Aharonov-Bohm effect as zero-point energy concentrator

  • Last Post 02 March 2024
Fighter posted this 23 May 2022


This is the imported thread (from the old aboveunity site) about my experiment investigating the Aharonov-Bohm effect as zero-point energy concentrator:


For references I will keep the original posting date for every imported post.

Note: This thread is public, everyone can see it, even the visitors which are not members here.

For the posts made by former aboveunity members which are not members on our site I'll use a member placeholder named UndisclosedMember.



"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
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UndisclosedMember posted this 05 July 2020

Hey Fighter,

Awesome update, Thank You for Sharing!

Coupling Factor is a big problem, as Coils are further away from each other, the Coupling falls off sharply. Unity Coupling, where one coil is wound on top of the other, normally Secondary wound on top of the Primary, achieves this Unity Coupling.

Unity Coupling in most cases is modeled as 1 when in reality it may be 0.95 or something. 1 is max, 0 is min. I am sure others here can elaborate further on this if you need more info, Jagau, Vidura or YoElMiCrO or someone. I believe YoElMiCrO was pointing towards this Here.

Of course, you already know about Magnetic Field Symmetry and Asymmetry and how we need Asymmetry for Energy "Generation" in excess of the Unity Boundary, and how this cant be achieved using Symmetry.

Great work, thanks for sharing, this is important stuff to experiment with and important to know about!

Best wishes, stay safe and well My Friend

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Fighter posted this 05 July 2020

Hey Fighter, any initial thoughts on the use of Finemet for these experiments? Are you seeing anything to indicate it is worth the price?

Hi UndisclosedMember,

Talking about standard transformers, the price is justified by the properties of the alloy, it's superior to Metglas alloy (link to larger image here):

The core that I have (F3CC0125) is the biggest in these series so it can be used to replace a bigger Metglas core (maybe even AMCC1000 ?) with smaller AT (Ampere-Turn) and smaller core losses.

So I think this is how officially the price is justified.

Related to our technologies, the only way the price can be justified is if it's doing what Bearden says: the separation of the curled and uncurled A potentials from the magnetic field of a permanent magnet.

From my first experiment (where I tried just a 1:1 transformer) the surprise came from the strong BEMF I received in the primary. Even if the transformer's configuration was not correct (too many turns in the coils) and the 12V/5W light bulb on secondary was illuminating very weak, the BEMF received in primary was capable to have a 220V/70W light bulb illuminating much stronger (link to larger image here):

That's what I consider a first anomaly related to this core.

I also hope the anomaly Bearden is talking about is real too.

But I don't expect to be easy to find the configuration. As Bearden said, in order to find the right configuration, "we have to keep tweaking the heck out of it":

"Every time I shake or perturb this A potential it makes an E field... And the sharper the change the greater the size of the E field from space around the core. This does not happen in any other normal transformer in the whole world as far as we're aware. From the space outside the MEG there arises then these tremendously strong E fields which radiate into every coil it's rounded on this transformer.... The biggest action in the MEG is an electric field transformer not a magnetic field transformer...We have to keep tweaking the heck out of it... You do it by trial and error and adjust until it's mostly additive. If you build those out of phase so they're subtractive rather than additive you build a worse transformer than the normal... But if you get them additive you beat the heck out of every other transformer in the world because it goes way over unity."

The difficult part is that uncurled A potential outside the core cannot be detected/measured directly. The only way to detect/measure it is to disturb it so it produce an electric field which can be collected by a coil.

So I should do it by trial and error: add magnetic field (using the 7x7x25mm magnets), try a large range of pulses and frequencies on a coil and measure the electric field in another coil. But there is no way to know if that electric field collected by the second coil is produced by the A potential outside the core or it's produced by the magnetic flux in the core like a standard transformer does. About this problem I'll post a possible solution later here and ask the guys more advanced in the transformers technologies if it's valid or not.

So I'll need to "tweak the heck out of it" in a painful trial and error process (adjust coils, adjust permanent magnet flux, adjust frequency and pulse width) until I'll get closer to the correct configuration.

But if in the end the experiment will be successfully then the core it's worth the price and we'll get to a new level with our devices because then we'll have a proven method of concentrating and harvesting energy directly from the zero-point/quantum/aether field. This is what I hope for and this is the reason why I invested so much in this experiment.

"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
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Fighter posted this 12 July 2020

Hi guys,

I have a question for the guys more advanced than me in the transformers technologies.

We all know how a transformer is made. What happens if we have a coil which is not around the core like this ?

Will it receive any voltage or current on it ?

The question could be seen as stupid but it's not, the reason I'm asking this is because I'm looking for a way to detect/measure a electric field formed outside of the core.

The hypothesis is the scenario described by Bearden: outside the core is present a uncurled A potential (Aharonov-Bohm effect) but in order to detect it we need to disturb it by applying sharp pulses in the primary so it starts producing electric (not magnetic !) fields.

So the coil from the figure above will "ignore" what's going on in the standard transformer and "see" only the electric fields formed outside the core ?

I need something like this in order to find the right magnetic field (from permanent magnets) required for the core to have the Aharonov-Bohm effect manifesting and producing uncurled A potential outside of the core. Without this I have no way of knowing if the Aharonov-Bohm effect is actually manifesting or not in my experiment (the magnetic field from the permanent magnets could be too weak or too strong).

Do you think this could work as intended ? Any other ideas are more than welcome !


"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
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UndisclosedMember posted this 12 July 2020


It is always worth to try (intuition tells you may not see much), but I would suggest (as according to Hector's teaching) to wrap coil(s) fully around the core to detect radiant pulses. You will see peaks on scope. When this happens have LC around the core to tap.

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Fighter posted this 12 July 2020

Hi UndisclosedMember,

The idea is to have a coil (detector) which ignores what the classical transformer does. Wrapping this coil around the core will make it sense everything including the magnetic field pulsing in the core. I would like to avoid sensing the magnetic field inside the core. I just want to see only the electric field (not magnetic) forming around the core when the uncurled A potential is disturbed by the pulses coming from the primary. Maybe I didn't understood correctly your idea ?

"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
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Fighter posted this 12 July 2020

Hi UndisclosedMember,

Just a question, what do you mean when you talk about Hector's teaching ? Does the guy have a full name so I can search for him and for details about his method ?

Thanks !

"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
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UndisclosedMember posted this 12 July 2020

Hey Fighter,

Regarding your question:

We all know how a transformer is made. What happens if we have a coil which is not around the core like this ?

Will it receive any voltage or current on it ?

This is a case of Coupling, if there is Flux that Couples the Coil you mention, to "Generate" a E.M.F or Voltage, because E.M.F is measured in Units of Volts, then a Current will Flow.

Normally, very little flux is outside the Core, but with Bucking Coils, we can have more Flux compared to normal, especially in loose coupled situations, E.G: Not Unity Coupled.

Best wishes, stay safe and well My Friend

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UndisclosedMember posted this 13 July 2020

Hi Fighter!

I meant - if you pulse one leg of the transformer you put sense circuit around both legs (mostly neutral). If the environment is activated (AB effect), it will shoot thru the entire core from some direction. Hector Perez Torres is the inventor of Transverter (TV, solid state) or Rotoverter (RV) who gave those public domain, was mostly active in EVGray forum. Also being RF expert his main point was that RE = RF = resonance and voltage/amperage nodes, proper impedance matching. Chris or someone has referred to the pdf that collects his teachings written by Dan Combine.

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UndisclosedMember posted this 13 July 2020

Hey UndisclosedMember,

Yes Hector and Dan are good works to study, but I must say, I would have to put Fighter well in advance of what they have shared to date! Fighters work and understanding is well in advance of all their works combined, sorry pun not intended!

Fighter, your ZPM is exactly right in all aspects, the machine works on the same basic principles, its just another method to get to the same state!

Focus on your existing results and broaden from there and you will find that there is a very large field ahead where currently Science and mainstream Scientists are well behind us!

@UndisclosedMember, its worth looking at Fighters experiments to further understand Fighters achievements, he has achieved XL = XC, his Machines are based on Magnetic Resonance.

Of course, Floyd Sweets Lab Notes are well worth studding! What is contained here is very important start!

Best wishes, stay safe and well My Friends

Attached Files

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Fighter posted this 16 July 2020

@UndisclosedMember thanks, it makes sense. I'll check for the pdf you mentioned.

@UndisclosedMember thanks ! This is not a separate device, it's just a project I consider being part of ZPM enhancements stage. ZPM is still my main project and if this project is successful I will certainly find a way to integrate this A-B zero-point energy concentrator into ZPM.

Meanwhile as you know I was looking for a way to find out what's happening around this device while it's powered so I did some experiments (link to larger image here):

So I come up with a very simple but extremely helpful tool not only for this device but for all our devices.

I'm using a ferrite rod I have from a radio, a coil on it and 3 LEDs connected to the coil: two having the same polarity and one having opposite polarity. The red LED have higher voltage (12V) so it's less sensitive but can indicate the strength of the pulsing magnetic field. The other two white LEDs have lower voltage (4.5V, I have them from some Chinese lighters) so they're very sensitive and can indicate magnetic polarity. Also because the core of the coil is a ferrite rod it can indicate the direction of the pulsing magnetic field. I tested it within 50Hz - 100KHz range and it works.

So if around a device there is a pulsing magnetic the tool is able to show that magnetic field's strength, direction and polarity.

It also can be very useful to see if your device is spilling magnetic field in space like in my case where the coils I've made seems to be too powerful for this core (I'll need to rebuild them).

This is how I've built this tool (link to larger image here):

Here is indicating the magnetic North and South poles, for North indicating also the strength - the red LED:

(link to larger image here):

(link to larger image here)

And here it shows how much magnetic field my current configuration is spilling into space, so I'm sure now the A-B effect is not present with this configuration, I'll definitively need to rebuild the coils (link to larger image here):

So if you need to check what's happening outside of your device a tool like this could be very useful, if you have questions about it please let me know.

Now the interesting part will be would be to have something similar to detect a electric field which should form around the core when the A-B field is present. I was thinking about a coil made using aluminum coil and air core, not sure if that would work as a electric field detector, I need to think more and make some research.

Both tools are required to find the correct configuration of coils and permanent magnet strength for the testing scenario.

"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
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