Public answer to Chris from

  • Last Post 08 December 2024
Fighter posted this 30 April 2022

I just saw a post made by Chris about two weeks ago:

Image attached to the post:

So, Chris, the answer is NO.

The reason it looks "familiar" is simple: both sites are using the same open-source platform named MVC Forum:

All the members of our team used to be members of AboveUnity (before you started to abuse, invent lies about them and act like a mentally ill person) and they are very familiar with the platform. That's the reason of our platform choice.

And if you would know what you're talking about you would know that if we would want to copy your site then this site would have been up and running in 4-5 days, we wouldn't need a month to develop it.

And you don't know it because you have no access here but BeyondUnity already have features and enhancements your site doesn't have. You were not even able to fix that Follow feature for topic notifications which is something very basic. Other than that check the layout, interactivity and the smoothness of this site and compare with yours. We had the latest version of TinyMCE from the beginning, weeks before you started upgrading the version from your site.

BeyondUnity was developed from ground up, that's why we have over 70 code commits made during the development:

So now get your pills, they may help with your issues.

And about all the lies and bullshit you were spreading about us, here it is something which you deleted on your site but we still have it:

Can you read this ?

I attached the image of the post so everyone can see it clearly.

So we started saving data (as you asked everyone to do) then you started yelling why we were saving the data. It does show exactly how bad your mental issues are.

And now fuck off, you're trash, go back to your site and find medical help.

You should ask yourself why almost all the members of the team left your site and the research and experiments there are now close to 0.

And something else: if you would have the solution, many members from your site would have working self-running devices by now ! The truth is no one has a working device there ! Not even you ! And we both know this !

You're in the past for us so stop talking trash about us. Everyone can see the proofs above and compare with all the lies you spread about us on your site.

If I would want your site down it would be down permanently. But your poor site goes offline on itself almost every day for more than a year now, was it also because of our "attacks" ? We even donated money to you when you were in trouble just to help in keeping your site online. Stop blaming others for your site issues.


"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla

Attached Files

baerndorfer posted this 10 August 2023


Why was necessary to measure light and not real output in resistive light bulbs ?

it is simple. when you design a LED-driver the main goal is to have as much light as possible with the least amount of input power. voltage, current, frequency and temperature are important values and have to be measured too. and they measured everything as you can imagine.

why LED? because this was the goal. to design a driver, that can put out more light than actual drivers used in industrial applications. but it is not limited to LED load. you can put whatever you want on output because it is ordinary DC.






Fighter posted this 10 August 2023

Replying To: baerndorfer

Great, then maybe you can show him how to build a demo device so after 7 years of babbling he can finally have something practical to show on his old site. šŸ˜‰



"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
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  • Inception
baerndorfer posted this 10 August 2023

to be honest i have no idea why he did not open his lab and show his progress. maybe he has nothing, maybe he has everything. 

i simply don't know.



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  • Fighter
Fighter posted this 11 August 2023


to be honest i have no idea why he did not open his lab and show his progress. maybe he has nothing, maybe he has everything. 

i simply don't know.

He got nothing...

And I understood that since I saw his reaction when he got a ZPM replication working on his table.

A few quotes from my previous posts:

So everyone can understand who is making real research and sharing the results with the public (like we do here) and who is just throwing lies, disinformation and leading people to a road going nowhere.

This is what he was confessing on the overunity site in 2016:


And something from 2016, one year before the old aboveunity site came online:

And after another 7 years still the same situation: no functional device using "his" coils demonstrating what he's "teaching" others. Talking about disinformation and wasting real researchers' time and resources.

As I said, it's a road going nowhere.


Yeah, as soon as he saw his ZPM replica working on his table his reaction was "MY PRECIOUSSSS..." - so much for "sharing knowledge" and "teaching others"... šŸ˜‰


He kept his own ZPM replication secret until I've made it public here.

Some images from that thread:

Anyone expecting to see any practical demo device showing proof for what he is "teaching" others will spend the next 10 years reading the same babbling about how wonderful his coils are and how his site is "light years ahead" just like it happened in the last 7 years since his old site came online.

In all these years the only demonstrations, experiments and test results on his site were made and shown by us (our core team of researchers) and none of our successful experiments used "his" stolen coils.

That's why his site was "light years ahead", we did that, not him with "his" coils and his babbling.

Well, as eveyone can see those days when he had real research, experiments and demonstrations on his site are over but he's still babbling about "his" coils and his site still being "light years ahead".

Which is kind of sad because it shows he don't realize his situation and the fact that the only "disgraced" one is him not the members of our team. We're here continuing our research. Without him.



"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
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Fighter posted this 11 August 2023


Replying To: Shelfordella

Kudos to the interloper

I agree that there is valuable information on AU, and Chris has presented useful experiments, tools, theories, and good empirical arguments regarding OU measurement.

The residual of this fallout is open bitterness shared in both forums, once a harmony amongst gentle and very productive peers ... friends. We were a happy lot, yet now guarded, dispensing harsh countermeasures previously reserved for OU deniers.

In a perfect world. -

My hope for escaping bilateral regret: remove personal affronts in both forums; agree to present POC asymmetry on the AU forum and alternate configurations on the BU forum. Respectfully sharing references to each others works when applicable.

... for two witnesses are greater than one. Our mutual goal is to harvest from an abundant source of energy ... to release us from the bondage of evil oil overlords.

Unfortunately that's not possible anymore.

And it started when his mental issues kicked in and called us traitors just because we wanted to backup the data on his site, something which he asked us to do !

Then he continued with attacking his own team, attacks on us after we built our new site here, all the things he did and said (all documented in this thread), lies, disinformation - things which no mentally sane person would do.

I think I can speak on behalf the members of our team (certainly for me and Cd_Sharp), we'll never work again with that mentally ill and pathetic excuse of a human being.

We're still friends and working together here for that goal, that didn't changed. 

Except him, he have serious mental issues, he's not a person we can work with to do research.



"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
Inception posted this 11 August 2023

Replying To: Fighter

I understand, and have to agree. What happened was unexpected and unnecessary ... an artifact of the tumultuous times in which we live.

Like I said, "... In a perfect world".

baerndorfer posted this 11 August 2023

there is no excuse to his over-reaction. as you know he kicked me months ago for no reason and i am fine with that. i only wanted to point out, that POC works for me. and we know, that it is not invented by him.



Inception posted this 11 August 2023

Replying To: Shelfordella

You got that "dangerous doctrine" part right, Shel. 

 The channel looks interesting ... will check it out.

  • Liked by
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  • cd_sharp
Inception posted this 11 August 2023

Replying To: baerndorfer

"there is no excuse to his over-reaction"

Roger that. As fighter has illustrated, there is an imbalance there. During relocation it became full-blown and everyone is now "enemy".

solarlab posted this 21 September 2023

Hi Chris, 

A quick note re: "Excess Energy" devices - 

Review the thread (22 pages). Describes a "real device" (analysis included) regarding the

Holcomb inventions and subsiquent CAE Analysis developments, BTW, this is an "Open Source

presentation; for all the open source fans." 

The  Holcomb (HES) devices are found here:  and 

These are actually "REAL" devices and are being fielded as we speak! 

Maybe not "light years ahead" - but just "real developments" from  the "real world" ! 

Might be worth your while to have a look - they're actual excess energy devices (40KW+).  


Of course this is only one method to achieve "Excess Energy" but it has been proven. 


