Website performance

  • Last Post 04 October 2022
Fighter posted this 07 August 2022

Talking about website performance...

That's why we implemented our own features which are not present in the old site.

Like the paging functionality for the posts in a thread (implemented by Cd_Sharp, thank you buddy !):

You would say someone with "three decade's of IT experience" should know...

Of course, the reason why his site is going down almost every day for years have nothing to do with his site's poor performance and his unstable internet connection, it must be because of our "attacks" or "other forces' attacks" wanting to stop him. πŸ˜‰

It's easier to find someone to blame than to really do something to fix the real issues or at least to acknowledge the real issues. And asking users to use Linux and customized browsers is not an option nor will make the real issues dissapear.

This is just one of the features and reasons why our site is 4-5 times faster than his old site.

Also the fiber-optics internet connection and the Romanian internet which is #4 in the top of fastest in the world. Not even a Starlink satellite connection would ever come close to fiber-optics connection and one of the fastest internet in the world.

So, as someone would say, our site's performance is "light years ahead" of the old site ☺️

Should I start talking about the security and show the thousands of attempted attacks coming every day to our site ? We don't complain about that, it was something we expected considering the content of our site.

Let's just say our site is like an UFO, when it feels it's being locked-on (someone is launching an attack) it dissapears in thin air (the attacker's IP is banned for a while, forced to take a break).

Again, "light years ahead"... πŸ˜ƒ



"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
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Fighter posted this 07 August 2022

Talking about website performance...

That's why we implemented our own features which are not present in the old site.

Like the paging functionality for the posts in a thread (implemented by Cd_Sharp, thank you buddy !):

You would say someone with "three decade's of IT experience" should know...

Of course, the reason why his site is going down almost every day for years have nothing to do with his site's poor performance and his unstable internet connection, it must be because of our "attacks" or "other forces' attacks" wanting to stop him. πŸ˜‰

It's easier to find someone to blame than to really do something to fix the real issues or at least to acknowledge the real issues. And asking users to use Linux and customized browsers is not an option nor will make the real issues dissapear.

This is just one of the features and reasons why our site is 4-5 times faster than his old site.

Also the fiber-optics internet connection and the Romanian internet which is #4 in the top of fastest in the world. Not even a Starlink satellite connection would ever come close to fiber-optics connection and one of the fastest internet in the world.

So, as someone would say, our site's performance is "light years ahead" of the old site ☺️

Should I start talking about the security and show the thousands of attempted attacks coming every day to our site ? We don't complain about that, it was something we expected considering the content of our site.

Let's just say our site is like an UFO, when it feels it's being locked-on (someone is launching an attack) it dissapears in thin air (the attacker's IP is banned for a while, forced to take a break).

Again, "light years ahead"... πŸ˜ƒ



"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
Fighter posted this 09 August 2022

Just ignore this post guys, it's a reply to this thread from the old aboveunity site:

Nah, not really, we're software developers with decades in software development, not just some generic "IT Experience". We write our own code, we don't need to copy things from stackoverflow.

The fact that you're saying that shows that's what you do πŸ˜‰

About modifying someone else's code, are you talking about the MVC Forum platform ? The one your site is using too ?

Don't tell me you didn't modified someone else's code, meaning the default open-source code of the MVC Forum...

You make no sense, like everything you say usually. My behavior is exactly what you deserve, don't complain about behavior after your pathetic behavior, lies and trash talk you said and keep saying about us.

Even a kid using basic logic can see through your lies after seeing all the evidences here:

You thought the fact that we can't reply on your site means we will not reply ? Well, anyone wanting to know the truth about what you did can see exactly that in our public answer.

Now get back to your old site, "light years ahead"... not. Keep accusing others for the obvious performance and internet connection issues of your site, it's easier that way.

About "having nothing", what do you have ? We both know you have nothing. And everyone can see that if  you would have something after all these years at least one or maybe more would have self-running machines there. No one have one. All what you have is the entire core team of experimenters leaving your site because of the bullying, mistreatment, lies and your serious issues manifesting there.

About the "UFO", try it, see what happens... πŸ˜‰

"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
Fighter posted this 10 August 2022

And then he deleted his thread. Good.

"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
Atti posted this 10 August 2022;topicseen#msg99871


Concerning replications:

When an inventor (Melnichenko) or a replicator (Jagau) claims a certain effect (like COP > 1 by both),  and REQUESTS other replicators to join them to confirm this claim,
it is IMHO the DUTY of the claimant to provide the replicators with ALL information needed to come to the same result (COP > 1).

If you want to entertain people by presenting puzzles to them, you should not REQUEST for replicators to join, but puzzle enthusiasts.

Throwing bread crumbs and expecting the replicators to figure out how it works without showing the used circuit, some in- and output measurements, components used, etc.
will quickly raise the suspicion that the claimant does NOT have anything special to show and is provoking the replicators to connect the dots and find the effect for him.

I know Jagau is not such a person and there are probably some other factors involved why he is so reluctant to provide details of his working circuit, but this leads to
nothing and only gets the honest working replicators frustrated (not to mention the costs involved).

We are all in this for the benefit of humankind, so playing games on "who is the best" or "who is light years ahead" or "who knows it all" is childish the least and bordering to unacceptable behavior IMO.



For all researchers!

I completely agree with Itsu's statement.
Unfortunately, time has shown us the behavior of various fraudulent people over several decades. So everyone is rightly cautious about different measurements or presentations. And he is also rightly cautious about statements without facts.

This does not mean that people should not work on the solution!
This does not mean that all statements come from fraudulent people!

Researchers are not necessarily looking for different solutions based on financial considerations. Protecting our environment is a basic interest for all living beings. So it's not just for humans. Live anywhere on Earth.
A person is a person because he tries to think and take his place in the wider world by virtue of his acquired wisdom.

It's a tragedy for everyone.

"Mondottam, ember, küzdj és bízva bízzál!"

Fighter posted this 12 August 2022

Just to clarify something, the things I agree with from the previous post are:

We are all in this for the benefit of humankind, so playing games on "who is the best" or "who is light years ahead" or "who knows it all" is childish the least and bordering to unacceptable behavior IMO.


This does not mean that people should not work on the solution!
This does not mean that all statements come from fraudulent people!

Researchers are not necessarily looking for different solutions based on financial considerations.

I my opinion Jagau is not wrong and his calculations are correct. And maybe I'm not an expert in these calculations but also YoElMiCrO didn't said there is something wrong with the calculations.

In my opinion Jagau should not put at heart what Itsu says, that is between Itsu and Chris and it's about old issues.

Chris did the same bullshit, lies and trash talk against others too and Itsu is one of them. Cd_Sharp told me that at some point Chris called Itsu stupid so there are obvious old issues. That explains why Itsu refused to join aboveunity.

I know Jagau for a long time and he is an knowledgeable experimenter and he should just ignore that discussion between Chris and Itsu. Just because Itsu didn't succeeded in replicating Jagau's experiment that doesn't mean the experiment and the results are not real.

Edit: as usually Chris is trying to get credit about Jagau's experiment even if it has nothing to to with his "partnered output coils"... πŸ˜ƒ Let's give him time, I'm sure the time will come when Chris will say Jagau stolen from him too... πŸ˜‰




"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
Fighter posted this 15 August 2022

And other thing to make us smile today. πŸ˜ƒ For sure it made me smile...

Finally someone "implimented" pagination on his site. Yeeey !... It only took about 5 years... πŸ™ƒ

His site is also using the MVC Forum but he's very upset that others are using the same open-source code and made their own project (our project's code name is "Project Phoenix") which works better and looks better.

Currently we have about 130 commits in GitHub for features and customization of our project, he thinks those commits contain "a few lines of code". He really have no idea about software development, probably he didn't made that many code commits in his entire life.

5 years... For implementing just a thing for some performance improvement... After he saw it on our site... Because it's easier to just sit on your lazy ass and blame others for your site's issues or your poor internet connection.

"The site is down because they are attacking us !"... Boohoo...πŸ˜‚ His site had major performance issues and was going down on itself for more than a year, long time before we left. Also his site had serious connection issues when a single member was backing up data at his own request. Guess what would happen if we really would attack his site πŸ˜‰ What a clown...

So who's really looking stupid in front of the community ?... πŸ˜„

So much frustration... I guess that's because he's "light years ahead"... not. πŸ˜„

Edit: he didn't even copied well our implementation. If you click "Latest by" in the list of threads the thread is loaded without pagination and all the posts are loaded on the same page. Just like before and performance gain is 0. That's what happens when you think a feature implementation means a "few lines of code".

And there are many other things affected by the pagination feature but I'm gonna let him discover them... This is going to be fun πŸ˜‹



"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
Fighter posted this 02 October 2022

And I just want to share one of the latest performance benchmarks for BeyondUnity.

Of course we want to compare our performance with a site which is "light years ahead"... πŸ™ƒ

The test below is made using measuring performance from a server located in Washington, U.S. It's just one of the many tests made using servers from all continents, the results are approximately the same.

The video shows how each site is loaded in time and the timer for each site stops when the site is 100% loaded.


So, according to our calculations, our site is about (47.7 - 7.6 =) 40.1 light years ahead or 6.27 times faster, isn't it ? ☺️



"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
Fighter posted this 02 October 2022

And, of course, after permanently attacking us for months ("I would avoid this", sure...), he keeps repeating the same lies and bullshit about us even if we presented all the proofs that he is lying:

And now some replies:

  • "the same open source software, is faster on his system, than mine?" - it's not the same anymore, we have features and performance improvements developed by us which your site doesn't.
  • "Does this very sad individual understand what a VPN is? Or why his country has been bandwidth Limited for this very reason!!!" - Actually you're the sad one, I understand very well what a VPN is and many other IT things which you have no clue about, the problem is not the VPN as much as the performance of your site. There are probably thousands of webservers using the same VPN you use, I don't think all of them go down at every 2-3 days like your site does. And by the way, it doesn't matter if you limited the bandwidth for Romania, what you say makes no sense as that measurement is done using a server from Washington, U.S. ! So that's how someone from U.S. see the performance of your site compared with ours ! And the situation is about the same from other continents.
  • "Now he spends all his time Copying My Website! Poorly BTW!" - nope, we're developing performance improvements and features which your site doesn't have, if our site would be a copy of yours we would have the same performance issues your site have, we don't make that mistake, our site is developed from ground up using the open-source MVC Forum platform. Actually you upgraded TinyMCE component on your site after you saw we're using the latest version. Also you tried to implement paging on your site after your saw our paging feature. By the way, you implemented it poorly, when someone click "Latest By" in the threads list, all the thread's posts are loaded in the same page, no pagination and no performance improvement there. So you're here daily trying to copy features you don't have but you pretend we copied from you ?! πŸ˜€ The reason our site looks "familiar" is simple: both sites are using the same open-source platform named MVC Forum (, all the members of our team used to be members of AboveUnity (before you started to abuse, invent lies about them and act like a mentally ill person) and they are very familiar with the platform. That's the reason of our platform choice and the layout. By the way, the layout your site is using is the default layout from the MVC Forum: content in the middle with thread list or the content of a thread when opened, title above and widgets on the right side. You didn't modified anything in the layout !The same layout like ours because our site also use the default layout from MVC Forum platform. Maybe you're talking about the RevolverMaps widget ? I used it for many years before your site came online so no, just because us or someone else are using RevolverMaps it doesn't mean it's copied from your site.
  • "He has nothing! Zero Experiment, Zero Technology! Never had anything! He also tried to copy My Partnered Output Coils and make them his Own Also, hilariously failing!" - my ZPM was up and running when I joined your site just to present it.

        As usually you lie like a little b... πŸ˜„ I presented in just a single year more experiments than you presented your entire life ! Just check the ZPM threads, you presented almost nothing compared to me ! And "your" partnered output coils were used by  Don Smith, Kapanadze, Akula, Melnichenko and othes in their devices long before you "discovered" them. Their devices have equal and opposing coils in them. I suppose, just like me, they all stolen your "discovery", isn't ? πŸ˜„

  • "taking My Website Down for almost a Week, is still having Terrible Days!" - your site is going down on its own for almost two years now ! Long-long time before we left ! That doesn't mean is someone's fault, just yours ! But it's easier to blame on others and talk about your site being attacked than to admit the real reasons why your site is going down so often for years, isn't ? "Oh, no, they are attacking us !". Boohoo... nobody's attacking you, sad boy, just your site has bad performance and your internet connection is unreliable... That's all !

Just go get your pills, no sane person would lie and act like you did and still do...

Edit: "I am not going to post a link to his copied website" - as I explained above, there is nothing to copy from a poor-performance site like yours. And, talking about stupidity, you don't need to post our site's address, it's already shown in my YouTube video you just posted on your site... πŸ˜„

"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
Fighter posted this 02 October 2022

Is this guy really that stupid ?

He posted this, pretending ZPM was made using "his" bucking coils:

Maybe he is unable to read properly so I will put a quote here:

He's always rambling using the same phrases about opposing coils and opposing magnetic fields. There are opposing output coils and magnetic fields in many devices like Bearden's MEG, Don Smith's devices, Akula's devices or Kapanadze's device to name just a few. Even me I used opposing output coils in my ZPM and I've built it before knowing about his site and his "discovery". It's nothing new. I joined his forum just to present ZPM to everyone there.

The thing is he didn't came with anything new or something useful. If there would be anything new in what he's always repeating like a parrot then after so many years many there would already have self-running devices. But no one there have any device, not even him.

What I was talking about is all the devices of the inventors I mentioned above are using the same phenomenon of opposing magnetic fields pulsing at high frequency and magnetic resonance. Now maybe all those inventors stolen his "discovery" too, isn't ? πŸ˜€

When Cd_Sharp asked me to join that site and to present my ZPM, my ZPM was up and running. You have 0 contribution about ZPM, stop trying to lie about this !

Yes, it's using opposing magnetic fields pulsing at high frequency just like the devices like Bearden's MEG, Don Smith's devices, Akula's devices or Kapanadze's device etc. But that's all.

Take a look at ZPM again:

The coils are 300/150 turns, where are the two equal and opposite partnered output coils you're talking about ?

Where is the third coil you're talking about ?

So no, you have 0 contribution in ZPM, as usually you try to present other inventors ideas as stolen from you:

The truth is this:

And nothing from your rambling and lies not gonna change that.

If you think all your lies and bullshit you post on your site about us will remain without replies, you're very wrong. Everyone interested in the truth about who you really are and what you really do will find information, facts and proofs here. There are still a few who believe your lies there without even trying to check your posts. We are not interested in that kind of people so lazy that they are unable to find information and to have their own opinions about what you're posting. You can keep those few πŸ˜‰

Now get your pills, go back at the bench and present something which is entirely your idea. 'Cause no experiment you presented in all these years is getting even close of the experiments I presented with my ZPM.

And you know that since you successfully replicated ZPM and you saw it's functioning exactly as I shown in my experiments. Including the ZPM specific waveform. And since then you kept your replication secret. Because "you want to share" with the members of your site, isn't ? πŸ˜‰ That shows your real face and your real intentions and no matter what lies you post about us, we both know who you really are.

And, I repeat, no sane and mentally healthy person would do what you did and would say those lies you say.

Like deleting Cd_Sharp's thread and accusing him of deletion ? Just one thing from many which shows what a pathetic excuse of a human being your are...

"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
Fighter posted this 04 October 2022

For Thaelin:

You can do packet sniff as much as you want, it's just regular JavaScript. All sites do that. As a matter of fact the size of Javascript our site is sending is smaller than the one sent by aboveunity.

And something else, if your machine's CPU goes 100% just by using a browser then it's something wrong with your system, this is my i7 while navigating our site (and other things running in Win10):

Really, you better check your machine...



"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
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Fighter posted this 04 October 2022

Go get your pills, boy...

"Apples and oranges" meaning measuring the performance of two sites in the same conditions using the same location in the world (Washington, U.S.) ? It's apple and apple, boy, just one is damaged, it has really bad performance...

"Thruth is defintely not his strong point!", really ? And this is coming from someone who is lying like a little b**** and throwing trash at us for months ?

This is the thruth, boy, the "wronging" you're lying about, the post you deleted so others don't see through your lies:

So cut your bullshit, only the ones too lazy to check the facts still believe your lies. A very few...

"A real testament to his skills" ? Yes, the difference in performance between our sites and the fact that you're unable to properly implement a simple paging mechanism for your site so you can gain some performance says it all.

I'm developing software since 2000 and I worked in many companies including IBM and Dell, where did you developed software ? At home watching YouTube tutorials ? Get some real skills and some experience then talk...

By the way, your site is so messed up that you lost Jagau's entire thread and you have no idea why. Very "professional"... Over 30 years of experience in IT, you said ? Sure... You'd be fired instantly for this in any company... πŸ˜‰

And again, don't forget about your pills...

"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla