What I do not yet understand about this concept is that it seems so straightforward, I cannot fathom half of us on this forum haven't stumbled upon it even by accident. So my real question then is: Are devices like this created and promoted by the intelligence community just to keep us chasing our tails?
Holcomb Energy System
- Last Post 24 January 2024
The best thing for you to do is ask ChetK at OUR (overunityresearch.com) to re-open (if it's still there) the thread:
"Members Only thread / Re: Holcomb and other FE technology debate"
There are over 300 posts on the CAE Analysis and other tech information regarding HES device development;
or visit the Holcomb Web Site:
https://holcombenergysystems.com/ and/or
https://vimeo.com/user81692192 and/or
and/or study and analyze Holcomb's patents - that's what I did to figure out how it worked.
Too busy to regurgitate old work; and certainly not the least bit interested in doing so!
ALSO, I've recently invented a better scheme - search EE_TFG in the newer forums.
BTW; very few on these threads can offer Professional Simulations and valid Theories on
anything, let alone, "Excess Energy Devices" and I have yet to see anything that even remotely
resembles actual working devices - neither on youtube nor in these forum threads; nothing that
has a "real output" so that I can plug my coffee pot into it and make hot coffee... without an input!
And, NO, I DO-NOT have to show anything - in any form whatsoever, not here, not anywhere - unless
I choose to do so. What I show is for 'educational purposes' only. You're way out-of-line claiming that I
have to share anything - where the hell did that crap come from?
My work is done for My Personal Education Only and if I choose to share, well, you're lucky; and that's it!
If you ever have anything of value to share, then that's your business, its not something I
concern myself with, nor really care about.
Have a good one.
Trolls have one thing to offer:
"Let ME hear ME tell you this".
BTW; very few on these threads can offer Professional Simulations and valid Theories on anything, let alone, "Excess Energy Devices" and I have yet to see anything that even remotely resembles actual working devices - neither on youtube nor in these forum threads; nothing that has a "real output" so that I can plug my coffee pot into it and make hot coffee... without an input!
Vasile simply asked, with respect, to see your "coffee pot" energizer, so others could experiment too.
In response, after you insulted this forum, you directed him to google "EE_TFG" to validate your secret working device; which you won't share here because it's too much trouble, of course.
Search around for the "EE_TFG" if your interested...
ALSO, I've recently invented a better scheme - search EE_TFG in the newer forums.
IMHO, you attempt to draw attention to:
- your self,
- your posts,
- your opinions,
- your condemnation,
- your Very_Secret_Eternal_Coffee_Pot ... the VS_ECP ... without an input.
... because you don't have anything that really works.
And, NO, I DO-NOT have to show anything - in any form whatsoever, not here, not anywhere - unless I choose to do so. What I show is for 'educational purposes' only. You're way out-of-line claiming that I have to share anything - where the hell did that crap come from?
If you ever have anything of value to share, then that's your business, its not something I
concern myself with, nor really care about.
... sounds arrogant; a slap to this forum. Rather than be a contributing member ... you could care less about "anything of value" the members want to share.
My work is done for My Personal Education Only and if I choose to share, well, you're lucky; and that's it!
Now that you're done contemplating your belly button for "personal education only" ...
... guess we're "lucky" you dropped by.
Have a good one!
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In countless cases, it has been found that the device promising redemption is based on a measurement error.
Nevertheless, hope is always on the side of the experimenter. This is the moving spring.
There are some cases where the inventor cannot say otherwise because of the financial investors.
The patent shows nothing of the truth. It's just an idea. Either it depends on a series of scams hoping to attract financial investors, or it is just an idea. Or a concrete accomplishment even if based on a lie about the fact.
These are always based on the financial background. Securing material wealth at any cost. Our world is in crisis.
These are the foundations of the colonial mindset.
The colonization of worlds is based on these facts.
A subordinate and superior mindset. Not a side-order!
The average curious experimenter (such as we ordinary people are on various forums) is always in between.
He focuses only on the truth and not on egoism. Not colonialism.
Unfortunately we can only choose from egotistical colonialist not from truth based fact finding presentation.
That is why our little world on earth is like this.
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- and 1 others
Replying To: solarlab
Wow, what an ugly character/personality...
Let me tell you the only one rude and out-of-line I see here is you.
Is that "personal education only" the new term for selfish and greediness you invented as an excuse for your own conscience (if you have one) ? Does it work as an excuse ?
If you still don't understand why people from all over the planet, having different professions, got involved in this kind of research and started sharing knowledge, ideas, experiments and data with each other using their own resources, money and time then you're not as smart as you pretend to be. Do you think they're doing it for your "personal education" ?
Let me remind you this, you're on a site built by a team of volunteers, a team of researchers being a part of that movement and having the same goals - to educate people, to show them what's possible and to contribute to the liberation of the humankind from the slavery of the Big-Oil energy cartels.
And, with your hamster-like attitude of getting what others are sharing and not sharing anything back, certainly you're not part of this movement and you're a perfect example of why greediness and selfishness always helped the Big-Oil cartels to stop this kind of technologies to reach out to the masses.
If you didn't read it yet, check here why I shared my ZPM with everyone (including you) and why, like every members of our team here, I keep sharing my experiments, data, ideas and knowledge with everyone (including you).
If there wouldn't be selfless researchers all over the world like us here sharing their knowledge, experiments, data and ideas with everyone (including you) then your "personal education" would be 0. And your "personal education" means nothing anyway and have 0 impact in the change we all are fighting for if you keep it for yourself and not sharing with the public.
Prediction (100% accurate based on what happened in the last 100 years): the guys from Holcomb will keep waiting for "investors" their entire life until their device will be slowly taken over and put on the shelf with other devices which never reached out to the masses. 'Cause this kind of devices will never be allowed to be produced in factories and be available in the stores for the people to buy them. The fact that they don't know that yet proves they didn't do their homework about what happened to others before them which also kept their inventions secret dreaming of becoming rich and famous by producing their devices in factories and selling them in stores.
Question, if you have nothing to share then why are you here and on other forums ? Let me guess, for taking advantage of what the selfless reasearchers are sharing with everyone (using their own resources, money, time and creativity) because they are "stupid" and you are "smart", right ?.. Think again because it seems you don't understand their real motivation and what's driving all these researchers. They're not into this for money and fame...
By the way, I told you long time ago in my ZPM thread you'll not gonna see any simulation showing you how this kind of devices work as long as any simulation software is limited by the laws of "official" physics of the closed-systems where output equals input minus losses without allowing the zero-point energy to enter into the system. The same about any theory (except maybe the "spooky" things shown by the very new quantum physics but you'll not find any simulation software about that). So keep waiting for any simulation software to show you how our devices work, just don't hold your breath for that...
Now. after you insulted all of us here with your arrogance and self-pretended superiority, I invite you to put your "personal education" somewhere (you know where), never post anything on our site, leave and never come back.
I'm not banning you for now but I expect to never see any new post from you on our site ever again. If I see any new post I'll delete it and I'll ban you.
I must return to my work, I'm preparing the video for presenting my latest Don Smith Effect experiment and data which, as usually, I will share with the public even if that public also contains a few individuals with hamster-like attitude like yourself. 'Cause I believe 99% of that public deserves to share my findings with them, unlike you I can see the big picture of what needs to be done to make the life better for everyone on this planet and I contribute with my work for reaching that goal.
Personally I see no difference between people like you and those Big-Oil useless parasites who are that stupid that they blocked the evolution of the humankind in the last 100 years so they can gather more and more money. The same stupid hamster-like attitude.
So goodbye and so long, I'm so disgusted by your post and I'm so glad for not being like you...
"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration." | ||
Nikola Tesla |
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Replying To: Atti
I agree.
Currently the U.S, Canada, and other industrialized nations in the U.K. and Europe are undergoing another phase of colonization: devolution / revolution / rebellion / demise.
The elitist's prize has now become the souls of all men and women, to the extent that genocide and destruction have replaced their greed. They have all the power, riches, luxury, possessions, hedonistic pleasures ... and yet, they have become listless ... for blood.
Should they succeed with their ungodly objective, the effort of selfless folks to improve life in general may get swept back into the dark ages.
SL's obnoxious posts have demanded such regrettable rebuttal from us, and that may have been the intent from the beginning, because trolls seek to disrupt and misdirect kind and unsuspecting people.
They divide and deconstruct.
It is unfortunate that such a good mind, with potential to become a contributing member, has yielded to self-deprecating activity to project his pride.
With that in mind, we must never give up, and continue to encourage each other toward our shared goals, regardless.
There is joy in the humble works of our hands.
Let's get back to earnest study ...