Hello again
In the previous post from my ZPM reply (thread)I tried to expose (unsuccessfully but due to lack of time), an experiment approached by many researchers, namely the special characteristic of the pancake coils of the great Tesla.
Most have tried various circuits with only one coil, but few know that the result is totally different with more of them. I use three pancake coils - one on the input and the other two connected as oposition. The result? An energy amplification at the radiant level with a consumption of 200-300 mA that can be transmitted through a single thin wire, at a distance. Not dangerous (as you saw).
The copper wire is connected to these coils, not to ground. Today I will try to represent this experiment more clearly. In any case, we are talking (I think) about that longitudinal energy that friend Vidura talks about in his thread
Tesla Pancake coil radiant energy
- Last Post 05 February 2023
Hello again
In the previous post from my ZPM reply (thread)I tried to expose (unsuccessfully but due to lack of time), an experiment approached by many researchers, namely the special characteristic of the pancake coils of the great Tesla.
Most have tried various circuits with only one coil, but few know that the result is totally different with more of them. I use three pancake coils - one on the input and the other two connected as oposition. The result? An energy amplification at the radiant level with a consumption of 200-300 mA that can be transmitted through a single thin wire, at a distance. Not dangerous (as you saw).
The copper wire is connected to these coils, not to ground. Today I will try to represent this experiment more clearly. In any case, we are talking (I think) about that longitudinal energy that friend Vidura talks about in his thread
hello to all
I don't know if this post should be here, but I ask the administrators to decide. I will talk more about this topic. Above you have a video that is not fake. It belongs to me and if anyone is interested in coils and cold electricity, I will answer any questions. I have to admit that I get this effect for the first time and I also think that it could be that standing wave addressed by Vidura in his thread.
Thank you and all the best.
Hi Realco,
If you want to create a new thread about your device feel free to create it and I'll move these two posts there.
I think it's better that way to not mix the ZPM topic with it.
What I don't understand in the first part of the video is does it work without input, that single wire is connected to the ground ? A schema of the experiment would help to understand how it's working. Thanks.
"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration." | ||
Nikola Tesla |
Hello everybody.
Fighter is right. I will open another thread.
Multumesc Figther
Acum va exista o desincronizare în expunerea postărilor, dar cred că putem trece peste asta....
În primul rând, trebuie să-mi cer scuze pentru exactitatea clipului. Am un spațiu mic de 2 metri pătrați în care încerc să fac experimente destul de complicate.
Am lăsat câteva note cu modulul IGBT, conexiunea bobinei și generatorul de semnal PWM cu canal dublu construit pentru generatorul meu de hidrogen
Decalajul de scânteie este decorativ deocamdată.
Mai jos voi atașa un nou videoclip și două imagini cu bobinele de clătite. Sper că acum este mai bine!
Cu stima ... realco
Do these really have a radiant energy application? afaik they were invented as inductors with high capacitance so big expensive capacitors weren't needed anymore.
"A little theory and calculation would have saved Edison 90 per cent of the labor." Nikola Tesla
Nice coils realco!
I have to mention something, because I watched Ivo do this already. Don't get hung up on using only pancake coils. Solenoid coils can be mixed with pancake coils to reveal some rather intriging results. Take note of the basic Tesla coil with the pancake primary and solenoid secondary. Things get very interesting when you arrange solenoid coils between pancake coils. There are various ways to go about this. You can have pancake coils with the center hole large enough to fit over the solenoid coil. These are pretty obvious, but you can also do other assemblies. You can place multiple solenoid coils between pancake coils that are offset from the center hole. You wouldn't think these would produce much, but only if you get fixated on magnetic fields. I can assure you the electric field is much more interesting and the effects of it will reveal themselves in this alternate arrangement.
If you think of solenoid coils as inductive elements and pancake coils as capacitive elements, then a whole new world begins to open up for your research to explore.
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