Kapanadze/Akula device replication from Azerbaijan

  • Last Post 4 weeks ago
Fighter posted this 21 January 2023

Hello friends,

You know Mitza84 from our secondary/backup forum, even if he is not active here we have a small Romanian Facebook group where we are admins and where people (mostly Romanians) are exchanging free-energy related data.

One day ago Mitza84 shared a archive containing conversations, schemas, details and explanations related to a succesful Kapanadze/Akula replication. The data is coming directly from the author of the replication named Ruslan Gadzhiomarov from Azerbaijan:

The device was presented in 2021 in a public demonstration.

The YouTube video of the demonstration is here:

Just in case the video will disappear from YouTube, I've uploaded a copy of it here on our site:

Here are just two samples from the explanations received from the author through a forum:

...And in direct discussions:

It's too much information about the device to show it directly in this post so I'm attaching an archive with all the information received from Mitza84.

In the archive you'll find the original documents in Russian language, photos, schemas, explanations and some of the translations in English using Google Translate so be aware the translations could not be 100% accurate. There are still documents and notes on the schemas in Russian language for which you'll need to use Google Translate in order to understand what they author is saying there. 

I'm sure our friend Vidura will find all this information very insightful as the device is similar to the project he is currently working on.

It also should be very interesting for our entire team as author's explanations are refering to principles and functionalities which are employed in all types of devices not only to Kapanadze/Akula devices. 



"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla

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Mitza84 posted this 29 January 2023

Thank you Fighter and guys for the welcome and i hope we will make it work . 

Munny posted this 29 January 2023

Wow!  Learning so much from all this.  Thank you all kindly for sharing.

When I built my TopRuslan device, I clearly had it backwards.  The push-pull provides the voltage and the Kacher provides the current.  That's a huge difference and now we know the current arises from the standing waves that when provided an exit point, packs a lot of flow.

This is good stuff.  We all ought to have something working within the next month or so.  I think any excuses we might have had are now long gone.


Fernando posted this 30 January 2023

Thanks a lot for the info, there is a researcher showing that to.

Fighter posted this 30 January 2023

I'm not very familiar with this type of coils but the video of tunning and showing the behavior of the medium around the coil is very interesting/intriguing:


Looking at the little tool having a blue LED I see the experimenter is also using something like the one I've built especially for the Aharonov-Bohm effect experiment. And I thought I came with a new tool for our experiments but seems it's not new. 🙂

They're very useful for checking what's going out with the medium around our devices while they're functioning.

Talking about the behavior of the field around the coil, check the video at 18:23, there are physical effects around the coil, that metal piece is moving. 

I don't know if the metal piece contains iron but the input current is insignificant in that coil so how come its magnetic field around the coil is strong enough to move that metal piece ? Seems very unlikely that the cause of the movement is the magnetic field. Then what's the cause ? The medium interacting with the coil is the cause of that movement ? Very interesting.



"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
Munny posted this 30 January 2023


Talking about the behavior of the field around the coil, check the video at 18:23, there are physical effects around the coil, that metal piece is moving. 

I don't know if the metal piece contains iron but the input current is insignificant in that coil so how come its magnetic field around the coil is strong enough to move that metal piece ? Seems very unlikely that the cause of the movement is the magnetic field. Then what's the cause ? The medium interacting with the coil is the cause of that movement ? Very interesting.

Good eye Fighter!

If not magnetic, the only other real choice is the electric field and based on it's relatively slow movement I would have to guess a slight alteration in the standing waves or in this case the antinode nearest that metal tube is not completely stable in its position, maybe slowly drifting back-n-forth a centimeter or two.  I would actually expect this behavior in a device that is not 100% production quality and assembly.  Would be interesting to see what happens if there were several stryfoam balls suspended from threads hanging over that coil.  Bet they would be dancing everwhere.

Fighter posted this 30 January 2023


Would be interesting to see what happens if there were several stryfoam balls suspended from threads hanging over that coil.  Bet they would be dancing everwhere.

Thank you for the idea, I think that would also be a good method to verify the electrical field around the core in my Aharonov-Bohm effect experiment !


"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
Mitza84 posted this 30 January 2023

At some point the autor od the device speaks about this patent that is similar to his is very important also to read it to understand more about it and is posible that kapanadze use the same principle.

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Vidura posted this 31 January 2023

Interesting the patent, I also think that it is similar to the Kapanadze device. An noteably Detail is the feedback from the secondary with the diode, It would eliminate the need of the HV source, once started. But we have to be very clear when talking about the physical principle, that it is not sufficient to mix just high voltage with high current. This does not explain from where the energy comes and how. Regards


Munny posted this 31 January 2023


This does not explain from where the energy comes and how.

Good place to focus.  I'd like you all to provide an opinion on this thought...

If a self running device is considered an "open system", in that it extracts energy from the ambient environment, could it not operate similar to a financial system?  The idea is one of borrow and repay.  To start such a device we have to have an initial investment in energy.  We take that energy and use it to harvest resources from the environment, then we repay a portion of what we have gained back to ourselves, calling it feedback.  One might say this is not possible, but consider this notion:

If we operate as a transmission line, there is inherent delay in the movement of energy, so we do not have to repay immediately.  And if we can capture electrical energy present between anti-nodes of opposite polarity, we now have a mechanism of energy extraction happening faster then allowing the energy pulse to proceed all the way to end of the transmission line before we can grab it.  What I'm getting at is power, or energy per unit of time.  If we can shortcut how long it takes to pull a quantum of energy out, we see that we have the same overall energy, but because we have shortened the time to get it, we have a power gain.  Energy is conserved, we have broken no physical laws here.  All we have done is compressed time at the point where we extract the feedback energy from the transmission line.  The energy quantums that make it to the end of the transmission line, power our load, but the energy we need to continue the operation comes from within, by means of how transmission lines behave.  In this case, we do not want our load to match our characteristic impedance, because if it does, any reflections go away and so does our standing waves that we need.  So we take our feedback energy and we superimpose this at the entry point of our transmission line in such a way where it increases the amplitude of the waves already present.

Now the question is, and it makes my head hurt to think deeply about it, does the process of pulling energy from two antinodes drop the energy that exits the transmission line into our load?  If no, great!  If it does, then by how much?  Equal?  Less than equal?  I've heard physicists argue differently, each with their miles of calculations.  If these devices are real, then we already have our answer.  I suspect when we tap the antinodes, the only thing we alter is the tuning of the standing waves.  We likely impose an impedance change, but if we tap this energy only as short impulses, it only slightly alters the standing waves, which recover the moment we reopen the switch.  I have to think the process is fairly straightforward, though a little tricky to master in real hardware.

I mentioned "financial system" at the start of this post, because it's my belief these systems are modelled after what we call "free energy" systems and they are actually free energy systems.  The money brokers have known the actual technique for millenia and continue to adapt them right up to this day.  This is probably why the research we are doing is so heritical, because it would reveal exactly how the world is actually powered and controlled.

Getza posted this 4 weeks ago

last post from Ruslan is from 12.03.2024 



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