Public answer to Chris from

  • Last Post 08 December 2024
Fighter posted this 30 April 2022

I just saw a post made by Chris about two weeks ago:

Image attached to the post:

So, Chris, the answer is NO.

The reason it looks "familiar" is simple: both sites are using the same open-source platform named MVC Forum:

All the members of our team used to be members of AboveUnity (before you started to abuse, invent lies about them and act like a mentally ill person) and they are very familiar with the platform. That's the reason of our platform choice.

And if you would know what you're talking about you would know that if we would want to copy your site then this site would have been up and running in 4-5 days, we wouldn't need a month to develop it.

And you don't know it because you have no access here but BeyondUnity already have features and enhancements your site doesn't have. You were not even able to fix that Follow feature for topic notifications which is something very basic. Other than that check the layout, interactivity and the smoothness of this site and compare with yours. We had the latest version of TinyMCE from the beginning, weeks before you started upgrading the version from your site.

BeyondUnity was developed from ground up, that's why we have over 70 code commits made during the development:

So now get your pills, they may help with your issues.

And about all the lies and bullshit you were spreading about us, here it is something which you deleted on your site but we still have it:

Can you read this ?

I attached the image of the post so everyone can see it clearly.

So we started saving data (as you asked everyone to do) then you started yelling why we were saving the data. It does show exactly how bad your mental issues are.

And now fuck off, you're trash, go back to your site and find medical help.

You should ask yourself why almost all the members of the team left your site and the research and experiments there are now close to 0.

And something else: if you would have the solution, many members from your site would have working self-running devices by now ! The truth is no one has a working device there ! Not even you ! And we both know this !

You're in the past for us so stop talking trash about us. Everyone can see the proofs above and compare with all the lies you spread about us on your site.

If I would want your site down it would be down permanently. But your poor site goes offline on itself almost every day for more than a year now, was it also because of our "attacks" ? We even donated money to you when you were in trouble just to help in keeping your site online. Stop blaming others for your site issues.


"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla

Attached Files

Fernando posted this 27 August 2022

This a very Ugly message, sorry to hear that Fighter, We will have to oppen a conversation from us been having different life treathing situation since we discovered the free energy subjet. Some of us never spoke about It.

Fighter posted this 27 August 2022

Many of us had different experiences related to that, some threats were more subtle others were very direct.

Even if they came through different channels/intermediaries, the sources were always the same: the energy cartels or some secret services at the states level.

What we're dealing with now is something different, we're dealing with a guy having serious mental issues.

Not a serious threat but the problem is we considered him one of us and we trusted him. Big mistake...

Our public answer channel is showing his true nature to others who make a minimal effort to find the truth about who he really is.

About the other kind of threats, the serious ones, we can create a secure thread, we can't discuss in a public thread about those matters.



"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
Fighter posted this 25 September 2022

And another one being ironic about the "light years ahead" phrase... šŸ˜‰

This is SolarLab, a former aboveunity member who was banned long time ago because he presented some design tool and simulations on computer.

And he's right, you can't pretend you're "light years ahead" when since 2017 no one in your forum successfully built a self-running machine. That's the real "result" of your "partnered output coils".

And really doesn't matter how many lies you spread about some existing machines you or your members have. The truth is (and we both know it) you're just wasting researchers' time and resources talking about a path going nowhere. The proof ? After 5 years no one succeeded using partnered output coils. Not even you, actually you got nothing.

All you can do is to ban anyone having doubts about those "partnered output coils", that's how all the valuable researchers left your site and you're there alone mumbling about "infidels" and stuff...

That's what happens when you try to transform research into an short-sighted and strict religious movement.

Researchers are not stupid, they're smart and they don't follow orders or any self-proclaimed religious leaders. šŸ˜‰

"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
Fighter posted this 11 October 2022

The world is in full allert, nuclear missiles are preparing to launch, emergency private meetings...

Just because someone didn't took his pills again...

Did you guys had an "emergency private meeting" without telling me ?! šŸ˜„

This guy is nuts, he lives in his world full of pink elephants flying "light years ahead" and stuff...

"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
Fighter posted this 15 October 2022

And faking site's activity data to give the impression we're still there and active:

Talking about lies and disinformation... "light years ahead" šŸ˜‰

"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
Vidura posted this 15 October 2022

Mmmm, since several months I didn't visit the site, maybe some points for this??šŸ˜‰


Fighter posted this 15 October 2022

Points for not being there ? I have more than 8 months, I should be in top... šŸ˜„

Of course, it's fake data. My account there is disabled for at least 8 months so of course I didn't had activity there this week or any other week when me and other of our members here were shown in those statistics.

He is trying to convince others that the core of researchers are still there and everything is okay when actually most of the researchers left him and are members here. Basically he's trying to pretend he is not alone there.

Which is very sad but deserved, that's what happens when you betray and go against people who shared their research with you and helped you when you was in trouble with many donations. Karma is never sleeping... šŸ˜‰

Just another proof that he is lying and disinforming with his every breath...




"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
SonOfLuck posted this 15 October 2022


Maybe I misunderstand the system, but I think most of the points are given if someone likes or favorites your posts, so if a lot of new members reading around the site and likes your stuff you can get light years ahead. You don't have to be present at all. 

Best regards,

  • Liked by
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  • Inception
Fighter posted this 15 October 2022

I doubt that suddenly after 8 months I started to get likes at my posts. Now for a single post there someone gets about 700 points (which is insane) while the default value for a post (like we have here, I didn't modified the default value which was set in the MVC Forum platform which is the base for both sites) is 50 points.

It's obviously fake data to simulate activity which doesn't really exists šŸ˜‰



"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
Fighter posted this 19 October 2022

Really ? Did you read what's in this thread before coming to this conclusion ?

There was mutual respect until his mental issues and duplicity started to kick in and he started attacking the other researchers.

Disinformation, lies and attacking and throwing trash at others are part of his "one and only goal" ?

His goal from the beginning was disinformation and wasting researchers' time and resources with "his" partnered output coils - a road which is going to nowhere.

He just took half of one of Don Smith's devices and pretended it's his discovery. The fact that he disinformed from the beginning is proved by the fact that he "forgot" a key part there: the ground connection ("the source of electrons" how Don Smith calls it). Does it look familiar to you ?

Here it is, this is the explanation why after 5 years nobody there succeeded to build a functional device using "his" partnered output coils. Because it's a road going to nowhere.

About his pretended "sharing the knowledge", this is just one example: you may ask yourself why after he successfully replicated my ZPM in December 2021 he kept the replication secret without sharing it with the members of his site. I always asked that any replication of my ZPM must be in public domain.

Here you have a few screenshots from his ZPM replication he kept secret from you and from all other members:

So that's how "sharing knowledge" really works on

There in the third image you can see how he thinks about the members of his site: just "Leaches stealing our data".

That would include you too, the one talking about "mutual respect", you can see how much "respect" he has for all of you.

So, please, tell me more about his "one and only goal" and about "mutual respect"... šŸ˜‰



"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla