I transferred my thread on Ferrite at Work here to BeyondUnity.org
Ferrite at Work
- Last Post 03 September 2024
Try to reverse the last coil at the bottom
probably just a phase error.
For battery desulphation there are more efficient systems.
It works for the author and me and also several others just a few adjustments you will get there.
Nekvadrat (user name added by Fighter):
Atti возьмите многожильный провод и соедините "восьмеркой" два тора. От оборота "восмерки" в ту или иную сторону - зависит многое...
Translation (added by Fighter):
Atti take a stranded wire and connect the two toruses with a figure of eight. A lot depends on the rotation of the "eight" in one direction or another...
Well I am still puzzled about the circuit. I tried to charge the cap again using a 2n3904. But with 2n3904 It doesn't want to charge the capacitor. But with BD437 "most times" the cap is charging again. It looks that every movement of ferrites gives different results. So my opinion until now is that the tuning has to be done not so much with the trimmer rather with the position of ferrites and their common loop somehow.
Yes you are right Lostfox, I have built a few of them and they all work differently.
Even on a certain model of breadboard it did not work, too much stray capacitance and stray resistance on a breadboard I think.
It is a very subtle circuit but it works very well to recharge batteries that were not full. And the most interesting is that it does not discharge but by operating the circuit for more than 8 days for mine.
To recharge a capacitor I believe that, for the moment, it goes a little too quickly, we must try together with our beautiful team to find how it maintains the voltage of the batteries as well, when we have understood its operation well we can surely go there. with capacitors.
It would have been too easy just to build this little circuit, but I think it's a great start and there are still several hours of fun to experience on this project.
Greeting Lostfox
Hi team.
Just let you know I have stop the experience cause it drained the capacitor...
After seeing the last video of L0stf0x I chose to rearange my setup...
Will let you know ...
Hi team.
Just let you know I have stop the experience cause it drained the capacitor...After seeing the last video of L0stf0x I chose to rearange my setup...
Will let you know ...
Hello Wistiti, are you using that large Maxwell capacitor as your source? If I may offer a suggestion, you might wish to consider a smaller capacitor, between 100uF and 1F. Preferably something with low self-discharge. Consider how much energy it takes to charge a large capacitor like that then also consider the self-discharge of the capacitor. The self-discharge may be higher than the charge rate and so the capacitor will eventually discharge even if the device itself is using less energy than it is producing.
So my opinion until now is that the tuning has to be done not so much with the trimmer rather with the position of ferrites and their common loop somehow.
I got into a similar situation.
After one day of operation, the result is:
the initial voltage of 2.45V did not increase, but did not decrease. The settings need to be changed...
if you can have a circuit with self-oscillation then you can tune your wires so that they meet a sub-harmonic from your resonance frequency. as a result you can have a standing wave in the wire which can provide extra energy to charge your source.
very nice circuit - i plan to try also and will share my experience here.
i plan to try also and will share my experience here.
We welcome you and excitedly.
Hello Atti
Are you using 1.2volt rechargeable batteries??
If this is the case with two batteries the full-charge voltage will be around what you mention 2.45 volts and it is normal that the max is reached, but if the voltage does not drop you have succeeded.
I have approximately the same result as you and voltage do not drop