Coil design software

  • Last Post 23 October 2024
Vasile posted this 22 October 2024

Hello everyone,

I know this is not the optimum category to put this ( Fighter maybe you can introduce a new category as software ? That would be usefull ) but I want to share a usefull piece of software that I have found recently. It is called Coil 64, I use it on linux, the portable version of the software and maybe someone else needs some help with designing coils. This is the site where I found it:

The site has also other interesting segments like color coding of inductors, theory related to inductor geometry, etc. Anyways, I hope this helps someone. 


P.S.: Fighter, fell free to move this thread if needed.

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Vasile posted this 22 October 2024

Hello everyone,

I know this is not the optimum category to put this ( Fighter maybe you can introduce a new category as software ? That would be usefull ) but I want to share a usefull piece of software that I have found recently. It is called Coil 64, I use it on linux, the portable version of the software and maybe someone else needs some help with designing coils. This is the site where I found it:

The site has also other interesting segments like color coding of inductors, theory related to inductor geometry, etc. Anyways, I hope this helps someone. 


P.S.: Fighter, fell free to move this thread if needed.

Fighter posted this 22 October 2024

Hi Vasile,

You're right, we're missing a Sofware category, give me some time to create and set it up.

I'll move this thread there when it's ready.



"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
Fighter posted this 23 October 2024

It's done.



"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla