The Aether Field Exists

  • Last Post 17 December 2024
Jagau posted this 01 May 2024

Hi all

Michelson and Morley Interferometer experiment failed due to lack of equipment .

US Air Force repeated the experiment in 1986 and discovered that the field actually exists.

Not only that, The field measured the same way Michelson and Morley predicted. This was published in the journal Nature by the author of the experiment.


And we have the proof, check this pdf, read special relativity part

At the end we see that they do not need to repeat the Michelson and Morley experiment.


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Jagau posted this 01 May 2024

Hi all

Michelson and Morley Interferometer experiment failed due to lack of equipment .

US Air Force repeated the experiment in 1986 and discovered that the field actually exists.

Not only that, The field measured the same way Michelson and Morley predicted. This was published in the journal Nature by the author of the experiment.


And we have the proof, check this pdf, read special relativity part

At the end we see that they do not need to repeat the Michelson and Morley experiment.


Attached Files

YoElMiCrO posted this 02 May 2024

Hello everyone.


After seeing that ZPM extracts energy from some non-E/H field
as well as other devices, to be able to finish understanding what it is that
come on, I'm doing one last experiment, with the I should
once the nature of that hypothetical field has been determined.
I think Floy Sweet figured it out and just called it motional E field.
Remember... E=(BxV)+(-Bx-V)=2E.
I think it's all ultimately about that field, they've given it so many
names that already exist is confusion.
I'll keep you posted.
Thank you in advance...


Jagau posted this 02 May 2024

Quoting Yoelmicro

 I think it's all ultimately about that field,

Yes my friend I think so.

Listen to this retired geologies of fossils university professor talk about “DARK MATTER”

The punch is at 21 min 53 sec you will understand.


Pay attention when he says "Thats a lot of energy'"


Fighter posted this 03 May 2024

I agree, there is no doubt anymore about the existence of the Zero-Point/Aether/Quantum field (how we name it is not really important at all).

That is the source of extra-energy for all our devices and that's how our devices go overunity.

That is the key to the technologies we're experimenting with. That's the big part which Heaviside removed from the original equations of Maxwell and the reason he did that was not for simplifying those equations.

The reason "they" did that was to remove any possibility for the "offcial" physics researchers to design and build overunity devices. Why ? It's simple, that was a threat for Big-Oil's profit of hundreds of trillions made in the last 100 years.

But not anymore, we know here about that field and we saw it in action in all our overunity experimental devices.

So for those useless trolls coming with b*llsh*t quotes like "there is no such thing as a free lunch", "you cannot create energy from nothing", 'measurement errors", "you cannot break the laws of conservation of energy" and stupid things like these (just proving the fact they have no clue about this field and the amount of energy it can provide) I have just one thing to say:



"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
Jagau posted this 03 May 2024

About Heaviside, Éric Dollar ing wrote:

For situations involving the dimension of space no suitable algebra has yet been developed. All efforts by the great mathematicians during the 19th century were fruitless, except Oliver Heaviside’s. Heaviside gave a system of vector expressions, divergence, curl, and potential, which today are WRONGLY called “Maxwell’s Equations.” They are not, they are Heaviside’s equations, and they are NOT algebraic. But these equations have become the “Tablets of Moses”, bringing from the skies the laws of electromagnetism. But no mention is ever found on the laws of Magneto-Dielectricity, a serious drawback.

I think Heaviside was the victim of all these so-called right-thinking people.

And more on Éric Dollar writing;

These lines can be considered “tubes of force” a hydro-dynamical vortex tube of sorts. Here we find the “hydro-dynamical model of the aether” as given by James Clerk Maxwell. Understanding of this sort has been buried by the relativists and quantum car mechanics. From the initial concept of Faraday, thru the theoretical reasoning of Maxwell, into the experimentalist like Crookes and J.J. Thomson, it gave an ENGINEERABLE CONCEPT of the primordial aether. Finally Nikola Tesla, Oliver Heaviside, and Carl Steinmetz turned this into today’s electrical technology.

Oliver Heaviside was a self-taught and brilliant mathematician. He was F.R.S. and they had a lot of trouble accepting him into their group and most of his writing had to receive their censorship before being published. He wrote several books including:

Electromagnetic theory by Oliver Heaviside

Chap 1, page 6, the important thing proved is that electromagnetic waves in the aether at least approximately in accordance with Maxwell's theory are a reality, and that the Faraday-Maximilian method is the correct one.
Page18 Maxwell's theory of dielectric displacement furnishes what is wanted to explain results which are in some respects rather unintelligible when deduced in the above manner without reference to electrostatic phenomena.



Jagau posted this 15 May 2024

Another electronics engineer, Partha Sarathi Mishra, who thinks the same thing as us here my friends we are not alone. Parta is Electronics and Communication Engineering.
Read this link, very interesting.

Look at the challenge he threw to any electronics engineer to explain to him how this circuit works, with the way it is explained nowadays, you will quickly understand that it makes no sense. Tesla, Steinmitz and Heaviside were right.

the challenge link to read here:


Jagau posted this 25 May 2024

another excellent video on Stenmetz

and Dielectric field


Vidura posted this 26 May 2024

Hi all, here below a video documentary about the most ancient known source of atomic theory from India and it's spiritual background. If you find it too much of topic just skip, or tell me to remove the post.


Jagau posted this 28 May 2024

Electricity and Nature

Five differents interesting subject to read.


1.Tesla Wireless System - An Introduction

2.Electron - A Mathematical Fiction

3.A capacitor problem and application of hysteresis.

4.How does a capacitor actually get charged and discharged?

5.Electricity is NOT Electrons


Jagau posted this 16 June 2024

Hi all

A quick word about G-force


Jagau posted this 30 July 2024

The Fundamental Importance of Ether

In the design of his systems, Tesla implies, or even explicitly writes, that they operate thanks to the subtle substance that fills the universe and permeates everything, namely, the ether.

Thus, in his lecture given before the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, at Columbia College, New York, on May 20, 1891, (Experiments With Alternating Currents of Very High Frequency, and Their Application to Methods of Artificial Illumination), he states:

Quote from N.Tesla

Nature has accumulated in the universe an infinite energy. The eternal receiver and transmitter of this infinite energy is the ether. The recognition of the existence of ether and its functions is one of the most important results of modern scientific research... The hypothesis of a medium permeating all space and connecting all raw materials, has freed the minds of thinkers from an ever-present doubt and, by opening a new horizon - new and unforeseen possibilities - has given a new interest to phenomena that have long been familiar to us...


Quote from Alain Boudet
PhD in Physical Sciences

We are now convinced that electrical and magnetic phenomena are attributable to ether, and we are perhaps justified in saying that the effects of static electricity are effects of ether under stress, and those of dynamic electricity and electromagnetism are effects of ether in motion.


