Electromagnetic Field Resonance

  • Last Post 10 August 2024
Apoc posted this 18 June 2024

Seems I come back to this every now and then, in my head it seems like it should work, but physically designing it and building it eludes me.

So I had another very through chat with chatgpt4. I'm convinced that no magnetic field is actually static, which is like blasphemy in the scientific field when it comes to permanent magnets.

If we look at how the atoms in iron can align their electrons together to create a magnetic field. Then take into account that all these electrons are moving (albeit small distances within the individual atoms). Then shouldn't the magnetic field that these electrons are producing move also at the same rate they are moving around the atoms.

The short answer I got from chat gpt is they would be moving in Terra hertz frequencies. Meaning that a permanent magnet made from iron actually has a magnetic field that is essentially vibrating at this same frequency due to the magnetic field being attached to these moving electrons within the atoms of the iron.

I looked it up and Electrons "orbit" Iron atoms at approximately 57,000,000 m/s.

Then if we go back to basics of induction, the speed at which a magnetic field moves (and this is moving wicked fast even if only microscopic distances) then the speed of this movement alone should generate something if the inductor is properly tuned to the rate at which the electrons are orbiting the atoms of the iron magnet. In speculation it seems this should create a very high frequency AC current in the inductor if it is properly tuned to the rate of orbit of the electrons in the iron.

I can picture it all in my head, but where I'm struggling with figuring this out is my lack of knowledge when it comes to electrical power itself and things like inductance and how to build a coil that's supposed to resonate at a specific frequency.

What I picture is a coil wrapped around an iron magnetized core that is in tune with the frequency at which the literal electrons are orbiting the iron atoms.

AlteredUnity posted this 22 June 2024

ChatGPT can be very wrong sometimes, especially at math, even mixing equations up. But very useful for the most part! Why would you say the field is static? There is nothing static or never not in motion in the universe. Interconnectedness of everything assures this(I read aabout this in: The Holographic Universe, and heard somewhere recently again)

Apoc posted this 22 June 2024

Well its not so much static as that the electrons making the magnetic field don't do so in unison so they dont translate a fequency of orbit to the macroscopic level, instead you get a magnetic field that at the macroscopic level is "static", but at the microscopic level is "fuzzy" due to all the inconsistencies of each electron magnetic dipole lining up to create the macroscopic magnetic field.

Apoc posted this 26 June 2024

Another route I've been contemplating is creating an LC Circuit that resonates at the Earths naturally occuring Schuman Frequency (7.83 Hz). I suspect Nikola Tesla was trying to not only transmit wireless electricity with his Wardenclyffe tower but also create a large LC circuit that resonated with earths natural Schuman Freuqency to generate the electricity to transmit.


From what I've found by asking Chat GPT to help me design said circuit it appears that an LC Circuit with an inductor with 1 Henry or a Coil that is "7,118 turns of wire around a cylindrical form with a diameter of 10 cm and a length of 50 cm."24 AWG (or as suitable)."

Then to get as close as possible to Resonance connect (4) 1mF capacitors, (or maybe (8) 500uF capacitors because these would be easier to obtain). Then wire everything up and try to fine tune the circuit which I'd need a signal generator capable of creating the Schumann frequency of 7.83 Hz, and an O-Scope to test for resonance. Then adjust the coil as needed until resoanance is acheived.


One thing to note is.... 7000 turns would be quite an undertaking for a coil haha.


The one thing I'm worried about though is the low frequency not really leading to any real results due to it being too weak, but in theory if it resonates it should build power in the circuit still over time. The other thing is I really don't have a place to work on this right now as I live in a small apartment (wish I still lived with my dad, I'd have room there to do it).


Anyways what do you guys think? Is this worth trying to build? Or is it just another pipe dream?



Heres chat GPTs boring answer when asked if it would be capable of genering any real power though...

Energy Harvesting: While it can resonate with electromagnetic waves at the Schumann frequency, the amount of energy available from natural Schumann resonances is extremely low, not sufficient for significant power generation.

Fighter posted this 26 June 2024

Hi Apoc,

Personally I would try to replicate again the coil resonating with the permanent magent's field.

But of course it's just my opinion, here on our site our members decide which experiment they are attracted to and want to pursue. šŸ™‚



"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
Apoc posted this 26 June 2024

Replying To: Fighter

I've tried to a few times but can't seem to get the same results I think I'm missing something not to mention this happened about a year ago now at this point an my memory of it just gets fuzzier and fuzzier and I've made multiple attempts to recreate it... most people I tell this to say it was a fluke or some external that the multimeter was picking up... not to mention it was a DC current not an AC one... so I really have no idea, something tells me the piezoelectric transducer I had attached to it might have played some role but I just don't know.


Edit: I did some more looking into resonance seems I've overlooked something...

It seems for something to resonate with another signal it doesn't JUST need to be the same frequency. Although the best resonance happens at the same frequencies. Different harmonics of a specific frequency also resonate with that starting frequency. So as long as the 2 frequencies are somewhat in phase and are harmonics of each other, they should still create some resonance. Its known as Harmonic Constructive Interference.


What I suspect happened with my coil is it just happened to be close to one of these harmonics of the "static" magnetic field the permanent magnet was giving off. The problem is I still haven't really got a clue on how to meassure the natural frequency a permanent magnets magnetic field is. Which would still as was said before probably be in the THz range due to it being tied directly to the electrons movement throughout the atoms of the entire magnet. (Very small magnetic field movement at very high rate of speed.)

Apoc posted this 10 July 2024

I'm tempted to try winding the coil 1 turn at a time at this point and just meassure it on a multimeter for every turn lmao... brute force method I guess... I looked into trying to find the frequency of a "static" magnetic field and it involves using ferromagnetic resonance spectroscopy, which is complicated and something I couldn't do with out the right laboratory equiptment and yeah thats not happeing anytime soon >_<

Apoc posted this 22 July 2024

I suppose I should post about this (I really wanted to wait until I performed the actual experiment but I need a Gauss Meter that can reach 20-30,000 gauss and don't want to sit on this). I did more investigative questioning with chat gpt. I finally figured out what I did and why I had a current in my coil that was connected to nothing.

I accidentally built a coil that resonated with a harmonic of the Schuman frequencies (33.8 Hz). So apparently you can wind a coil around a 4cm L magnetic cylinder with a diameter of about 1cm chat gpt confirms and can generate roughly 0.1 Watts of power... IF the neodymium is UNMAGNETIZED (about 28 turns of 24 Gauge wire which is roughly what I wound onto it from memory). If its magnetized chat gpt says the freequency will be different and it will generate MORE power. The problem I have now is I don't possess a Gauss Meter to meassure my magnets magnetic field, so I have no idea what to feed Chat GPT for that data point to spit out how many turns I need around my magnet. I also think I'm going to need a O-scope and a signal generator to tune the inductor properly.


The way chat gpt described it is, the magnetic field of the magnet actually fluxes at the frequency of the shumann resonance because it interacts with earths moving magnetic field so the greater the magnets B field and permiability, the greater the electricity is generated.

I might be getting ahead of myself but, imagine connecting thousands of these together, a large scale version of something like this capable of pumping out kilowatts, one thing I did note is the shumann resonance can change from time to time, my solution is make the inductors variable (make it so the core can slide in and out of the coil to adjust for frequency changes and use an EMF to meassure the shumann frequency and use a controller to change the inductance as needed by sliding the cores in and out of the coils)

So in theory it should work... I just need to figure out how to meassure a magnetic field in a way that doesn't break my bank account...

Fighter posted this 23 July 2024

It's true precise gaussmeters are kind of expensive.

A few examples from Amazon, they seems to have +/- 5% precision:


Except this one TriField which I heard about and could be more precise but it's more expensive than others:


Another way would be to find a trusted site selling magnets because they usually specify the characteristics of those magnets.

For example this magnet:


There are specs including the magnetic flux density in Gauss:

Of course the question is how accurate those specs are but I guess they're close to the characteristics of those magnets.

That would be a way to try without buying a gaussmeter...

About the Schuman resonance, there are multiple frequencies (7.83 Hz - fundamental, 14.3, 20.8, 27.3 and 33.8 Hz) and it's true there are variations depending on environment. But a sliding coil for adjusting to those conditions makes sense to me, it should work.



"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
Jose Antonio posted this 06 August 2024


I'm also using ChatGPT from time to time, like I did here, it's useful.

The only problem with it it's the fact that they limited it so it would avoid answers about "exotic" technologies like zero-point energy and devices which are using principles beyond the borders of the "official" physics.

There ChatGPT become evasive and it's just providing useless answers ...........

Hey Fighter, that is interesting because I have been using ChatGPT to develop a new path for my Figuera device that I have on another site. When I asked chatGPT about energy harvesting through mechanical resonance, I received the following response. 

Energy harvesting from mechanical vibrations using magnetic fields holds great promise for creating self-powered systems, reducing energy consumption, and enabling new technologies in various fields.


I was surprised it would even mention Self-Powered Systems because that is the general claim of an OU device. 



AbitAnnoying posted this 06 August 2024

Hello. Interesting idea with the harvesting of energy from the fluctuation of the permanent magnet's magnetic field due to the movement of the electrons inside. But how to solve the problem that these movements are not in phase between individual particles? Trillions and trillions of electrons inside, some in phase, some out of phase, all random and chaotic. I mean, on a macroscopic scale, when you add it up, it's only a very weak noise, even in the THz range. It's like if you had a stator coil of a generator and inside it were spinning millions of rotors, each in a different direction and turned differently with respect to the stator. Do you think there is a solution?
