Nigel Cheese

  • Last Post 08 June 2024
Jagau posted this 20 April 2024


As one of our new members is looking for more information about Nigel Cheese's research and experiments I'm sharing here all the information I have in my personal archive.


Jagau posted this 06 June 2024

So glad things are going well for you.

Indeed FERRITE AT WORK was another thread in the evolution of my learning.
When you succeed in making ferrites vibrate at this frequency you understand that there are some other things powering the circuit.
My small battery which was to power the LEDS should normally last 5 to 6 days and it lasted 64 days without stopping. So where did this excess energy come from?

In the logical evolution of my research work, passing through the Non Linear resonance thread that of Dr. Stiffler who confirmed to me that aether is present.

Today I am experimenting as a result of this continuation of my research, read the book by Gerry Vassitalos SECRETS OF COLD WAR TECHNOLOGIES on the research of Nicolas Tesla you will understand where I am now.

Tesla Impulse Technologies is my next challenge.


Inception posted this 06 June 2024


That is a great book to read.

If you try to find a copy online they are nearly US $200, but I have a link to a PDF copy in the Archive for anyone that is interested:

Secrets of Cold War Technology

It takes a while to download.

Thank you!

Fighter posted this 08 June 2024

Thank you for the book Inception.

I had a PDF file containing its scanned files but very bad scan quality, it was difficult to read.



"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
  • Liked by
  • Jagau
  • Inception
Jagau posted this 08 June 2024


here is my book in attached file here.

Fast and easy to read.


Attached Files

  • Liked by
  • Inception
  • Fighter
Fighter posted this 08 June 2024

Thank you Jagau.

I'm gonna read it, with the low quality version I had I tried but I gave up after the first 15-20 pages because it was difficult to distinguish the text.



"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
  • Liked by
  • Inception
  • Jagau