Adams Motor-Generator

  • Last Post 2 days ago
olli posted this 4 weeks ago

Dear researchers,

I would like to open a discussion about the Adams Motor-Generator in general and specifically my and others actual replication attempts.

Short intro to myself:
Since I got access to the internet in the late 90s the idea of overunity and "free" energy is thrilling me. So over the years I was sucking in every piece of information related to this topic - but only theoretically. One and a half year ago, after I got rid of my wife (what a waste of energy) and also being really anoyed buy this inflationary rise of "free" energy scammers, I decided to replicate one of those devices I knew already from my studies. I was not really choosing one, but coincidentally the device chose me - while I was again "researching", I stumbled upon the nexus magazine offer to buy/download the manual by Robert Adams: (I can give anybody a copy on demand).

I started to build my first motor-only device with LEGO Technic and some self-made coils and the original circuit by Adams. This was really fun and gave me a lot of confidence, that I am at least capable to create something "rotating".

...if you look carefully, you will see, that at this time I even was not really capable of properly setting up the scope šŸ˜Š.

Next was a more "serious" variation, where I designed some polycarbonate "housing" and put the coils between the rotors to use both sides of the coils...

...even though this design seems better, I wanted to have some sort of flexibillity in terms of controlling all the aspects of the replication/research, e.g. changing the angle of the coils while running to see and tune - Adams mentions an angle of 20 degrees for the feedback coils, but I have the feeling, this angle is related to the actual duty cycle of the machine - so a rigid setup, where you have to shutdown, adjust or even reassemble things is just sucking.

I came up with a better approach for my next design, where I am able to change coils in a reasonable amount of time and where I can rotate the coil stators 360 degrees while running and to change the duty cycle and the angle of the hall sensor... 

... for now I want to close this introduction...

Many thanks to the provider/operator of this forum - it is really hard to find people for exchange in this specific topics!


olli posted this 3 days ago

Replying To: Jagau

Hey Jagau,

I annotated a picture of my POC, where you may see the components of the switching part of the motor:

So this "tool" enables me, to freely choose the angle of the pulse and also the pulse width related to a full circle (duty cycle). I was also building a star wheel like Adams, with bras and resin, but that failed soon, since the resin built a fine dust which affected switching...

My latest circuit is here:

...I believe this circuit is wrong, but it resulted in a very suprising behavior:


  1. tuning hall sensor and feedback coils angle for max. frequency at 32 V
  2. increasing the voltage to around 42 V -> there is a resonance point where the frequency starts to ramp up further
  3. now further tuning the hall sensor is possible -> increasing frequency and obviously input power
  4. after max. tuning of hall sensor, tuning of feedback coils is possible -> further increasing frequncy and input power
  5. iron cores of the motor coils start to get sucked towards the rotor, sliding and scratching it -> I got really afraid, that magnets start taking off...

The mosfet got way too hot, so I believe the feedback is not properly taken away from it. The initial input power was around 32 V * 0.5 A and after this special resosance tuning it was at 42 V  * 3 A. The weird thing - after stopping the motor in this setup, I could not start it in the same direction anymore - I had to "retune" it to the previos 32 V state...

The capacitor C3 enables this "feature"... I will try to replicate this with another set of coils (with the old ones, I was not counting winding turns so I cannot really document their properties)...


PS: I believe the "free energy secret" is absolutelly related (if not identical) to the "human energy secret" and how a human being "functions", works and connects on his energy level of reality. In German we call Voltage "Spannung" and we use the same term if somebody is under stress or tension on behalf of his environment and his inner state. So I believe there are identical "human components" for storing energy (dielectric or magnetic field), for releasing and also attaching and resonating to others - our brain has a lot of wiring and winding... All these psycho-energic human tricks of manipulation, theft and parasitic behavior is rooted in these secrets...

Jagau posted this 3 days ago

Hello Olli
Thanks for answering. I saw your switching system thank you it look good.

 Yes, we are making efforts as for the participation in the Adams engine, the interest is there and I believe that other participants will join us soon to find the final secret of the Adams engine.

Through this forum I believe it is possible to achieve this. 

Just another question is, is your electronic diagram yours or does it come from somewhere else?


Vidura posted this 3 days ago

Hi Olli, Neatly built your motor-generator. 

How are you guys dealing with the linearly increasing tension of the wire when you add layer after layer? This "problem" is sometimes pulling/slipping the wire into the layer underneath and so introducing a kind of winding bug, which affects all layers above in an exponential way...

Regarding the windings, I use a coustom made winding maschine made of a 12v drillmaschine, I have adapted a speedcontroller with a pedal for regulation, so I can use both hands to handle the wire. I give the wire tension by sustaining it with gloves or a peace of wood. The layer problem I could resolve by placing a paper tape over each layer to avoid the wire going in between the former  layer.

Regarding the resonance issue, I am pritty sure that Mr. Adams mostly referred to magnetic resonance, as his presented circuit diagrams are very simple and do appearently not represent LCR resonant systems. As he stated a torough fine tuning is nececary to bring the maschine in this condition. Anyway In my opinion it should be possible to achieve cop>1 also out of resonance, altough not with the same performance. Later I will post some hypothesis about the principle which might be involved, and also an idea about a controlled resonant motor.




Atti posted this 2 days ago

Hi Jagau.


 I noticed some interesting things and I would like to understand better.


What do you think is interesting? What exactly do you mean?


Jagau posted this 2 days ago

As you know I am building this motor and noticed in this picture that you are using the fall time of the hall sensor to activate your mosfet.

There are different ways to activate the mosfet, either by state change, by rise time or fall time, I was wondering how you did it that's all.

Found this interesting your switching method.

We can see at the end of the fall time that there is no lag in the switching which is what I found even more interesting.

Because the time the Hall sensor detects the position of the magnet plus the switching time on the mosfet gate and the switching delay of the mosfet itself is there and this is what I found the most difficult to adjust for now.

