@UndisclosedMember thanks, it makes sense. I'll check for the pdf you mentioned.
@UndisclosedMember thanks ! This is not a separate device, it's just a project I consider being part of ZPM enhancements stage. ZPM is still my main project and if this project is successful I will certainly find a way to integrate this A-B zero-point energy concentrator into ZPM.
Meanwhile as you know I was looking for a way to find out what's happening around this device while it's powered so I did some experiments (link to larger image here):

So I come up with a very simple but extremely helpful tool not only for this device but for all our devices.
I'm using a ferrite rod I have from a radio, a coil on it and 3 LEDs connected to the coil: two having the same polarity and one having opposite polarity. The red LED have higher voltage (12V) so it's less sensitive but can indicate the strength of the pulsing magnetic field. The other two white LEDs have lower voltage (4.5V, I have them from some Chinese lighters) so they're very sensitive and can indicate magnetic polarity. Also because the core of the coil is a ferrite rod it can indicate the direction of the pulsing magnetic field. I tested it within 50Hz - 100KHz range and it works.
So if around a device there is a pulsing magnetic the tool is able to show that magnetic field's strength, direction and polarity.
It also can be very useful to see if your device is spilling magnetic field in space like in my case where the coils I've made seems to be too powerful for this core (I'll need to rebuild them).
This is how I've built this tool (link to larger image here):

Here is indicating the magnetic North and South poles, for North indicating also the strength - the red LED:
(link to larger image here):

(link to larger image here)

And here it shows how much magnetic field my current configuration is spilling into space, so I'm sure now the A-B effect is not present with this configuration, I'll definitively need to rebuild the coils (link to larger image here):

So if you need to check what's happening outside of your device a tool like this could be very useful, if you have questions about it please let me know.
Now the interesting part will be would be to have something similar to detect a electric field which should form around the core when the A-B field is present. I was thinking about a coil made using aluminum coil and air core, not sure if that would work as a electric field detector, I need to think more and make some research.
Both tools are required to find the correct configuration of coils and permanent magnet strength for the testing scenario.
"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of
energy, frequency and
vibration." |
Nikola Tesla |