Ferrite at Work

  • Last Post 03 September 2024
Jagau posted this 16 December 2023

I transferred my thread on Ferrite at Work here to BeyondUnity.org

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Jagau posted this 16 December 2023

I transferred my thread on Ferrite at Work here to BeyondUnity.org

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Jagau posted this 12 September 2020

An easy to assemble circuit that works, I have tried it myself and it is stable and functional.

This circuit is not from me it is from a Russian researcher who introduces himself under the nick name of "not a square" in russian  'Не квадрат'' 'on this website you can talk to him.

The circuit has been working for 5 days now and the voltage is very stable. Here is the circuit:

I admit that I am happy with the result and that the ferrite fuel is doing its job. This circuit deserves to be studied and developed.

A view of the oscilloscope on the collector:

I started at 2.3 volts and now after 5 days the circuit is stabilized at 2.457 volts



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Jagau posted this 12 September 2020

Hi all

If you make the circuit, you don't need the 0.5 capacitor to connect the 1 turn coil to itself.
I also had to adapt the capacitor from 5uf to 1.8uf unpolarized with low ESR
I also spoke to the author of this circuit, he told me he would come to register on here.


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Jagau posted this 13 September 2020

Good morning all

I did in schematic with Spice while respecting the wire colors and the start and end of the wires on each of the 2 ferrites.

A spice reproduction of the author's original drawing.

As I said in a previous post, I modified the circuit a little so that the battery charge increases more quickly. From the first day until today (fifth day) the load has stabilized more than it was at the beginning while still operating the circuit and with the two LEDs on.

Modification I made from original circuit.
I took off the cap. 0.5 uf and connect the loop of 1 single turn without the cap. Adjusted the capacitor from 5uf to 1.8uf which gave me a very quick increase in circuit performance.

I made a second circuit with a TV ferrite that works great too.

Am experimenting with this circuit without any battery, only with preloaded caps and the preliminary results are very good

hope this help


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Jagau posted this 13 September 2020

hi augenblick

Yes the polarities (phase) of the coils are very important.
Follow the color of the wires as I added on the shematic.
Identifying your coils with start and end marks respecting the place where they are located on the ferrite will be easier.
Need help do not hesitate to ask.

At the end of the fifth day both systems are still working very well, I think the ferrite fuel is doing its job, more scopeshot to come


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UndisclosedMember posted this 14 September 2020

Nekvadrat (user name added by Fighter):

 с этого начиналось: 

...подключил к подсевшему аккумулятору (1,18В)...напряжение поднялось до 1,236 - держится несколько часов

Translation (added by Fighter):

this is how it started:

...connected it to a dead battery (1.18V)... the voltage rose to 1.236 - lasts for several hours

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UndisclosedMember posted this 14 September 2020

Nekvadrat (user name added by Fighter):

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Jagau posted this 14 September 2020

Привет, Неквадрат
Я очень горжусь тем, что вы здесь, на этом форуме, добро пожаловать.
Я верю, что все присутствующие смогут оценить ваш проект, потому что только вы его автор.

Я еще раз вернусь к информации, которой вы только что поделились.
с большим интересом, большое спасибо за то, что вы здесь.

P.S. На шестой день две системы все еще очень стабильны и функциональны, напряжение не падает, как предсказал Неквадрат. Да, я тоже верю этому А.У.


Hello Nekvadrat
I am very proud that you are here in this forum, and welcome.
I believe that everyone present will be able to appreciate your project, because only you are its author.

I will come back to the information you just shared.
with great interest, thank you very much for being here.

P.S. On the sixth day, the two systems are still very stable and functional, the voltage does not drop as Nekvadrat predicted. Yes, I also believe this A.U.


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Jagau posted this 14 September 2020

The circuit I did on Spice is the one to try for now and it's the one that works.
There are only 6 coils in this configuration and the sixth coil is not a coil, it is only a 1 turn winding between the two ferrites, so the circuit I have on my table is exactly as done with spice.

As for the two LEDs, with the start of an analysis of the circuit that has not been completed, they act as a switch and not as a load.
As I could see it with my oscilloscope, the circuit does not saturate well on the contrary it consumes almost nothing and moreover it recharges the battery in another time of the oscillation.
There is interaction between the two ferrites in a back and forth movement like a swing that comes and goes to make an image.

As you may have noticed Nekvadrat made some additional modifications to the product circuit at the start.
I will make the modifications as he proposes with another assembly and I will communicate the results.

@Nekvadrat, don't hesitate to take us back when we make mistakes, I think your comments will be greatly appreciated

@Nekvadrat, не стесняйтесь возвращать нас, когда мы делаем ошибки, я думаю, что ваши комментарии будут очень благодарны


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Jagau posted this 14 September 2020

Hi all

A picture is worth a thousand words
The direction of the windings is very important
I took a photo, take a good look at the start and end of each coil.

As you can see the first coil at the top,the white one is a bifiliary winding (2 wires)

Above and below very important, adjust the pot of 100k until an increase in the voltage of the battery.
At the beginning the leds are flashing it's good you have let the system stabilize and you are there.

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UndisclosedMember posted this 15 September 2020

Здравствуйте: Поскольку Есть много рисунков, я хотел бы идти вперед с тем, который вы даты, как 14.1.2013. Можете ли вы сказать мне, сколько жарких используется и какие ветры рассчитывает для каждого, чтобы не иметь путаницы. Спасибо и теплый прием. таелин

Translation (added by Fighter):

Hello: Since there are many drawings, I would like to go ahead with the one you date as 14.1.2013. Can you tell me how many hotpots are used and what winds are calculated for each one so there is no confusion. Thank you and warm welcome. taelin

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