (let alone evaluate the works of others) I don't enjoy further corrupting the current noise to signal ratio that exists in the field. I appreciate and respect the meaningful insights from those involved in the work. I know I don't meet my own standards for what should be posted, so I am quiet, and also respect those who are similarly situated. Perhaps this position is appropriate and in accordance with the title of the thread. The condition of my own mind is not unique to me, a result of the writings of others, influenced by deeper thinkers than myself. I would have not have made an account just now, except for interpreting a post as prompt to participate. There is so much achieved at a level that I know I may never reach, but I am compelled to do things in my own way, in attempt to circumvent my own shortcomings. Dealing with reality, but reality is an entity I know I don't understand. I do understand the lack of time, it is written by others, and I sense it myself. On the subject of time, I had a dream, and while such forums are not specifically for dream interpreting I'd like to share one that sticks with me, because in a way we are all dreamers with a common dream...

There are two equations for an electromotive force. There may be more, I don't know. But the two that I was dreaming of were these: EMF = delta phi / delta T and EMF = VBL. Which one is used depends on the motion of a conductor, or magnetic field. In the dream, there was no negative N, it was absent. I usually see it written to indicate the number of turns of a conductor. Delta phi the rate of change of a magnetic component, delta T, the change in time. The other equation V velocity B magnetism L the length of the wire in the field. Give me some "poetic license" because this was a dream.. "Time = Velocity Length", when you remove the magnetic components. The dream made me look into this a bit, and Google tells me something different about their relationships. Bear in mind, Phi and B differ in a spatial relationship, so the correct math becomes more complex than I understand how to address. I have an idea on how to implement, but have been unable to get it all together so far. Given my personal track record, I may never. Space and time are "baked into the cake" generally. I think there is more freedom in space than generally considered.

There is a question, I don't know the history of it... "What happens when the unmovable object meets the unstoppable force?" Perhaps everyone can engage in a simple experiment for me (no response necessary)- Ask various people this riddle.

Perhaps simply asking could change some conditions. Sometimes solutions come from unlikely places.
