Permanent magnet motors and their similarities.

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Atti posted this 2 weeks ago

Hello everyone.

At Jagau's request, I am creating a new thread here for permanent magnet motors. Any similarities to other machines can also be discussed here. Don't hold back, every post is important here!

Jagau posted this 5 days ago

Hi Atti and Vidura.

It would be really interesting if  we tried to unravel the mystery of the Adams generator engine, with each one his own replication or anyone else who would like to join us.

Since Atti is ahead we could have some advice.


Vidura posted this 4 days ago

Yes a good Idea, it is motivating if we engage in teamwork, and more hands on will rise the posibilities to suceed.

I have put in functioning my first pulsmotor but have planned to make some new rotors implementing the latest information. Also  I have ordered a batch of hallsensors and reedswitches. 

Regarding the participation of other members , this would be good. Maybe we should consider a builder thread in tier1 and give access to those who show  active participation?


Jagau posted this 3 days ago

Very good idea Vidura


for those who show experimental participation.


Atti posted this 3 days ago

Just an edited picture of the star wheel (or Hall transmitter angular position) and the proximity of the permanent magnets to each other (because that's not all,  because it doesn't matter where it is located )


Jagau posted this 3 days ago

So we must take the soldering iron and learn only for ourselves. This game is for your own self-education (unless you are a qualified electrical engineer who does it for a living).

Of course, you have to help the other person if you also do things as a hobby.That's the only way to learn, the only way to progress.

This is the good reason for a mutual aid forum


Vidura posted this 3 days ago

Hey Atti, I do not consider your work insignificant, it is intuitive and valuable. Yes time is an issue lately for all, in my case the economical situation has become challenging, I have to work mor to sustain the family, but for this project I have the advantage to have studied mechanical engeneering and a friend of mine has a very complete metallurgic workshop, where I can manufacture parts. Regarding the tier classification, for me it is not a question to share all my work and findings publicly, Although I will respect the work of those who want to keep their work in private or only share in restricted threads. For the participation I beleave that once we can show a reproducable selflooped device many will join to try it out.


Fighter posted this 3 days ago

Hi guys,

I didn't participated in this thread because my experience (and experiments) were with solid-state devices.

If the members participating in this thread agree to make it public just let me know.



"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
Inception posted this 3 days ago

Being new to this tier, I defer judgement to the senior members.

Fighter posted this 2 days ago


With the approval of our members I'm making this thread public.



"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
Fighter posted this yesterday

A question: I've made this thread public in the Concepts category, but maybe a more appropriate category should be Replications ?

I can easily move it there, just let me know.


"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
  • Liked by
  • Inception
  • Vidura