Electric and magnetic phenomena and the environment

  • Last Post 15 June 2022
Vidura posted this 14 May 2022

Dear readers, since the beginning of my study's of physics and electrodynamics I had a feeling that something was incorrect or missing in the theory proposed in most textbooks. Of course most people are used to recognise the world only from the dense plan of existence, the objects which we are capable to perceive with our senses and doubt about the existence of the invisible, imperceptible. But a few where not satisfied with this, and began to develop means to extend the perception of the senses, apparatus which can be used to explore the universe beyond this limitation. This implicit at the same time to use our mind and our intelligence to process the results with an understandable physical model. It is like seeking the parts of a puzzle, and part by part the picture becomes clearer. Now imagine what would happen, if someone begin to make customized parts for the puzzle, because he couldn't find the genuine parts. The holes would be filled of course, but it would not be helpful to complete the real picture.

This introduction should be an inspiration to open the minds for different ideas and models that those proposed in the somehow outdated textbooks. You can ask a physics professor for example: what is gravity, how does it work? Why does a magnet attract iron? If he can give you a reasonable answer, beyond mathematical formulas, I would like to meet him. In the last year's of research I have collected many parts of our puzzle, so in this thread I would like to share my (still incomplete) vision how they fit together.


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Vidura posted this 14 May 2022

Dear readers, since the beginning of my study's of physics and electrodynamics I had a feeling that something was incorrect or missing in the theory proposed in most textbooks. Of course most people are used to recognise the world only from the dense plan of existence, the objects which we are capable to perceive with our senses and doubt about the existence of the invisible, imperceptible. But a few where not satisfied with this, and began to develop means to extend the perception of the senses, apparatus which can be used to explore the universe beyond this limitation. This implicit at the same time to use our mind and our intelligence to process the results with an understandable physical model. It is like seeking the parts of a puzzle, and part by part the picture becomes clearer. Now imagine what would happen, if someone begin to make customized parts for the puzzle, because he couldn't find the genuine parts. The holes would be filled of course, but it would not be helpful to complete the real picture.

This introduction should be an inspiration to open the minds for different ideas and models that those proposed in the somehow outdated textbooks. You can ask a physics professor for example: what is gravity, how does it work? Why does a magnet attract iron? If he can give you a reasonable answer, beyond mathematical formulas, I would like to meet him. In the last year's of research I have collected many parts of our puzzle, so in this thread I would like to share my (still incomplete) vision how they fit together.


Vidura posted this 14 May 2022

The missing element: In the past century's most scientists where very clear regarding the existence of the aether environment. It was considered a subtile, invisible, imperceptible element, filling the entire universe, and penetrating all existing materials. Later some smart individuals decided that they found sufficient proof and mathematical formulas and models to explain most phenomena without aether , and declared it as inexistent. I will tell you about an experiment which was performed by a researcher in the early 1900's, I can't remember the name, as it was not one of the most famous. He made the effort to calculate the required energy to accelerate the rotor of an electric motor to its rated speed. Then he proceeded to measure the electric energy which was actually consumed during the acceleration. The result was that nearly 20 times of the theoretically calculated value was drawn by the motor. Then he evaluated the efficiency of the motor, but it seemed not to be the cause of the difference. In the following tests he noted a very strange effect. When the motor was running a few minutes, then stopped completely, and was accelerated again, the required energy was nearly matching the theoretical value. But when the motor was standing still for five minutes or so, again the power consumption during acceleration rised nearly 20 times. The bearing where controlled, they moved smoothly regardless the temperature. So he suspected that some invisible mass was accelerated along with the rotor. He made another test, running the motor a few minutes, he stopped completely, and now turned it around by 180° and restarted. Again the energy decreased close to the calculated value, although the rotation relative to the observer changed the direction. The invisible mass seems to have turned around along with the motor, conserving it's inertia.

A discrepancy in modern astronomy: Some galaxies with a spiral shape have been measured in their movements, using the Doppler effect. This allows to define the speed of different sections relative to the observer. When the results were processed in computer models, they found that the pattern of the rotation don't match the calculated by the mass distribution. So to say the outermost parts of the galaxy should rotate around 18 (?)times faster than it actually does. The theoretical scientists proposed thus the existence of "dark matter" which should add the missing mass(>80%) to make the observed rotation matching with the physical laws. Retracting the declaration of inexistent aether, changing it's denomination?


Vidura posted this 18 May 2022


It is clear that in order to be able to communicate between humans there have to be common terms, denominations and also physical and mental models and concepts which can be used to describe our perceptions and ideas; otherwise it is not possible to exchange knowledge and no mutual understanding can happen. Sometimes old terms or concepts are no longer suitable to describe some recent discoveries, and should be replaced by new ones, in order to keep the resources for communication updated. This can take some time, and will not likely be accepted immediately by all. So there will be a time of transition, where still the old terms are eventually used, in order to achieve gradually a better understanding. So also in this work some already outdated terms will be used eventually, as otherwise an exchange of information would not be possible.


What is a "Field"?

The best answer would be an area of ground destinated to cultivate fruits and vegetables. When the term is used in physics or mathematics it is most likely to describe a not understood phenomena of a force or action at distance. And as nobody can tell us with certainty why this happens or how, a field is declared and its characteristics described with mathematical formulas and models. This approach can be useful to a certain extent, as this models and formulas can be helpful for practical implementations such as designing motors, generators and similar machines. But although they might be pragmatically functional, conceptual they are not necessarily correct. Examples for this are Faradays induction law and some of Maxwells theoretical models backed up with "custom made formulas". This brings us into a situation where we "can explain "various electrodynamic phenomenon without understanding what actually is going on. Later we will analyse this with more detail, when we already will have acquired alternative models for a deeper understanding.


cd_sharp posted this 05 June 2022

Vidura, this is an excellent topic that I read without pausing. I'll be following this topic. Thanks!

If you know how to build such a device and you're not sharing, you're a schmuck! - Graham Gunderson

Vidura posted this 12 June 2022

Electric charges(part2)  some  different models and concepts:

As we have already analysed the basic behaviour of electric charges from the material point of view, now we will consider some models about the very nature of the charges themselves. Mostly charges are thought to be tiny balls or spheres spinning and moving around at a inconceivable speed. This model can be useful to a certain extent, similar than the atom model from Niels Bohr, but it can explain only a part of the properties of charges observed in experiments. For a deeper understanding we have to go beyond the limitations of a material model. For an example we could take the solar system, to a child we might tell that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, which is certain from a local point of view. When the child already is grown up, say at secondary school, it will be told about the solar system, and that the sun actually does not rise or set at all, and only the rotation of the earth creates this illusion.

In physics it has been found that light and similar radiations  exhibit the properties of particles and waves both, depending on the setup of the experiments. Moreover the scientist De Broglie discovered that ALL supposed particles exhibit the properties of waves as well, with a corresponding wavelength. In this context a lot of confusion has been created with the concept of "electromagnetic waves" propagating across the "physical vacuum" . As a wave by definition is a disturbance in a medium this is a contradiction by itself. On the other hand, if we can accept the existence of an medium throughout the entire universe, although invisible and most difficult to proof, everything becomes to make more sense. We will see in other topics as well, that the wave model can help us to understand many of the experimental observed phenomenon. Certainly this will eventually bring us to a point where we have to ask a deeply philosophical question: does matter actually exist?

There are various different models of electric charges, we will now consider only a few in broad outlines. The best way might be to consider more than one of them, not by means that if one is correct, the others have to be erroneous. Much more fruitive it would be to take the aspects of all which are making sense, and combine them for a broader world view. As it like for the description of a three-dimensional object, we can't use a line or cartesian coordinates for an accurate view, we will need three coordinates. Likewise the phenomenon of electricity and magnetism are interactions between the physical world and the adjacent invisible realms, therefore it is impossible to understand them completely, without taking in account the invisible worlds. I will not give preference to one or another of the models, but leaf it in the judgement of the readers to what extent they are useful to give explanations for observed experimental results.

A revision of the first model considered , the model of particles with electric charge is used in the classical physics. It was quite useful for an intuitive understanding of the wave mechanics by analogies with sound and pressure waves which has been  covered in the thread about longitudinal waves already. There are some variations, some considering only the electrons as negative charges capable to move inside a conductor, while others assume also positive charges. We can say that the concept of stationary positive charges is fairly accurate, but only when we are dealing with solid conductors. When we have matter in liquid or gaseous state, also the positive ions can move of course as for example in an electrolytic bath or a gas in plasma state. But where are the limitations of the model of "tiny spheres"? It happens that it is not able to explain us the forceful actions at distance that we can observe in so many manifestations of electricity and magnetism. At least not without the help of the questionable concepts of "fields", and no one is able to explain us how this fields produce the observed forceful actions. The point is that if we assume an empty space, with uncountable particles moving around, how the forceful action is transmitted to distant locations? Or why does a magnet attract iron?  


Vidura posted this 13 June 2022

The second model we will consider is proposed by Boris Andreevich Luzina. His work "Ether and Universe or End of Relativism" (you can find the document on the link: http://www.vixri.ru/?p=301 ). It is the concept of a stationary world environment which is completely filled by an infinite number of elementary cells, called "auger" by the author. These cells can adopt three different states, electrical positive, negative or neutral. Below you can see a drawing of the proposed "cells" where the middle state is neutral, while the red and blue spheres represent positive and negative states.

The positive and negative state could be shifted in any direction relative to the neutral centre. Depending on whether it will be positive or a negative, the auger can represent a positive or negative charge, while the Δ offset will indicate the value of this charge. Modelling various physical phenomena from the aether (with the help of such geometric constructions), the author of the book shows that with their help, it is possible to describe the emergence of all electrical, magnetic and gravitational phenomena in the global environment, not only qualitatively, but also quantitatively. The author has been done by a large and painstaking work, as a result of which he was able to obtain the numerical values of all major world constants, the values of gravitational, electrical and other interactions that are consistent with experimental data. 

Ether - just one of the many models of the world medium cell, it is much closer to the truth than the entire modern physics of elementary particles, so acquaintance with it is undoubtedly a step forward in the knowledge of the universe. Please note that in modern physics, there is still no clear definition of what is mass, power, electric charge, electric and magnetic field.

Back to the concept of the auger cell, if we imagine a universe filled up completely with this cell (full like a sandbag) and thus virtually unable of any mayor displacement, but each cell capable to adopt three states of manifestation. Sorely anyone knows about the mechanism of a colour screen, to mention a analogy in the two-dimensional plane. If a drop of water falls on the screen of your cell phone, the magnifying effect will show coloured lines in three colours.it looks something like the image below:

 It consists of three colour pixels - red, blue and green. If you bring the magnifying glass to the matrix, then in addition to colour fixed pixels, nothing will succeed. You can try it yourself.

 If we reproduce the movement of something on a colour monitor, for example, a walking person, then the only thing that we can see at close distance is the flickering of the brightness of fixed pixels, as shown in the photo below.

But at a considerable distance from the monitor, there is a clear impression of the movement of something. Interestingly, in the philosophy of Indians, our visible material universe is called the illusion (Maya). Translating this model to the three-dimensional space the appearance of the virtual particles with positive, negative and neutral electric charge could be reasonable explained, as well as they’re spontaneously jumping into and out of existence. In this context it could be assumed, that the elementary cells according to their momentaneous state positive, negative or neutral could represent the appearance of particles like electrons, protons and neutrons providing the basic ingredients for atoms, molecules and more complex structures, and without anything moving at all create the perception of the material world in all its aspects.  Although the mechanical model presented by the Autor is not the same as my world view, but it can used as analogy for some aspects of electric charges and for example explain the movement without friction.  

 It is clear that in order to create any ordinated pictures or movements, there has to be a continuous flow of Information, to synchronize all the pixels or cells, and tell them which manifestation and intensity they have to display. To understand this aspect, we will take the example of a seed, or an embryo in its early state. Despite that science want to explain the growing of the tree out of a small seed or the development of a complete living being out of a couple of cells with genetics, encoded information in form of DNA molecules, it will never be possible from this point of view. How can a cell know when and at which location it has to mutate in a specific cell type? How can the growing tree know by coded molecules, at what time and place the branches have to grow, when to form leaves? How the growing embryo can know at what place form muscle cells, liver cells, neurones, bones etc? I doubt that this is possible with a genetic code, although genetic engineering is achieving great things by decoding and manipulating the DNA. But there is a higher intelligence behind this. The tree in the seed is already existing in a more subtle realm, in all his different states of development until it's disintegration, the same is valid for all the millions of different spices. Of course, there is also an interaction with the environment and other beings, for example if a tree grows very close to another, both will grow outwards in order to get more sunlight. 

If we extend this principal to our topic, the kind of information which rules everything in the material world and also in other plans of existence is located in the highest realms of creation, not only spatial, but also in time dimensions, duration and cycles to the highest perfection, and with the smallest details. All the information from the movement of particles, atoms, molecules, all kind of living beings, planets, stars and galaxies is present. Hopefully I did not get too far off topic with this post, but I believe that it will be helpful for a broader world view for those who are interested. Also, I am well aware, that some of you will be in discordance with some things proposed here, and some will not be able to cross the fences tended by classical physics, for them I would suggest to close the thread and continue with the daily routines. Also, I want to make clear, that I might be mistaken in some aspects, which happens eventually to humans, so if you have suggestions for corrections they will be certainly considered.  So far this model, in the next post we will analyse a model based on the model of Tom Bearden, and try to find some complements to explain certain properties of charges.


Vidura posted this 15 June 2022

The topics of the last post could be somehow difficult to digest, which is quite understandable because from the dense plane of the physical world it is impossible to look inside the more subtle plans. And for most people the physical world perceived by senses and mind is the only accepted reality, unless someone has had a direct experience of other realms. Therefore, in the present post we will go a step back to the physical world, at least with one leg.

Usually in textbooks unlike charges are represented like in the below image:

Someone might ask himself, why the powerlines are depicted with the origin at the positive charge and ending at the negative charge. To find a possible explanation for this and some other aspects we will look at another model, the one proposed by T. Bearden. Here I will quote his basic idea about charges:

"... Electrical charges are centers for converting the energy of the chaotic movement of virtual particles (arising and immediately disappearing) in physical vacuum (ether). This energy is converted into the form of  radiation of particles called photons, of a certain frequency and energy. It is in the fact of radiation that the physical nature of electric charges is the physical nature. The lifetime of charges - these transformation centers are not limited. Since there are two kinds of charges, therefore, there should be two types of such transformation centers: some centers (charges) emit photons, and others - absorb. Those charges that radiate photons are called the charges of a positive sign, and those that absorbe photons the charges of the negative sign ... ".

But it is still not enough for understanding, as it is completely unclear why this virtual particles behave strangely – popping spontaneous into and out of existence. Below, the illustration shows very simplified an possible interaction of charges extended to two adjacent plans of existence.

This illustration should convey the idea of extending Bearden’s model to the adjacent subtle plane, showing the stream of photons. In relation to the two sub-planes, they are neutral, that is, they belong to both sub-planes, but their direction of motion is at the border of two sub-plans are reversed.  The figure shows that the flow of exchange particles entering the dense plan (+) and the outgoing flow (-) are both twisted around the longitudinal axis, forming vortices.  It should be noted that such a place as the border of sub-planes in space does not specifically exist and the border of sub-planes can be located anywhere.  This, of course, is difficult to imagine.  For example, boiling water can evaporate in any direction and even inside its volume, forming bubbles of steam during boiling. The best way to imagine the boundary to the subtle plane is towards the inner space, the “zero point”. Note, that we use the term photons for convention, as there is no updated term available, which would match better. We should understand them as carrier of information, connecting all the planes, and transfer the multidimensional images of the entire creation to the times and spaces where they are required perfectly filtered in the sequence as necessary for a harmonic interaction of all beings and aspects of the creation. 

 Now we will draw an analogy of the above proposed model, that is the metabolism of respiration. If we compare the flow of photons between the planes with the respiration, we could illustrate it like in the drawing below, where the different stages are associated with the idea about charges:

You might note that the actions of inhaling and exhaling in the atmosphere are noisy and easily perceptible for us, in contrast the metabolism in our bloodstream is silent and normally we are not even aware of its existence, albeit happening inside our own body. The second thing I want to bring to your attention is that there is only one type of red blood cells based on haemoglobin in animals and humans which is acting as “positive or negative “cell depending which part of the cycle is realized. We could say the exchanged particles carry the information what the blood cell at a given moment has to do, depending on the concentration or saturation of the involved gases. 

As a result of absorption and emission of photons by electric charges, there is a process of constant exchange between the subtle and dense planes of existence.  That is why the aether came to its ancient name - for eternally running due to the continuous stream of photons.  By analogy with what was said, an invisible cycle takes place that maintains equilibrium in the Universe through interaction, interdependence and interconnection, carried out due to the movement of flows of exchange particles of various types between the various realms of the creation.

The pressure of the exchange particles should be higher near the positive charge, and lower near the negative charge.  This is directly confirmed by the Biefeld-Brown effect. 

Here I have to advert the reader, that there is a lot of misinformation on the internet regarding this effect, it is not the phenomenon observed in asymmetric capacitor arrangements, which is not dependent on the polarity. As reference you can see in this internet site which was the effect discovered by T.T.Brown.



   In addition, in the dense plan there should not be a dedicated direction of radiation and absorption of photons by electric charges, which is why we do not observe an arbitrary movement of solitary electrically charged bodies.  But is it true?

What, if the charges have a spin and spatial direction like poles? The idea is illustrated in the drawings below, for negative and positive charges. The blue ellipse represents the absorption of photons from the dense plane, and the pink ellipse the emission of photons into the subtle plane for the negative charge. For the positive charge this is inverted.

Then how can one explain that a solitary charge does not have a preferred direction of radiation?  Why does a moving electric charge create a vector magnetic field around itself, but a resting charge doesn’t?


 This can only be explained by the random orientation of the axis of rotation of the charges.  This hypothesis is also supported by the fact that at the moment when the conductor is connected to the source of the EMF, electric charges suddenly reveal magnetic properties that they did not show before!


 As we know, the magnetic field around the current-carrying conductor is the form of the rotational motion of the medium, and in the presented model it is the form of the circular motion of exchange particles, as shown in the picture above.


 Do the charges suddenly develop a vector and scalar magnetic field, or maybe it was always imperceptibly present?


 The fact is that at temperatures above 0 ° K, electric charges are bombarded from all sides by photons of the thermal frequency range, under the influence of which they literally tumble around their centres (together with the axis of circular rotation of photons around the charge), which is commonly called spin.  This phenomenon is the reason that at a high temperature the charges lack a certain direction of the spin, and the magnetic properties of electric charges disappears.

If you connect an EMF source to the circuit, then conditions arise in the conductor under which the direction of movement of the charges, their spins, the radiation and absorption poles of the photons will acquire the same direction, which coincides with the direction of the EMF, which is well confirmed by experiment.  It is clear that the charges in this case must emit energy, and the number of aligned charges directly depends on the value of the EMF applied to the conductor.  Some of the charges, having received a stronger(thermal) impulse, will continue tumbling.

The charges suddenly reveal vector and scalar magnetic properties, which are actually just the effects of the complex motion of photons, that is, the 3 components of the vortex - longitudinal, toroidal and annular (see the figure above).


 This is how the EMF source is able to align the spins of the charges in the conductor from a chaotic tumbling into the direction that sets the EMF for each individual electric charge.  In this case, all the particular vortices of separate(aligned) charges are added together, forming a single vortex of photons around the conductor with current.  This is what is observed experimentally in the form of concentric circles around a conductor with a current, sprinkling a paper with iron filings.



Fighter posted this 15 June 2022

The topics of the last post could be somehow difficult to digest, which is quite understandable because from the dense plane of the physical world it is impossible to look inside the more subtle plans. And for most people the physical world perceived by senses and mind is the only accepted reality, unless someone has had a direct experience of other realms.

It's true but I found it can be understood better after reading multiple times and thinking more about what I'm reading here.

This thread is offering a different perspective.

“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.” - Nikola Tesla 

Thanks, I'm also following this thread.



"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla