Clemente Figueras Generator

  • Last Post 5 days ago
Vidura posted this 17 April 2024

Clemente Figueras Generator

Searching for the principles.

There was the Clemente Figueras thread on the AU forum many years ago, which I followed with great interest. Several talented builders were showing their skills and ideas. What was notable in my opinion, that all of them were convinced to know how it supposedly works and thus following more or less the same line. Eventually I have been scolded for proposing a different idea. The reason why different options should be explored is quite obvious: if it could not be replicated relaying on these ideas in 120 years, there could be a mistake in the interpretation of the patents. It is known that from the patent scripts several drawings had disappeared. It seems the only remaining is this block diagram:

The comments translated to English have of course been added by someone. Figueras himself never referred to the coil sets as “primary “ or “secondary” coils. He always described his machine as a generator and not as a transformer. What is the most important difference between them? On the internet we can find some answers, although doubtful ones. For example, that mechanical energy is converted into electricity in a generator, and that the changing magnetic field in the transformer induces a voltage in the secondary. The output voltage on the windings of the generator is not proportional to the number of turns ratio between the excitermagnets and the output winding. it is dependent on the magnetic field strenght, the rate of change per time unit and the number of turna on the outputwindings. I will come back to this later why I called doubtful such explanations. The most important difference is that the exciter magnet in the generator is continuously magnetized in the same polarity in contrast to the transformers primary. In this thread I will propose and test some different approaches to find the magic in this machine.

If we read the patents, it is quite straightforward explained how the machine resembles the operation of a standard generator or alternator without moving coils or other parts, with exception of the switching mechanism with brushes and a dc motor. But there is not one hint about how the reaction as per Lenz’ law is avoided. It is not too difficult to build a solid-state generator with a good efficiency. When I experimented with the DZ generator with rotating magnetic fields, I came to 95%+ but unfortunately not over 100%. This would be only possible by diminishing or cancelling the Lenz’ reaction. The numerous experiments I performed pointed to this direction.

So I will conclude this introduction with the statement: if we don’t understand how it works we cant likely reproduce it. And even if someone succeeds by trial and error without understanding how, it is not likely replicable for others. This applies for other inventions and devices as well.

will continue soon 


Jagau posted this 17 August 2024

Hi Vidura
Research is not easy, I know something about it, we must constantly encourage ourselves and start again.

While browsing the web I noticed a researcher who makes a good analysis of the subject in which your research goes. To give you new ideas or maybe another point of view I indicate a link on Clemente Figuera that will interest you, maybe?

Clemente Figuera: A layman assimilation through analysis and discovery

by Jose Antonio

Good reading

And a small pdf on the subject

Attached Files

AbitAnnoying posted this 17 August 2024

Hello. Isn't the purpose of this device just to make the DC voltage of the battery more or less a sine wave so that it can then be increased or decreased with a transformer? It seems like a very old invention, at that time there were no DC/AC converters and probably not even well available active elements, so he did it using resistors and a motor... Such a primitive "inverter"??

Vidura posted this 17 August 2024


Hello. Isn't the purpose of this device just to make the DC voltage of the battery more or less a sine wave so that it can then be increased or decreased with a transformer? It seems like a very old invention, at that time there were no DC/AC converters and probably not even well available active elements, so he did it using resistors and a motor... Such a primitive "inverter"??

You are correct with this, it was just the way switching was done at those times usually, and if the device is built properly the losses of the resistor network could be neglected. The challange is to find the engeneering solution to get the timeresponse of the coils and the impedance mached to the resistor network and operating frequency. And more than anything else how to deal with the counter EMF of the generated outputcurrent and use it to assist the magnetic primary fields.


xman posted this 2 weeks ago

I found an interesting video.maybe the longer the core, the smaller the BEMF. Maybe your core length in the middle is too short. Clemente Figuera never said how long the core was, he just drew a diagram. It's just my two cents.😄

Vidura posted this 2 weeks ago

Replying To: xman

Hi xman. Regarding the lenght of the core I would agree, it might have been to short in the last setup. 

But what mr. Elliot is showing is a different thing, if you pay attention the poles of the attached neomagnets ar like towards the steelrod. So it is a common effect of leaking out flux of that polarity over the whole rod which under this condition can not polarize but only conduct the flux of the neomagnets. In the case of Figueras second patent , if we can trust the information we have, the centrecore is polarized all the time, only with alternating intensity on both ends, which would move the blochwallover the winding inducing an EMF on the output. I have shown this configuration in an earlier experiment, the concept is valid, but still the correct geometrie and materials have not been found.

Regarding the counter magnetic force as per Lenz' law My hypothesis is different, but I will not go into that until finding consistent proofes.

Thanks for the feedback 


Vidura posted this 5 days ago

Short update: I have received today a batch of I laminations to test some more geometric arrangements. Got them for an affordable price, less than 2$ per kg. This will save a lot of time , as the recycling of these materials is very timeconsuming.

So this Project has not been burried, will continue.

