Romanian ZPM importing threads in progress

  • Last Post 06 March 2023
Fighter posted this 18 December 2022

From the old aboveunity site:

Truth is Fighter and "his" zpm are being Forcibly Faked for Publicity!
I have removed everything to do with Fighter from my Website, as I want nothing to do with his Hoaxing Non-Sense!

It's funny how he is unable to see the logic-breaks in his own logic a 3 years old kid would see... šŸ™ƒ But I consider this an effect of his mental issues...

So he kept ZPM on his site for many years, he asked others to replicate it, he replicated it himself but kept his replication secret for one year until I forced him to make his replication public then he started attacking ZPM saying it's "a toy" even if anything he ever presented as his "discovery" on his site didn't even got close to the tens of watts output and a few miliamps input I demonstrated with ZPM. So that's the guy telling everyone he is "sharing knowledge" with others. Sure... šŸ˜‰

The funny thing is he deleted the most powerful device he ever had on his site, now he really have nothing.

'Cause what he is presenting for years are just a few coils stolen from one of Don Smith's devices which he claimed as his discovery and named them "partnered output coils":

And what he ever presented on his scope were just a few useless small pulses:

Which never really helped anyone and that explains why for more than 5 years no one had any working device using his "discovery"...

So excellent, I just told Cd_Sharp few a weeks ago that I intend to find a way to trigger the deletion of the ZPM threads there. That site lost the right to keep information about ZPM long time ago, I don't want ZPM to be associated in any way with the paranoia there, with a religious-like cult and a wannabe cult leader.

I just saw this:

It's on the old aboveunity site and it's quite shocking, is he implying or trying to say he's Yahweh now ?..

What a shame, that used to be a free-energy research site with real and skilled researchers...

Well, we should've seen this coming, all the components of an religious cult are there now and fit in place.

The paranoia, the "Bible of the partnered output coils" (actually some coils taken from one of the Don Smith's devices), the "dark forces" trying to stop him and his site (actually the site is going down on itself for more than a year because of bad performance and bad code changes not because it's attacked), the "infidels" (meaning all the researchers questioning those useless partnered output coils, researchers which left him and are active here)... all the pieces of an religious cult are there.

I'll start importing the ZPM threads here as this is its rightful home, the place where it must be.

It will take some time as there are tons of information, experiments and test results but I'll work on it as I find time. I'll make sure all the information will be here in our new home.



"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
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Fighter posted this 18 December 2022

From the old aboveunity site:

Truth is Fighter and "his" zpm are being Forcibly Faked for Publicity!
I have removed everything to do with Fighter from my Website, as I want nothing to do with his Hoaxing Non-Sense!

It's funny how he is unable to see the logic-breaks in his own logic a 3 years old kid would see... šŸ™ƒ But I consider this an effect of his mental issues...

So he kept ZPM on his site for many years, he asked others to replicate it, he replicated it himself but kept his replication secret for one year until I forced him to make his replication public then he started attacking ZPM saying it's "a toy" even if anything he ever presented as his "discovery" on his site didn't even got close to the tens of watts output and a few miliamps input I demonstrated with ZPM. So that's the guy telling everyone he is "sharing knowledge" with others. Sure... šŸ˜‰

The funny thing is he deleted the most powerful device he ever had on his site, now he really have nothing.

'Cause what he is presenting for years are just a few coils stolen from one of Don Smith's devices which he claimed as his discovery and named them "partnered output coils":

And what he ever presented on his scope were just a few useless small pulses:

Which never really helped anyone and that explains why for more than 5 years no one had any working device using his "discovery"...

So excellent, I just told Cd_Sharp few a weeks ago that I intend to find a way to trigger the deletion of the ZPM threads there. That site lost the right to keep information about ZPM long time ago, I don't want ZPM to be associated in any way with the paranoia there, with a religious-like cult and a wannabe cult leader.

I just saw this:

It's on the old aboveunity site and it's quite shocking, is he implying or trying to say he's Yahweh now ?..

What a shame, that used to be a free-energy research site with real and skilled researchers...

Well, we should've seen this coming, all the components of an religious cult are there now and fit in place.

The paranoia, the "Bible of the partnered output coils" (actually some coils taken from one of the Don Smith's devices), the "dark forces" trying to stop him and his site (actually the site is going down on itself for more than a year because of bad performance and bad code changes not because it's attacked), the "infidels" (meaning all the researchers questioning those useless partnered output coils, researchers which left him and are active here)... all the pieces of an religious cult are there.

I'll start importing the ZPM threads here as this is its rightful home, the place where it must be.

It will take some time as there are tons of information, experiments and test results but I'll work on it as I find time. I'll make sure all the information will be here in our new home.



"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
cd_sharp posted this 19 December 2022

Very well, we'll have the ZPM info home. From my point of view Chris Sykes is a useful idiot. He's doing the job of his lifetime enemies. Stay strong!

If you know how to build such a device and you're not sharing, you're a schmuck! - Graham Gunderson

Fighter posted this 19 December 2022

He is doing their job better than "they" would ever hoped.

For 5 years now he is presenting as a "solution" 3 coils stolen from one of Don Smith devices which cannot and will never work without the rest of the device. That's why no one have been able to build any functional device using his "solution" which he claims it's his discovery.

He disappeared for seven months leaving the entire team in dark without their experiments and their testing data.

So we needed to search for our team members and to reunite our core team of researchers together in our secondary/backup forum.

When he returned he started attacking his own team, propagating disinformation and lies about them and dismantling the team.

After we built our new forum he kept propagating lies and disinformation about his former team, accusing us of fake data even if he never shared in his entire life the amount of experiments, demos and tests we shared on his site.

He kept his ZPM replication secret until I forced him to make it public, after that he started attacking ZPM saying it's fake and it's "just a toy". After we presented two new successful ZPM replications he desperately kept attacking what we presented.

Now he deleted all the information I shared so others can't have it while trying to replicate ZPM.

Looking back at the past and at his actions it's clear to me that he switched sides long time ago. His actions show us who he really is, he's doing enemy's job even better than the enemy would ever dream of.

But not good enough to stop us on our way, we all gonna meet in Rome (as Yoel said) while he will be somewhere in the past paying for his actions. What a shame, he used to be one of us.

Karma never sleeps, my friends...

Stay strong!


"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
Munny posted this 20 December 2022



I'll start importing the ZPM threads here as this is its rightful home, the place where it must be.

It will take some time as there are tons of information, experiments and test results but I'll work on it as I find time. I'll make sure all the information will be here in our new home.

Many thanks for doing this.  I was able to snag the videos and images from AU last week, but I hadn't yet pulled the text.

Were you planning on just doing a dump of what you had or preferrably filtering out all the noise and just keeping the pertinent info?


Fighter posted this 20 December 2022

Replying To: Munny

No problem.

I intend to import everything just like it was in the original threads including the "noise".

At that time even the criticisms were constructive and there could be things which I missed at that time and which could prove important later.

So yes, the entire threads will be imported, which will take some time.

Something else, all the images from the threads were actually hosted on an external site:

I also intend to import on our server all the images from that external site so we have them here and don't depend on that external site for images.

Which will also extend the importing time.

But until then I prepared an archive which can be downloaded by everyone when needed, it contains 3 threads :

  • Romanian ZPM (Zero Point Module);
  • Romanian ZPM (Zero Point Module) - Enhancements Stage;
  • Chris's Replication of Fighters ZPM.

It can be downloaded from my cloud here:

Password: 884276



"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
Fighter posted this 13 February 2023

Hello friends,

After one week of working in the evenings, nights and in this weekend I'm glad to say we have the first ZPM thread imported and back online.

Finally the ZPM is at its home, its rightful place to be.

You can see it in the threads and also I added it to the Beyond-Unity Devices widget, you'll find there every time it's needed:

Each post was manually restored. Over 200 posts content formatted and their timestamps set, over 140 photos uploaded directly on our server and inserted into the posts, a lot of work but it's definitively worth the effort considering all the detailed information, experiments and testing data contained within it.

Now using our Image Magnifier feature everyone will be able to zoom in the images, to see more information and details - something which was not and it's still not possible on the old aboveunity site. There is necessary to open a image separately in order to see the details contained within it.

Another thing I'm glad for is the ZPM is no longer associated in any way with a mentally ill person and with the old site, a place of paranoia, lies, disinformation, an religious-like cult with its wannabe cult leader banning "infidels" and preaching the "Bible" of the so-called partnered output coils which obviously is a road going nowhere as long as after more than 5 years no one was able to successfully use them in any device.

Now I'll start working on importing the second ZPM thread which is also a big task, it depends on when and how much time I'll have in the next week, probably I'll work in evenings and nights after the daily job work just as I did for the first thread.



"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
Jagau posted this 06 March 2023

hello fighter

It's a lot of work that you have done, I have spent the time to read it again, it is very instructive and will be useful to the whole community of researchers.
THANKS for your time,


Fighter posted this 06 March 2023

Thank you Jagau,

Yes, there are all the experiments, tests, data and details related to the ZPM. Spent a lot of time for documenting in details every experiment and organize all the information for sharing, it would be a shame to not have everything available online again for our team and for the community.

Still there is some more time needed to finish importing the second thread, I'll do it as I find time.



"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla