Control circuit for Fighter ZPM

  • Last Post 5 days ago
YoElMiCrO posted this 1 weeks ago

Hi everyone.

@ Fighter.

This weekend I took up your ZPM to see how
the frequency/duty variation can be controlled
based on the load applied to it.
That way I think it will be easier for more people to replicate it.
I'll keep you posted.

Below are the STL files I used for the reels.


Attached Files

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YoElMiCrO posted this 1 weeks ago

Hi everyone.

@ Fighter.

This weekend I took up your ZPM to see how
the frequency/duty variation can be controlled
based on the load applied to it.
That way I think it will be easier for more people to replicate it.
I'll keep you posted.

Below are the STL files I used for the reels.


Attached Files

YoElMiCrO posted this 5 days ago

Hi everyone.

@ Fighter.

Well this week I did a few experiments
with your ZPM in an attempt to understand what the control circuit has to
do to keep the phenomenon active in ZPM while the load is varied.
For now I will use a PIC12F1572 for this task,
the response time is somewhat slow, about 200 mS, but
we will see how to improve it little by little and if it is worth it.


Fighter posted this 5 days ago

Hi Yoel,

Sorry for the delayed reply, I saw your post but I was on the road and I wanted to allocate proper time for my reply.

Because of they way they're built every ZPM have its own characteristics therefore its own specific optimal frequency and duty-cycle.

Manually finding the optimal frequency and duty-cycle is time consuming especially when the load on ZPM's output is changed and the process of finding a new optimal frequency and duty-cycle needs to be repeated.

So yes, your circuit which can auto-adjust ZPM's frequency and duty-cycle depending on the load is more than welcomed especially for new builders which when they build their own ZPM are not familiar with device's behavior and find it confusing.

I added your post to my Favorites list so I can build the circuit when I'll have some time for my current experiments and new experiments.

Two questions about your tests with ZPM:

  1. From your photo it seems to be powered by a battery, not by a DC source, do i understand this correctly ?
  2. Is there any ground connection in the circuit ?
  3. When you have some time can you post a schematic on how the entire circuit looks like (connections between ZPM, the control circuit and the battery) ?

Your ZPM configuration seems similar to Atti's ZPM replication, if I remember well he also used a battery and the ground connection was not required even if, as Atti specified, a ground connections increased his ZPM's efficiency.

Thank you for sharing your circuit and experiments !



"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla