Electromagnetic Field Resonance

  • Last Post 10 August 2024
Apoc posted this 18 June 2024

Seems I come back to this every now and then, in my head it seems like it should work, but physically designing it and building it eludes me.

So I had another very through chat with chatgpt4. I'm convinced that no magnetic field is actually static, which is like blasphemy in the scientific field when it comes to permanent magnets.

If we look at how the atoms in iron can align their electrons together to create a magnetic field. Then take into account that all these electrons are moving (albeit small distances within the individual atoms). Then shouldn't the magnetic field that these electrons are producing move also at the same rate they are moving around the atoms.

The short answer I got from chat gpt is they would be moving in Terra hertz frequencies. Meaning that a permanent magnet made from iron actually has a magnetic field that is essentially vibrating at this same frequency due to the magnetic field being attached to these moving electrons within the atoms of the iron.

I looked it up and Electrons "orbit" Iron atoms at approximately 57,000,000 m/s.

Then if we go back to basics of induction, the speed at which a magnetic field moves (and this is moving wicked fast even if only microscopic distances) then the speed of this movement alone should generate something if the inductor is properly tuned to the rate at which the electrons are orbiting the atoms of the iron magnet. In speculation it seems this should create a very high frequency AC current in the inductor if it is properly tuned to the rate of orbit of the electrons in the iron.

I can picture it all in my head, but where I'm struggling with figuring this out is my lack of knowledge when it comes to electrical power itself and things like inductance and how to build a coil that's supposed to resonate at a specific frequency.

What I picture is a coil wrapped around an iron magnetized core that is in tune with the frequency at which the literal electrons are orbiting the iron atoms.

Fighter posted this 06 August 2024

Hi Jose Antonio,

That is surprising, was it generated by the free vresion or by the paid version of ChatGPT ?

When I use it (sometimes), I use the free version.

Usually they "patch" it so it's possible that within a couple of months you will not receive the same response.

I'm saying this because ChatGPT usually become very defensive when I mention concepts like zero-point energy, one-wire output, Avramenko plug, high-frequency opposing magnetic fields, scalar waves etc.

Here is just one example when ChatGPT completely freaked out when I mentioned a concept I already demonstrated here:

The last section is always the same and it's part of any answer related to the technologies we're experimenting with here.

So as you can see they restricted it so usually it's not very helpful when we try to use it for our research. šŸ™‚



"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
Jose Antonio posted this 07 August 2024


Hello. Interesting idea with the harvesting of energy from the fluctuation of the permanent magnet's magnetic field due to the movement of the electrons inside. But how to solve the problem that these movements are not in phase between individual particles? 

I don’t have the exact answer, but your comment got me thinking about how Mechanical Resonance may be your answer also. Back when I was a technician, we would magnetize a screwdriver by pointing it North and whacking it with a hammer. This was enough to loosen the magnetic domains and have them naturally realign N & S effectively adding the magnetic effect to the screwdriver.

So, looking at your (and mine) issue holistically, maybe we need to inject vibrations into the steel/iron to loosen the domains and allow them to align in a favorable position. OR maybe during this process of realignment, they give rise to a process that has a north-facing magnetic field confronting a south-facing magnetic field. What would happen if your Millions of Rotors would align in one position?

In an ideal scenario, we would want the domains, electrons, or whatever, to drive the process and not the driver that creates the process.


Jose Antonio posted this 07 August 2024


Hi Jose Antonio,

That is surprising, was it generated by the free vresion or by the paid version of ChatGPT ?

When I use it (sometimes), I use the free version.

I am certainly using the free version and I can only ask about five questions before I get locked out. When using it, I try to stay away from keywords such as over-unity, free energy, zero point energy, and such. Asking about resonance and energy extraction utilizing resonance appears to be a valid question. 

From studying the Barbosa and Leal devices, it appears that they don't create an inductive field through traditional means. They found a way to move electrons from the ground, consequentially creating a current flow due to electron movement and it turns out that current creates a magnetic field that is in favor of another magnetic field in the device. So in other words a north magnetic field facing a south magnetic field constantly inducing energy on a closed loop. This completely contradicts traditional induction. 


AbitAnnoying posted this 07 August 2024

Jose Antonio- Yes, the individual domains could be aligned, after all, this is how a macroscopic magnetic field is created. But here it would be necessary to somehow force the electrons to move in exactly the same way in each atom, so that the fluctuations are in phase and do not interfere with each other. So that some energy can be generated by these fluctuations. I think there is no way yet to achieve such synchronization without a large amount of energy required to create and maintain this synchronization.

Apoc posted this 10 August 2024

My thinking was that since the domains would be alligned that the electron fluxuations would then allign but your probably right it doesnt make sense that a particle traveling at the speed of light is just going to do so in unison with all the other electrons. At any rate the frequency is so high we really have no way to create a circuit that even could resonate at those million terra herz freuqencies.


What I'm still messing around with now though is instead trying to interact with earths natural magnetic fields schumann resonant frequencies which are much more feasible. The main problem with them is that there is so much noise eveywhere from everything and that the schumann frequencies don't have a very high amplitude to work with.

So its... Very high frequency high amplitude versus low frequency low amplitude, I don't like that... I still think to create an on demand electric circuit generator its going to involve frequency and resonance and harmonics somehow, how though I'm not so sure yet.... gonna keep reading more about waves and frequencies and how they interact, its very fascinating stuff.
