Hi Yoel,
Sorry for the delayed reply, I saw your post but I was on the road and I wanted to allocate proper time for my reply.
Because of they way they're built every ZPM have its own characteristics therefore its own specific optimal frequency and duty-cycle.
Manually finding the optimal frequency and duty-cycle is time consuming especially when the load on ZPM's output is changed and the process of finding a new optimal frequency and duty-cycle needs to be repeated.
So yes, your circuit which can auto-adjust ZPM's frequency and duty-cycle depending on the load is more than welcomed especially for new builders which when they build their own ZPM are not familiar with device's behavior and find it confusing.
I added your post to my Favorites list so I can build the circuit when I'll have some time for my current experiments and new experiments.
Two questions about your tests with ZPM:
- From your photo it seems to be powered by a battery, not by a DC source, do i understand this correctly ?
- Is there any ground connection in the circuit ?
- When you have some time can you post a schematic on how the entire circuit looks like (connections between ZPM, the control circuit and the battery) ?
Your ZPM configuration seems similar to Atti's ZPM replication, if I remember well he also used a battery and the ground connection was not required even if, as Atti specified, a ground connections increased his ZPM's efficiency.
Thank you for sharing your circuit and experiments !
"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of
energy, frequency and
vibration." |
Nikola Tesla |