posted this
04 November 2023
So, author says this for coils:
""The way I did it is: wound L3 first then L2 then L1. Might work in other arrangements too but I have not tried and did not spend too much time as the total output was very small.
What transistor is in your circuit? IRFP460 or better is required, not all transistors will work properly especially ringing effect occurs when transistor is off and that is what makes this circuit to behave like it does.
There are few people working to replicate this circuit and someone its almost there.
If L1 resonates at 1kHz then L2 will have to be ringing (resonating) at 2kHz. I know its hard to tweak but when its done it works nice. litz wire for L1 and L2""
But, what i find is little difrent, I Isaw a video on YouTube that showed that the device is self-powered, and there is an LED (12V/70mA) lamp on the output, the author of show a 9V batery from which device is power and I=0 - no consummation !!! After some time, user hide all videos on his channel ;(, but i already downloaded.
So, His arrangement of coil is:
first L1 then L2 , on top L3.
L1 and L2 are the same, two strand cabel "bifiliar tesla""
L3 is ordinary coil.