Wistiti experience :)

  • Last Post 04 January 2023
Wistiti posted this 27 December 2022

Hi freind!

I will put in this tread my personal experience.

No matter for me, the divergence between both forums. For me, it's 2 groups of buddies who are looking towards the best for everyone. šŸŒž

Just share everything together. We will find!

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Wistiti posted this 27 December 2022

Hi freind!

I will put in this tread my personal experience.

No matter for me, the divergence between both forums. For me, it's 2 groups of buddies who are looking towards the best for everyone. šŸŒž

Just share everything together. We will find!

Wistiti posted this 27 December 2022

Here's some pics of my next experience. šŸŒž

cd_sharp posted this 27 December 2022

Hey, Wistiti, it looks good. Of course, any research that can lead "to Rome" is welcome, POC-s or other tech. Feel free to share as you wish, friend!

Stay strong!

If you know how to build such a device and you're not sharing, you're a schmuck! - Graham Gunderson

Vasile posted this 28 December 2022


Here's some pics of my next experience. šŸŒž

Your setup reminds me of T1000's experiment with the TV yoke


I do not know if you are trying to do the same thing but I advise on being very carefull as I understand his setup posed some health hazards because of the inappropriate high frequency and high power. I remember there where about 3 researchers doing this. One of them lost his hair for a period of time, another had headaches for about 2 weeks, etc. A Faraday cage could prove usefull if you plan on going on this path.

Wistiti posted this 28 December 2022

Thanks for the information. 
I'm not trying this concept . I'm just revisiting my old experience and try different things around it. 

Just a place to share my findings.  

Fighter posted this 03 January 2023

Hi Wistiti,

I hope you don't mind, I edited your post to show directly the images you attached.

That's very interesting, Don Smith or Tom Bearden (I don't remember right now which one) said that is the overunity device we all had in our homes in our TVs without knowing it.

Electrons accelerator, starting with just a limited number of electrons, accelerating them and on the way those electrons accelerating others in an avalanche effect. Ending up with hundreds times more electrons with high-speed and high-energy hitting the phosphorus layer on the CRT screen to create dynamic images.

It's creating a powerful beam of high-speed high-energy electrons from just a bunch of electrons initially.

Vasile is right, use a Faraday cage and be careful with that beam, in our research safety first is a requirement.

Thanks for sharing your experiments.



"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
Wistiti posted this 04 January 2023

Replying To: Fighter

Thank you for putting directly the image in my post, I wondering how to do it with my cellphone. Thanks for the safety advice. For now I'm still playing with low voltage and relatively low frequency. In the image above I was trying to integrate the zpm to my old experiences. Nothing interesting to report for the moment... šŸŒž
