Non Linear Resonance

  • Last Post 14 January 2025
Jagau posted this 14 December 2023

I transferred my thread on Non Linear Resonance here to

YoElMiCrO posted this 15 February 2024

Hello everyone.


Yes, that's real, but remember that it's the average that's important.
Let me explain...
The real problem is that to load a cap to 1J you need a 
longer than the discharge time, then in the ideal case
that you don't have any losses the energy is the same view from
the source that in the load..
That's a COP of 1.
The same goes for inductors, for example...
Imagine an inductor that has 100 turns and peak current
at 1A, this is 100A/Turn.
If the secondary has one turn, and you apply a 1 Ohm load to it
the peak voltage is 100V, if the resistor is 10 Ohm then 
you will have 1000V, but you have to remember that the voltage that is reflected
to the primary in the first case is 10000V+ Edc and in the second case...
The other thing is that di/dt=VL/L and the time it takes to rise to 1A
will be larger than the magnetic energy discharge, but the average
It's the same if the system is ideal.


Jagau posted this 15 February 2024

Nice demonstration Atti thank you

And excellent comment Yoelmicro.

Now as promised, you can double the power collected by adding another AV plug and charging another capacitor, right here where I placed the red arrow,  at the junction of the two pulsed coils.

You will now have two well charged capacitors, be careful a lot of voltage here.

You will double your voltage at the output with the two charged capacitors as you did with the first without increasing the power at the input. This is the advantage of an open system on a single wire. You master the current experiment very well, my congratulations, thank you.

We see at the end of the video that the input power increases greatly due to the standard transformer effect by using the two wires at the output, nice demonstration.


Atti posted this 07 April 2024


Quote from Gerry Vassitalos in his book of  ''LOST SCIENCE''

The "primary" and "secondary" of Tesla Transformers are not magnetic inductors.

They are coil-shaped capacitors! Tesla Transformer action is electrostatic induction.


One of Tesla's biggest well-kept secrets.


Hi eveione.

Unfortunately, at this moment I cannot contribute to confirm the results of the experiment.  But I will try. 
My experiments with coil-shaped capacitors confirm Jagau's statements. 
You may have already seen experiments on these (if you asked or not)
Just one example:


Jagau posted this 12 April 2024

These are excellent videos Atti, thank you for sharing them.
We can see on the third the same effect as the disruptive discharge of a capacitor, excellent.

Jagau posted this 08 May 2024

Atti made a very good replication,

 tell me apart from him,

are there others who succeeded??


Atti posted this 17 May 2024

I'm sure it would cost someone else to try to do it again. But as we have seen recently, these and similar attempts are neither carried out nor shared with others. Because it is not worth it. 

Jagau posted this 17 May 2024

Yes you are right Atti,

for some people it is not worth it and forget about sharing. Yet hundreds of people come here to the site and don't share anything, not even a thanks.

With this very basic experience, however, there is still much more to do, time will tell me if we should go further and show other even more advanced things. But…..

I'm not doing this to get thanks, but to share with my friends here on the forum and thus have fruitful exchanges.


Fighter posted this 17 May 2024

Every experiment is important, there is not such thing as "not worth it" experiment.

The reason I share my experiments (when I can and how I can) is to exchange information and different points of view and ideas with the members of our team.

If other visitors of our site understand what we are doing here and try to replicate it's fine. If they don't, it's also fine.

But I'm sure every member of our team understand how "exotic" are the technologies we're experimenting with here and their results/effects. These concepts are not present in any book of the "official" physics.

Don't worry Jagau, the problem which I think all the members of our team have is the lack of enough time not the lack of interest. Me included, because of the job I'm literally fighting to make bits and chunks of available time to work on my current experiments.

But I'll continue these experiments and of course I'll share everything as usually.



"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
Atti posted this 17 May 2024

for some people it is not worth it and forget about sharing. Yet hundreds of people come here to the site and don't share anything, not even a thanks.......

Every experiment is important, there is not such thing as "not worth it" experiment.



I don't do it to profit from it either.Obviously. None of our members wishes to be thanked. But a repeated experiment would be niceThat's right. It reinforces everything and we can move on.
Thank you. Atti.

Vidura posted this 20 May 2024



Atti made a very good replication,

 tell me apart from him,

are there others who succeeded??


Hey friends, yesterday i viewed Attis experiments again, and remembered the effect which could be observed in this video:

although I'm not sure that it is the same, it seems to be capacitive driving of the coils also, as the circuit is alwais open. due to a erroneous connection of the H-bridge, the two positive switches where turned on simultaneously, and in the other  half cycle the two negative switches. It was interresting that when replicated with only one switch of each polarity the effect was much less prominent, it seems that the rise and falltime on the winding is important. The switches I used are silicon carbide mosfet from Cree.

