Replying To: acek
No offence Fighter but I have a feeling I have conversation with Chris.
Seriously ?
First, don't insult me comparing me with that psycho-boy. The simple fact that you're still here and we have this discussion should tell you enough about the freedom of speech on this site.
I didn't attacked the members of my own team like that guy did making false accusations about each of them and spreading disinformation about them including about myself. Actually I'm proud of our team and I'm glad I'm part of this team and I can exchange information, ideas, experiments and results with real open-minded researchers having tens of years of experience in electronics and physics.
Then, unlike that guy, I've came with my own "exotic" device and made it public, published the details and many members of our team replicated it successfully and made public their replications here. I've presented a demo device manifesting unusual effects (input decreasing to a few milliamperes while output increasing and powering 55W light bulbs) while after more than 7 years he is still unable to show any demo device using his so-called "partnered output coils". And he is pretending he "saved the world" and offered the "solution".
And I continue my research exploring new pathways and sharing the results with my team and with the public while he is still singing the same disinformation song of the "partnered output coils" leading the researchers on a road going nowhere and wasting their resources.
If you can't see all these differences and you accuse me of being like that guy then it's your problem, not mine.
Promoting a site ? It depends on someone's way of thinking, point of view. For someone it can be precious information, worthy consideration, for others for some reasons uncomfy info.
Don't try to break what I say from the context of what I said here. How many sites mentioned here by our members are asking for money for a bunch of documents and offering 0 guarantees that anything in those papers is functional ?
That's obviously a scam site and we don't have any mention of that kind of sites here.
More than that you used our site's personal messaging system to send mass messages asking our member to give their money to the Russian guys running that scam site.
Now they have DIY machine with instruction how to assemble a circuit, how to run and regulate.
Through few years I examined them many times if they are orientated on a scam, to grab money. No, they aren't.
How did you came to this conclusion ? Did you saw any functional device based on the content of their papers ? Did you talk to anyone who built a device based on the content of those papers ? I bet you didn't. So your conclusion is based on what ?
Read again what's on their site:

Can you spell S-C-A-M ?... 'Cause that's what that site is. If they would have any functional machines they would sell to you one of those machines for much more money, they wouldn't ask you for 2-300 dollars. It's just simple logic...
My advice for you would be to start learning and doing your own experiments so you can understand the principles of these machines. We all did the same: we did our lessons, we learned, we experimented, many times we failed but from those failures we understood more and we continued.
My advice is learn how to fish, don't try to buy fish. Let's just say you can buy a machine like this, what you gonna do when that machine will malfunction ? Will you call the usual guys from the service center for the Zero-Point power machines ? There is no such service center and there is no such guy. You're wasting your time (many years ?...) looking for a shortcut and most certain you'll get scammed and lose money too.
Our members here gave wise advices to you:
Of course I understand the temptation to buy some supposedly working FE schematic. But in my opinion it is a useless aproach, not that the scheme could not be valid, I think many of the schematics published on the internet could actually represent functional machines, but this is not enough. In first place you need to understand HOW these machines work, what are the physical principles?
You have been encouraged to share in the existing studies and produce a (beginner's) working device that will help you to understand why things work, and why things don't.
There are many parts to play in a research group. Perhaps your part, if you join us, is to verify what is real and what is not, invest in it, then share with others in a prudent manner that reduces the risk of being silenced by the oil traders.
There have been ads in newspapers for over a century that tout "get rich quick" methods. Getting schematics for perpetual energy devices are just another form of this marketing. On the other end of those ads are sharks that garner their gains from fools that respond. In some way I believe that we have all fallen prey to this in some way, so we have learned to look away.
You've been observing for many years? ... but have no commitment to build or share knowledge.
How about abandoning personal affronts, share your projects, and perhaps we can advise you on possible solutions to move you along in a productive manner. We all learn from mistakes.
We are not sparring partners, friend.
Now I'm gonna repeat what I said already:
...please don't promote that kind of sites here. If you're into research and sharing you're welcome here. If not then most likely this is not the right site for you.
Your choice.
And if you insist of getting banned as you do now by insulting me (comparing me with that psycho-boy) that's also your choice.
Personally I'm not gonna continue this conversation here, I've said what I had to say. I have better things to do, I'm trying to find time to continue my experiments and research. We here are learning and experimenting instead of trying to find "shortcuts". And posting here doesn't help me in that direction.
"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of
energy, frequency and
vibration." |
Nikola Tesla |