Jagau's successful ZPM replication

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Jagau posted this 09 December 2022

My replication of Figther's ZPM. As my two coils were already mounted on an AMCC320 I was able to replicate quickly.
In the first image the 2 coils mounted on the AMCC320


In the second image when the power supply is turned on at 24 volts DC he sees an input power of 4.32 watts on 24 volts and 180 ma when my TL494 oscillator is supplied to both coils through an IGBT pulsed at 38.2% on the high side. Channel1 is IGBT pulse 


Image of the oscilloscope with the current probe on the PS

You can notice that the oscilloscope show on a my TEK current probe (green) 292mv =292 ma  (rectangular form) and 38.2% DTC

Last image the 118 volt 4 Watts lamp lit with 34 ma x118.8v = therefore 4.0392 watts of power produce at the output on a large capacitor and 4 diodes in parallel in order to produce an almost pure DC which can be read by the 2 DDMs

Calculation of input power in DCM mode with reactive component.

As indicated by the power supply we have an instantaneous pulse power of 4.32 watts, this is the instantaneous power not the average power over time.

V and I is what PS provided a DM as wrong lecture for input due to high frequency so to calc PIn we take well known formula for inductor.

Irms on scope is 0.292 Amp, DC voltage is 24volts

Pin= I*V*sqrt(Duty_Cycle)/sqrt(3)

Pin= 0.292 Amp x 24 Vdc x sqrt 0.382 / sqrt 3 = 2.533 watts

So for  Pout of 4.032 watts  i need only 2.533 watts at input, Still a pretty good COP

Jagau posted this 17 December 2022

Hi all
I didn't think I was creating so much resentment towards me. There are at least 3 forums that talk about me but not in a good way, it's not at all what I expected from a forum for exchanging ideas, we are all entitled to our opinions but it must be in the respect.
I therefore withdraw from all the forums in which I participate and will perhaps resume after the holidays if it is worth it and if the heart still tells me to continue sharing. It's a bit too much for my sanity.

Vidura posted this 17 December 2022

Replying To: Jagau

Hey Jagau, I'm sorry to read this. It is understandable, times are difficult and many people with notably alteration in their mental state sometimes overreacting and using harsh words. Rarely someone can find peace. Hopefully you can relax in your holydays and come back renewed. Best wishes.


Fighter posted this 17 December 2022

Replying To: Jagau

The resentments are coming only from trolls and people who do disinformation, they don't talk in the name of our team.

Also for that guy from the old aboveunity site having mental issues who call anyone friends but sooner or later he starts attacking them and spreading trash and lies about them.

Nobody from our team have resentments agains you and you know it.

So take your time, relax and enjoy the holidays and we're waiting for you back with fresh force and mind.

We'll be here, you're a valuable member of our core team and no trolls will gonna change that.

We'll take care of them as we did.



"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
Shelfordella posted this 18 December 2022

It's not understandable, literally nobody is being resentful towads him. Maybe I was blunt in my comments, but it was without ill intentions.

"A little theory and calculation would have saved Edison 90 per cent of the labor." Nikola Tesla

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Fighter posted this 18 December 2022

Replying To: Shelfordella

Really ? You don't understand ? We had another one whining for weeks that he doesn't agree with the calculation. Do you guys really think we gonna let our forum get full with spam for each one coming here and complaining he doesn't agree with the calculation method ? We don't have time for that, not gonna waste our time with each one and his spam here.

It's not our obligation and we not gonna try to convince anyone. We offer documentation and even an official calculator for that calculation method. If they get it, it's fine, if they don't get it, it's also fine. If they don't agree, that's their problem.

We have better things to do like research. Which anyone coming here to spam our forum should actually do.

Talking is easy, coming with new things it's the thing requiring work and time.

So stop wasting our members time. Else we gonna address these things in a more radical way.


"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
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Shelfordella posted this 18 December 2022

Ok so I asked someone about the used formula because I didn't understand why for Irms 100% dutycycle was used, I got the confirmation that it, the formula's on that website,  is for an inductor current with a magnetization slope and a demagnetization slope during a full period, so duty cycle is 100, sqrt(100/100) is 1. I wasn't aware of the shape of the signal. I only apply it to the measurements of the picture in the first post which only has a  magnetization phase, not to any other repliaction.

I wanted to figure this out for myself, it wasn't critic, want to share the facts with the group.

I'm open to correction.

"A little theory and calculation would have saved Edison 90 per cent of the labor." Nikola Tesla

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Shelfordella posted this 18 December 2022

Another thing I noticed in this shot



is that the current is negative during the period that it's flat,  this means negative power because current is flowing into the psu. Interesting. Probably caused by load current and mutual inductance, dunno.





"A little theory and calculation would have saved Edison 90 per cent of the labor." Nikola Tesla

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Fighter posted this 18 December 2022

Replying To: Shelfordella

I'm glad you finally understood, very few did. That's what a really honest researcher should always do, check before jumping to attack. Why do you think Itsu never did this ? I'm not an expert but I asked Jagau for details and verified myself that his calculation method results match the calculator from Vishay site. Results always matched. I did that since the beginning when Jagau came with this new calculation method in our restricted area. It took me like 30 minutes to check for myself, compare this time with the weeks since Itsu kept posting attacks against the calculation method and against Jagau. Again, why do you think Itsu never even tried to check for himself (like I did) or ask real-life experts ? I tell you, because he came here with a mission. And that mission was not about replicating and evaluating ZPM, his mission was to "prove" no matter what that what we present here is false.

Most of the devices we're experimenting here have square pulses as input so this formula means a paradigm shifting for COP calculation for all these devices. What do you think now about Itsu's "methodology" ? Imagine the "experts" from overunity site used a wrong calculation method while "evaluating" their devices for 15 years. How many of the devices on their bench were actually overunity and they didn't even realized it ? šŸ˜‰ We'll never know but we can figure it out as in 15 years they never found any device to be overunity.

The same about the old aboveunity site which pretend to be "light years ahead" (in the wrong direction) and the owner did go against Jagau too. That site was light years ahead as long as we (our core team of researchers) were there and presented our experiments and moved the things forward. Since we left that site is dead in the water, the research activity is almost 0 including in the restricted area of the site (Tier II and Tier III):

That's right, the restricted areas of the old aboveunity site are not so restricted. And one don't need a user and password to access them, there are security holes which can trick the site to expose those informations to anyone knowing how to use them. The owner, (with "over 30 years of experience in IT" as he claims)  has no clue about the security issues he has.

And as you can see since our team left there is almost 0 research activity. As I said, dead in the water.

But let's go back to Jagau's calculation method. I said before:

It was also verified and confirmed by other members of our core team before Jagau came public with it. Including Yoel. Jagau is a very careful researcher. He asked for double-checks here and also the experts in real life before deciding to move the info in our public section.

'Cause that's what Jagau did: before going public with this he asked for confirmations from the more advanced members in our core team and also from experts he knows in real-life. He double-checked, triple-checked, made sure he is right before going public with it. So imagine his dissapointment when instead of checking and asking others Itsu desperatly tried to "prove" it wrong. Just as he tried to "prove" that ZPM is consuming tens and tens of watts with his failed ZPM replication.

So why Jagau would waste his time trying to convince some naysayers ? He has better things to do in research.

If they get it it's fine, if they don't get it it's still fine, he will not use his time to make each naysayer understand. That's not his duty and that's not anyone's duty here.

this means negative power because current is flowing into the psu. Interesting. Probably caused by load current and mutual inductance, dunno.

That's what ZPM does. It "sees" the DC source as another load and it's sending power to it too. That's what is causing the input reduction effect.

This is not desirable when we use a DC source on input, we would want that power to actually go into the light bulbs. But this behavior could prove very desirable for future when we'll make ZPM run on battery 'cause in that situation ZPM will power the load while potentially will also recharge the battery. But that scenario still remains to be confirmed.

Despite appearances ZPM is very complex. That's why I smiled when I saw Itsu starting with this:

As Fighters device is so simple i cannot imagine that it acts like a generator

And I said to myself "the guy have no f* clue, he didn's saw all the things I saw...". šŸ™‚

We also don't have a very clear image of what's really happening inside this device behind what the scopes are showing to us.

In our core team we have members very advanced in physics and electronics, one of them (YoElMiCrO) have more insights and presented a very comprehensive scenario about what's happening inside ZPM. One which makes sense even for members not so advanced in physics and electronics like me.

Well, this is a long post and probably became hard to read so I'm gonna stop here.

It's just a wider view of what we're doing here and what we're dealing with.



"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
Atti posted this 18 December 2022

But this behavior could prove very desirable for future when we'll make ZPM run on battery 'cause in that situation ZPM will power the load while potentially will also recharge the battery. But that scenario still remains to be confirmed.


It is certain that there is consumption and recharging.


Shelfordella posted this 22 December 2022

Sooo - random insight - negative resistance and thus power of a coils assembly is caused by magnetic resonance, a synchronism in the magnetic material seen in the BH curve as a clockwise hysteresis curve, caused by non-linearities and inertia, and it can be obsered by phases of signals. For a faster reaction a coil that is perturbed by another coil other than the coil it is aiding may help. Have seen that before, can't remember where.

0.5a x 0.5v = 0.5w. [jk]


"A little theory and calculation would have saved Edison 90 per cent of the labor." Nikola Tesla
