Battery Recovery Device

  • Last Post 12 April 2024
Vidura posted this 09 April 2024

Hi all! 

as I've been a long time inactive on the forum in first place a heartly welcome back.

here something that was somehow accidentally discovered. Some years ago i had built this small solar-powered baterycharger. It is based on a variation of the wellknown blocking oscilator(joule thief).

usually I charged small Li-ion batteries with it, also some Nimh cells. Some time ago I dared to connect some " no rechargeable batteries", despite of the warnings: do not recharge- may leak or explode.

I had tried this before with the lab powersupply, but without success. To my surprise with the little solarcharger it worked! 

five hours later:


watch a short video: 




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Vidura posted this 09 April 2024

Hi all! 

as I've been a long time inactive on the forum in first place a heartly welcome back.

here something that was somehow accidentally discovered. Some years ago i had built this small solar-powered baterycharger. It is based on a variation of the wellknown blocking oscilator(joule thief).

usually I charged small Li-ion batteries with it, also some Nimh cells. Some time ago I dared to connect some " no rechargeable batteries", despite of the warnings: do not recharge- may leak or explode.

I had tried this before with the lab powersupply, but without success. To my surprise with the little solarcharger it worked! 

five hours later:


watch a short video: 




Fighter posted this 09 April 2024

Hi Vidura,

Welcome back my friend ! ๐Ÿ˜Š

I hope you're okay and everything is okay there and I'm glad you're returning to the research and to the team.

About your device, I never heard of not rechargeable batteries being charged without being damaged, how is it possible ?

Using a Joule-Thief ? And why this process is working only with solar charger but not with the DC source ?

Very interesting...



"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
Vidura posted this 09 April 2024

Will put some more info: when i tried to charge the batteries with the lab supply strait dc was used, and it did not work. also some units with a very low restcharge didn't recover. I have not tried to run the device from a dc supply still, but there should be no reason that it would not work. As i didn't investigate much on the subject, I can only guess for the moment that it is the effect of the short impulses and the very low charge rate that allows the heavy ions to realocate in the electrolite. Fact is that it works and is useful to reuse this piles, avoid some waste and safe a bit of money๐Ÿ˜‰.

in another post i will put some more details for those who are interrested in built a device.


Vasile posted this 12 April 2024

Here is a video of someone who is also charging "non-rechargeble" batteries. I think more light will shine thru.

Vidura posted this 12 April 2024

Thanks for the input Vasile.That my version works around 20+khz this doesn't mean that it don't work at other frequencies. Regarding the voltage it is in accordance with my experience, no deep discharge and no overcharging. And it has to be at a slow rate. I will consider to improve the device with a regulator to limit the final voltage and a version for a wall outlet adapter.

