Public answer to Chris from

  • Last Post 08 December 2024
Fighter posted this 30 April 2022

I just saw a post made by Chris about two weeks ago:

Image attached to the post:

So, Chris, the answer is NO.

The reason it looks "familiar" is simple: both sites are using the same open-source platform named MVC Forum:

All the members of our team used to be members of AboveUnity (before you started to abuse, invent lies about them and act like a mentally ill person) and they are very familiar with the platform. That's the reason of our platform choice.

And if you would know what you're talking about you would know that if we would want to copy your site then this site would have been up and running in 4-5 days, we wouldn't need a month to develop it.

And you don't know it because you have no access here but BeyondUnity already have features and enhancements your site doesn't have. You were not even able to fix that Follow feature for topic notifications which is something very basic. Other than that check the layout, interactivity and the smoothness of this site and compare with yours. We had the latest version of TinyMCE from the beginning, weeks before you started upgrading the version from your site.

BeyondUnity was developed from ground up, that's why we have over 70 code commits made during the development:

So now get your pills, they may help with your issues.

And about all the lies and bullshit you were spreading about us, here it is something which you deleted on your site but we still have it:

Can you read this ?

I attached the image of the post so everyone can see it clearly.

So we started saving data (as you asked everyone to do) then you started yelling why we were saving the data. It does show exactly how bad your mental issues are.

And now fuck off, you're trash, go back to your site and find medical help.

You should ask yourself why almost all the members of the team left your site and the research and experiments there are now close to 0.

And something else: if you would have the solution, many members from your site would have working self-running devices by now ! The truth is no one has a working device there ! Not even you ! And we both know this !

You're in the past for us so stop talking trash about us. Everyone can see the proofs above and compare with all the lies you spread about us on your site.

If I would want your site down it would be down permanently. But your poor site goes offline on itself almost every day for more than a year now, was it also because of our "attacks" ? We even donated money to you when you were in trouble just to help in keeping your site online. Stop blaming others for your site issues.


"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla

Attached Files

cd_sharp posted this 01 January 2024

I'm not sure you noticed. Now he says you are the one responsible for attacking his forum using the scraper. He can't sleep well at night trying to invent lies about whoever becomes the main target. He is confusing facts and people.

He has great personality defects. The greatest one is arrogance. Seeing how arrogant and narcissist he is, I think there are two possibilities:

  1. He does not have a practical high-power device, but just bits of information on how to build it. He is desperately trying to find help to glue the bits he has together. This is sustained by the fact that he has shown only toys till this day.
  2. He has a usable device, but as a lottery winner that has no idea what to do with the big prize, he is wasting the divine inspiration he received at some point in his life. He only declares he is "light years ahead", but he's only repeating bits of information over and over again. Some of these bits are very interesting to investigate, indeed.

In both cases we'll try to figure the device out without him. I cannot have as a teacher such an arrogant, liar and self-important person.

Divine inspiration comes to mentally clean, hard-working, perfectionist people. He stands no chance to receive it today.

Stay strong!

If you know how to build such a device and you're not sharing, you're a schmuck! - Graham Gunderson

cd_sharp posted this 02 January 2024

I forgot to mention that Fighter's ZPM is clearly very much stronger than any toy Chris has ever demonstrated. Chris is not just arrogant, liar, narcissistic, but also a coward. He never demonstrated any device having a COP more than 1.5, very low power. An old saying in Romania sounds like this: "A tree is known by its fruits and a human by his deeds". Chris is nothing but a professional talker. He collapsed but kept the region linking to the thread that attacks Fighter's real identity, which is illegal. He thinks he can get away with that. He says he does not know why his forum was suspended. He is acting like a virgin bitch.

For Chris, as I know he is reading this thread: "Hey, Chris, I'm not welcome back ever on your forum? I did not ask to be back. Your forum is repeating the same crazy delirium over and over. You are not helping anyone, you are misleading starters and attacking us. Your forum is a garbage dumpster. The few people that tolerate your arrogance in there are hoping to learn anything useful from you. How wrong they are! I think you have no idea how to continue the Non-Inductive coil experiment, but even if you did, you would not share it to anyone. You like wasting people's time. A lot of stuff you are saying is related to the FE subject only in your dirty mind. Clean up the mess in your mind and on your forum!"

Stay strong!

If you know how to build such a device and you're not sharing, you're a schmuck! - Graham Gunderson

Fighter posted this 02 January 2024


I'm not sure you noticed. Now he says you are the one responsible for attacking his forum using the scraper. He can't sleep well at night trying to invent lies about whoever becomes the main target. He is confusing facts and people.

Of course, he is lying so much that it's hard for him to remember his own lies from yesterday, one week ago, one month ago, etc... šŸ˜„

He has great personality defects. The greatest one is arrogance. Seeing how arrogant and narcissist he is, I think there are two possibilities:

  1. He does not have a practical high-power device, but just bits of information on how to build it. He is desperately trying to find help to glue the bits he has together. This is sustained by the fact that he has shown only toys till this day.
  2. He has a usable device, but as a lottery winner that has no idea what to do with the big prize, he is wasting the divine inspiration he received at some point in his life. He only declares he is "light years ahead", but he's only repeating bits of information over and over again. Some of these bits are very interesting to investigate, indeed.

A quote from my post here:

He got nothing...

And I understood that since I saw his reaction when he got a ZPM replication working on his table.

A few quotes from my previous posts:

So everyone can understand who is making real research and sharing the results with the public (like we do here) and who is just throwing lies, disinformation and leading people to a road going nowhere.

This is what he was confessing on the overunity site in 2016:


And something from 2016, one year before the old aboveunity site came online:

And after another 7 years still the same situation: no functional device using "his" coils demonstrating what he's "teaching" others. Talking about disinformation and wasting real researchers' time and resources.

As I said, it's a road going nowhere.


Yeah, as soon as he saw his ZPM replica working on his table his reaction was "MY PRECIOUSSSS..." - so much for "sharing knowledge" and "teaching others"... šŸ˜‰


He kept his own ZPM replication secret until I've made it public here.

Some images from that thread:

Anyone expecting to see any practical demo device showing proof for what he is "teaching" others will spend the next 10 years reading the same babbling about how wonderful his coils are and how his site is "light years ahead" just like it happened in the last 7 years since his old site came online.

And his desperation to claim credits for ZPM, for YoElMiCrO's flashlight and other devices... that's the desperation of someone who got nothing on his own (invention or functional device).

In both cases we'll try to figure the device out without him.

Be sure about that. I'm in the process of adding adnotations and observations to the video of the first experiment I've made with the device I've built for The Don Smith Effect experiments. I'll publish the video when it's ready.

The experiment is successful and I must say I already learned and understood a lot while playing with the device in diverse scenarios.

Beside the experiment's target (a capacitor with its plates at right angles to the current flow of a coil in self-resonance can extract energy without affecting the input and I saw that happening), I understood better how we can "blind" the input so it can't "see" the output ("Don't kill the dipole !" as Tom Bearden told us) and what Don Smith meant when he told us about "the ground - the source of electrons".

And I think what I've learned could be aplied as well to ZPM and other devices we're experimenting with here.

With every experiment we're doing here we're learning and understanding a lot, the pieces are falling in their right places and we're starting to see the big picture and to understand better what our great teachers (like Tom Bearden, Don Smith and others) told us.

So while the cuckoo-boy is "attacked by the khazarian mafia" (šŸ˜‚) and other imaginary forces trying to stop him from "saving" the planet and while he keeps repeating how wonderful "his" stolen coils are even if after 7 years he's still not able to show them working in any practical/demo device, we're continuing our research and I have a very strong feeling we're on the right path and seems the "big picture" is starting to become more clear and more detailed.

We're getting closer and closer to Rome, my friends...



"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
cd_sharp posted this 02 January 2024

On the same note, we could return the favor and share his picture, full name and other sensitive details. Unlike him, we are aware this is illegal and immoral.

Hey, Chris, you cannot try saving humanity without holding on to what makes you human, remember? Where is your sense of morality in displaying Fighter's photo and details?

If you know how to build such a device and you're not sharing, you're a schmuck! - Graham Gunderson

Inception posted this 04 January 2024

Most of our community live in fear for their lives.

Due to the ever-present danger to alternative energy scientists, experimenters, inventors ... the doxxing of anyone in any forum, as a retaliatory or spiteful act, is reprehensible.

This has been the tactic of cowardly anarchists and tyrants, to direct violence toward their enemies.

If someone desires to be a public figure and risk personal harm, that is their choice. 

It is not anyone's right to disclose the identity or whereabouts of anyone to direct malevolent agents toward their doorstep. 

Consider it premeditated murder, should those malevolent agents succeed in silencing any of our voices, due to spiteful doxxing: a betrayal of moral trust, which cannot be whitewashed as the will of God.

solarlab posted this 11 January 2024

Hey Chris - over at, 

You should quit worrying about everyone else's progress, and such, and 
get busy yourself studying and developing an "EE_TFG" excess energy device 
or a "LinGen." These are real devices and have real output capabilities! 

Everything you need to know is outlined in my posts on both the OverunityMachines 
and Mooker Opensource Free Energy Forum. See "solarlab" threads and posts; the 
concepts are actually new 'Excess Energy' discoveries and are "Light Years Ahead." 

They're already analyzed, tested, and easy to build without any exotic equipment or 
parts. Also, there are plenty of "back-up" attachments, etc.. 

Looking forward to reviewing your designs and discussions related to these systems,
or any others that you may have developed yourself, Hey - We're all in this together! 

But, just IMHO ... 

Take care and have a good one, 



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  • Fighter
Shelfordella posted this 11 January 2024

the secret lies in "one-hundred aaan eeeigthy".

"A little theory and calculation would have saved Edison 90 per cent of the labor." Nikola Tesla

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  • Fighter
solarlab posted this 11 January 2024

Hey Chris - the facts speak for themselves don't they! 

Where's your devices and analysis?   No where...

The LinGen and EE_TFG details are all there so anyone can develop them. 

Anyway, if you don't have the facts or devices - attack the person ;
that's your MO it looks like - hey, try doing some real sensible technical work... 


Well - that's enough of tryig to educate and motivate this fellow! 

Small glimmer of light however - Chris is now using the term "Excess Energy"
instead of that "non descript, worn out" Overunity (OU) thing!  šŸ˜„  +1


Jagau posted this 17 January 2024

I am speaking here to those who can read this message for any forum.
You will quickly understand why, I have already said it once but the little guru of contains disinformation, embarrassment, slander and insults.
You should understand what all the old and new members came here to, we were tired of being told that we can't experience or say something that wasn't what he thought, watch him go on his forum when he doesn't like it he insults people or he bans them, easy to do when you can do it, he should have banned himself that would have been a good thing.

In addition, he invented a member named (Aetherholic) he came and disappeared like a hair in the soup, as a misinformant he is hard to bring down I admit. Having had some conversation with the supposed Aetherholic, I recognized immediately that and the information transmitted did not make technical sense. He invented this name, it was him, I recognized him, false member. Why did this member disappear as he came by magic???, Go and see, you will see.

Watch here why he got himself banned on

The moderator had had enough of him, EMJ was never able to prove what he said, false declaration contrary to the rules of ethics.

People have asked him on several occasions to prove what he says about POC, even ITSU, which supposedly is the only one who has made great efforts to experiment in this sense, has made an eloquent demonstration of it, but not for Mr. the guru. The insult followed, it didn't suit him. Even his supposed great friend TINMAM, whom he has slandered on numerous occasions, has distanced himself from his words, everything is written on the forum

I ask a question, why does he leave my experiences on his forum and those of the members here???
Because he didn't have anything else to shown, that's it.

He only ever showed these pretensions only of Blah Blah, he replied nothing at all and he continued to insult people, no respect for anyone except for (himself) the little guru. You can come here to to learn, that's what we all do here but it seems like you already know everything, so what are you doing here?

 Enough is enough, stop wasting researchers' time, you don't have the technical skills required to criticize others.

I invite people who want to come here or elsewhere to other forums and they will respect you.


Fighter posted this 17 January 2024

He is just begging for our attention 'cause that's all what he can do.

He see that, after 7 years while he was not able to show anything functional with "his" useless coils (which he stolen from one of Don Smith's devices), the real researchers don't give a s* anymore about what he is "teaching" others as they realize those coils are a road going to nowhere.

So disinformation, lies and insults is all what he can do since he can't compete with our experiments and our public demonstrations of actually functional overunity devices. 

He is desperate, he talks all the time about being "light years ahead" but, as long as he doesn't have at least a single practical/demonstrative device using "his" useless coils to show, he realize that he is actually light years (and going in the wrong direction to nowhere) behind us... šŸ˜‰

The guy have serious mental issues (in his world he thinks he is sent by God to "save" humanity) but the truth is for many years he is not fighting anymore for the common goal of all the free-energy researchers around the world, he is actually fighting against that goal. He is the real traitor and a shame for our cause and for our battle. As Cd_Sharp said: he is a useful idiot and he's doing the job of his lifetime enemies. 

Let him boil in his own insanity and toxicity, talking alone to his imaginary friends... 

The public is not stupid, people can easily see on what site the real research and real demonstrations are done by the same team of real researchers and on what site is just a mentally ill guy babbling for 7 years but still unable to show anything practical/functional...


"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla