For Acek

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  • Last Post 1 weeks ago
Fighter posted this 3 weeks ago

Hi Acek,

Our members told me they received personal messages like this from you:

Hi ***

I look for participants in buying a scheme of 5kW machine. It comes from a website I know about 10 years. It sells schemes of free energy machines for those who understand overunity physics. Now they have DIY machine with instruction how to assemble a circuit, how to run and regulate. 
Many times I asked them for a scheme of a simple machine that can give few hundrets watts for someone who is not electronic engineer. They answered few times, they haven't one, it is for those who know overunity well. Through few years I examined them many times if they are orientated on a scam, to grab money. No, they aren't. They don't answer - yes, you can do it, just pay. I know someono who is experienced in aboveunity and can help me to do it.

If I find 5 people, we can share 60 USD, if 10 only 30 USD. I used to be a member for 8 years but Chris blocked me second time, because there is no full speach freedem on his website.
If interested please answer to [email removed]

Jacek (Poland)

I checked your activity on the old aboveunity site and I saw you asked the same thing there.

First of all this is a research site, we created this site as our home after leaving the old site when that crazy-boy started to attack every member of his own team with false accusations and his site became a religious cult site preaching the "POC Bible" with him as wannabe guru.

We're not in this for money, the research we do and the devices we're working with we're sharing them for free with the public.

Therefore sending private messages to our members promoting scam sites looks like a hostile action to me.

Please don't so that, take this as a warning.

You know those guys ask for money and just sell some papers with no guarantees anything in those papers works, right ?...

Did you saw any functional device based on those papers ? I doubt it.

If they're in this domain for money and they would have functional devices, you know they would not need your 300 dollars, right ? They would actually sell those devices to you for more money.

The internet is full of papers like that which means nothing compared to the real research results we're sharing from real devices and experiments here.

So what will happen if our members contribute and those papers will prove to be useless, will you give the money back to our members ? Of course not.

So please don't promote that kind of sites here. If you're into research and sharing you're welcome here.

If not then most likely this is not the right site for you.

Thank you,


"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
acek posted this 2 weeks ago

Fighter, thanks for your explanation. Everyone has different experiences, you have much more than me in this field, with Chris and his ideas. He never treated me like a rabid dog but I know some people who like to be over, above others, proving they know more and better, even if they are not right, just to defeat, demolish someone by any way. I wanted to be an electrician but had to start a metal processing school. Now I have time to do some electric things and see I will not to catch up with all the knowledge needed to build FE circuit. I try to be humble with others because I don't want to fight with anyone. If someone says - no - I respect that and go somwhere else. This world is not worthy of any fight, any war for anything with anybody ! There is Other World awaiting for all of us after we leave our vehicles called bodies. I want to fight for eternal beautiful World, where everybody has everything in fullnes, exuberance and everything comes from our infinity Creator. I know, I am sure this World exists. I hope you know Who I mean.

Take care and best regards for all of you guys !

baerndorfer posted this 2 weeks ago

dear acek,

i like to provide a document to you which helped me understanding further.

this document is for free



olli posted this 2 weeks ago


Hi Fighter

The purpose I asked some of the members of this forum is the same I asked on aboveunity. I think I haven't broken forum's rules. I hope there is more freedom of speach here, than on Chris' forum. Private messages should be confident but OK, I understand members should be vigilant and let it be uncovered.

I'v tried to made a replica of some publicised ideas (magrav, Barbosa/Leal, Hatem) but unsuccessful. Yes, I am frustrated guy but want to be 100% honest and transparent in what I do but of course you don't know me. As I know there are many frustrated ones, not as advanced like you guys here, looking for some shortcuts in FE because spent loads of money because FE isn't easy as Chris' states on his forum and isn't for everyone as he states and I was banned on his forum for this uncomfy for him sentence (I haven't broken any rules there). If someone look for truth, can't block freedom of speach.

Anyway thank you for publicising my email and let others decide what to do. I know such ideas are tough because of initial lack of trust 😟

Fighter, if you want to ban me, you are free. Do what you want 😏

Regards, Jacek

I also received your invitation to participate in your offer to buy a "5kW machine "scheme"". You say, you want a "simple machine that can give a few hundret watts for someone who is not electronic engineer". Are you assuming, that this "simple machine" will cost less money and is for people which cannot understand building the not-so-simple ones? ... I can tell you, that all machines - the small and the ones with more power - operate on the same principles, and the "effect" they use just scales this same principle.

What I do not understand: why are you trying to buy some idea for money, if you can actually get those schemes for free? You could instantaneously spend the saved money on buying parts for the machine you chose... You could instantaneously get feedback and advise on your new project (at least) here... The stuff we try to replicate (and what is open source) holds the same claims (by their inventors/discoverors) of overunity as your "secret product" - so there is no selling point at all in your offer - except that you try to increase your credit by telling us, that you know the seller for 10 years and that you (by your own credibility) know "that they are not grabbing money for scam" and that you are victim of suppressors of free speech... (and absolutelly innocent...) - ok ...fine

...What I am not ok with, is your unequal expression of your idea of free speech: a) you claim "your" right of free speech (sending messages to forum members), but b) in the same time you claim a forum member has failed to shut up ("Private messages should be confident but OK") - a self-disqualification you can barely heal. IMHO the phenomen of secrecy (you and your offer are also infected with) is one of the core features of human suffer and exploitation! ...So I honestly think, you and your offer are violently oposing the revelation of truth - not only by lifting energy from people and also frustrate their longing for the unknown, but also by kidnapping (prostituting) the idea of free energy and its promises for a "business".


Vidura posted this 2 weeks ago


dear acek,

i like to provide a document to you which helped me understanding further.

this document is for free



Hey Baerndorfer, I have read various documents from Vladimir Utkin, but this is really the best, as it is explained with such simplicity it can be intuitively understood. Note that Vladimir is working with the part of potential energy, but we are working on the equivalent part of kinetic energy in the pulsemotor threads, and also the energy is drawn from the force fields of space. Thank's for sharing for  freeπŸ˜€


Shadow_ posted this 2 weeks ago

I think Jack's account is fake; I think it's Russian/Ukrainian fake troll SPAM!

no normal person uses Yahoou from Poland 




β€œAll we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.β€œ

acek posted this 1 weeks ago

Guys, you may think anything about me. I understand that a may be a troll, a cheater, a scam, a promoter. Believe me, none of this is true. I am just an unsuccessful constructor of FE device. What a world we live in ?! Just little time left for this world. Then will be gigantic change and no inventions from this world will be needed anymore. Fighter, I think it will be better if you lock down this thread and remove my email from this topic.

Take care guys and thank you for your all feedbacks !


Fighter posted this 1 weeks ago

As you wish, I removed your email from this thread and I locked the thread.

Do you think we didn't had our failures while we tried to replicate devices ? You have no idea how many times during the years we were experimenting, understanding and learning.

Good luck finding a device to buy but I doubt about that, you're welcome back when you want to experiment and learn with our members here.



"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla

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