BTG research

  • Last Post 04 May 2024
Vidura posted this 03 August 2022

Hello Friends, I will import this thread; from the backup forum to the public category ,it is dedicated to the BTG devices like the ones shown by Ruslan and Akula. The Goal is to gain knowledge about the involved principals, and hopefully to achieve a working, self-feeding machine. Regarding the tier2 category , I want you to know that I was really tented to post for general public, and certainly the thread will be moved in the replications category when the time is right. But I also know that various persons got in serious troubles , and likely a young man lost his live, because this is the kind of devices produced in series would sensibly cut in the profits of the big energy companies.

We will in a first step go in diakoptik manner thru the different parts of the device and make different kinds of experiments and tests to get basic understanding of how this devices are working, and the interaction of the different parts. Also we will collect information from various sources from the original Builders. I would encourage those of you , who are interested in following or participating in this project, to read the thread about longitudinal waves , as this describes one of the  basic physical principals involved in this device.

The First Part of the device we will cover is the push-pull converter. It's function is pumping charges, an analogy would be the electron-gun in the CRT, it is the source of charges. There is no magic in this part, it is just common EM technology, there are different topologies which could be used, half or full bridge would be suitable. For low frequency devices like the Kapagen also an of the shelf silicone steel transformer could be used. It is important that the output is AC. In the research we will stick to the push-pull topology for the ease of switching the two low side IGBT's. Here some images from testing this stage:

As I have time ,Ill continue to upload content and updates or corrections.


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Vidura posted this 03 August 2022

Hello Friends, I will import this thread; from the backup forum to the public category ,it is dedicated to the BTG devices like the ones shown by Ruslan and Akula. The Goal is to gain knowledge about the involved principals, and hopefully to achieve a working, self-feeding machine. Regarding the tier2 category , I want you to know that I was really tented to post for general public, and certainly the thread will be moved in the replications category when the time is right. But I also know that various persons got in serious troubles , and likely a young man lost his live, because this is the kind of devices produced in series would sensibly cut in the profits of the big energy companies.

We will in a first step go in diakoptik manner thru the different parts of the device and make different kinds of experiments and tests to get basic understanding of how this devices are working, and the interaction of the different parts. Also we will collect information from various sources from the original Builders. I would encourage those of you , who are interested in following or participating in this project, to read the thread about longitudinal waves , as this describes one of the  basic physical principals involved in this device.

The First Part of the device we will cover is the push-pull converter. It's function is pumping charges, an analogy would be the electron-gun in the CRT, it is the source of charges. There is no magic in this part, it is just common EM technology, there are different topologies which could be used, half or full bridge would be suitable. For low frequency devices like the Kapagen also an of the shelf silicone steel transformer could be used. It is important that the output is AC. In the research we will stick to the push-pull topology for the ease of switching the two low side IGBT's. Here some images from testing this stage:

As I have time ,Ill continue to upload content and updates or corrections.


Vidura posted this 03 August 2022

There are missing some posts of other members from the original thread on the AU forum. below a serie of videos from the experiments related to the research:

the playlist of videos 2-9 :



Vidura posted this 03 August 2022

Jan 30, 2021 at 7:52am Fighter, YoElMiCrO, and  4 more  like this
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Post by vidura on Jan 30, 2021 at 7:52am
Hello all following: I will repost some parts of the thread which I think are useful.
  Here I will post some details of my Kacher circuit, but first I want you make aware of some safety and health considerations.
The Kacher coil, when properly built, can be a very powerful device. In some occasions, when I accidentally touched the hot area of the coil-antenna system, I received immediately strong RF burnings on the skin, leaving white burned strains on the smoking fingers. Also metallic objects close to the device can become electrified. Also the radiation of the Intense E-field have caused me headaches after a few minutes next to the running device. According Russian researches a prolonged exposure can lead to micro clusters in the blood, and cause thrombosis. So , If you decide to experiment with this device, you do it on your own risk, and should consider the recommendations to avoid burnings, and limit the time of the experiments to a few minutes, maintaining distance if at all possible. Take specially care if you rise the voltage and power rates, when using power transistors to drive the coil.
After having stated this , let's come to the details:
The basic Kacher-Brovin circuit for the E-field generation is as the one posted by Lostfox:

The traces highlighted in red have to be as short and thick as possible, the capacitors mounted close to the switch and primary. The earth ground connection close to the emitter of the transistor. The Primary coil should be wound with thick wire >6mm2, and a loose coupling to the secondary. Normally a few turns is sufficient. The transistor should be High frequency, with a good Amp. Rating and low hfe factor. From what I had at hands, the 13007 worked best. For higher power ratings I joined three units in parallel, with a good heatsink.

In my circuit I use a adjustable R2, the base voltage should be adjusted to slightly above 0.5V. In My unit I also mounted a modulation switch, this allows to perform amplitude modulation by tying the base to ground periodically. Below some detailed images from my circuit:




Vidura posted this 03 August 2022

Jan 30, 2021 at 10:58am Fighter, YoElMiCrO, and  3 more  like this
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Post by vidura on Jan 30, 2021 at 10:58am
Here I recovered the video links from the old scientist, which have been posted by Lostfox:

Below some images of my replication of scalar energy transfer:




Vidura posted this 04 August 2022

Back to the BTG: the way that the E-field energy is transmitted to the output coil seems to be thru the nearfield, which is a scalar wave. The latest test indicates that the most efficient receiving coil is the one according to this schematic:

I have tried the Granade coil as by Kapanadze, it also performs well, but not as good as the above one. And using the completely cancelling coil setup, there is virtually no reception. In the comparision of this three different coilconfiguration I have used the same wirelenght(electrical antenna lenght)which was for the TX side (kacher): 34.7 mtr.(quarter wavelenght) And the RX reception coil: 23.13 mtr. , Which is aproximately 34.7*2= 69.4(half wavelenght) / 3 = 23.13 mtr.(third harmonic).
I have planned to make another test with a fundamental wavelenght reception coil with 69.4 mtr. lenght.



Vidura posted this 04 August 2022

I did a test with the RX coil corresponding to the half wavelength of the fundamental frequency (69.4mtr). I had only a 0.5 mm2 wire at hand, the output has slightly increased, despite of the thin wire gauge. The insertion of the copper pipe also give around 30% more output. When the coil terminals are swapped referred to the schematic, the canceling half connected to the ground, the light bulb barley glows. This information should be useful to rise the potential of a coil by injection of an E-field. It is in line with the hypothesis of the different impedance of the coil sections.

Some thouths that I wanted to share. In this systems(BTG)it has to be very clear, that only mixing two waves of different frequencies will not add aditional power by default. There are at least two conditions necesary to get: the modulation of the HV wave has to be in phase with the lower frequency oscillation, and very important, only one polarity of the former have to be applied. Like Ruslan explained, "we need only one half of Tesla, otherwise she will take away what she gives"
There are different scenarios possible to achieve this, if we stick to the schematics, it seems that the rectifier stage on the output would allow only one polarity to be recieved. But other ways seems to be possible. Spesially I was thinking to apply a DC offset voltage of aprox. 1/2 Vpp of the TC output, in order to shift the AC sinewave into a pulsed DC working point. In the beginning of the research I also considered direct rectification of the TC output, but tests have shown this very difficoult, at least with a reasonable efficiency. Another way would be to charge a capacitor with HV, and use a sparkgap, the discharge would give a unipolar pulse. This is what Kapanadze did, but the coil where the pulse is inyected need to have a strong dampening factor, otherwise it will turn into AC cause of the oscillations, and the asymetrie will be lost. So in the coming experiments i will try to figure out the best way to implement unipolar pulses to the system.



Vidura posted this 04 August 2022

Post by l0stf0x on Feb 6, 2021 at 4:19am
What confuses me is the simplicity of Don smith's coiling, comparing to the complexity of the BTG coiling.

I like your thoughts Vidura! I am still working on BTG like you do.. and I agree 100%. 
The cap with spark gap for me looks to be the best and easiest way! 

still experimenting... I will update soon  


Post by baerndorfer on Feb 6, 2021 at 6:13pm
thank you for the video-series! i have subscribed to your channel but never received a notification. this is confusing...
thanks for describing your setup in great detail!


Hi baerndorfer,
Yes, this video's and some more are unlisted, that's why no notification is emitted. In this case I use YouTube only for sharing videos Here with known members. There is more information in the original thread in the AU forum, also other tier2 threads which are not published for the moment. You will see when the forum goes online again. 


Vidura posted this 04 August 2022

Hello Friends,
Regarding the denomination BTG, some have asked at the beginning of the thread what's the meaning. I found that it stands for fuel less generator, coined by N.Tesla.
So it could be used in general for many different self-fueling devices.
Anyway the thread focus specially in antenna-coil systems.
Then I wanted to share the following video from old scientist, a very intriguing experiment. The comment about the needed waveform calle my attention, and might apply for others devices also?




Vidura posted this 04 August 2022

My Friends,

I feel this post of Vidura's is one very important post! 

Each Terminal on the end of the Coil must be at the extreme opposite polarity. Either one Max Negative and one Max Positive, or One Max Positive and one Zero or neutral, depending on what Electrical science one believes.

Please excuse my rough math, at 1 MHz the wavelength is: 299.792458 METERS.

That means, one needs a Coil Length of: 299.792458 METERS. Not practical right!

So we use a harmonic, and our Coil has a length that matches our Harmonic and we increase our Input by a factor of magnitude.

Best Wishes,


Hey Friends,
I have not been able to continue the research lately, due time restrictions. Chris is right with this, note the statement of old scientist, regarding the scalar transmission, also the polarity of TX and Rx antenna are opposite. Very similar the magnetic resonance where the magnetic field have to be opposed.
Another quote regarding the wave and antenna lengths.Konstantin Meyl:
Referring to Tesla's wireless energy transmission, "what most people don't know is that the Transmitter is quarter wavelength and the receiver half wavelength."
I believe that we have to achieve a constructive resonance between the E antenna and the magnetic loop at the reception.


Hey, my friends
I'm not sure, can this be applied to POCs where the Transmitter is the helping POC and the Receiver is the input coil?

Stay strong!


Vidura posted this 07 August 2022

Now I will post some additional theoretical details of the involved principles in the BTG device. With his kind permission some of Sergey Deinas Work and Experiments are quoted in the following posts.  It is necessary to understand in detail the nature of standing waves which are involved in this devices. It will be helpful to reread the topic and watch the animations in this post

We can see in the animation of the standing wave that it is not at all stationary.

Note that the sine shaped graphics represents a scalar value of the pressure , which is changing the sign over time, and the standing wave nodes of pressure are remaining stationary. For the value of displacement  the nodes are phase shifted by 90°relative to the pressure nodes.

Nikolas Tesla used mostly longitudinal standing waves in his resonators, despite of the fact that there is no net energy transfer present in them. Also think about why he was so concerned to avoid streamers in his apparatus. In such resonators (for example Tesla coils), like in the analogue of sound waves, two standing waves are simultaneously present. A voltage (pressure) wave and a current (displacement) wave. In resonant conditions they are phase shifted by 90° .

Remember also that we learned in the above mentioned thread that positive charges are bound in the Cristal lattice of the conductor and only the negative charges are moving freely.

In the following video an electrostatic experiment is shown, which was suggested as principal for OU machines by Sergey Deina. The device can run for hours producing electric pulses without depletion of the charges in the plastic ruler.

For those who are interested, I will attach the file in Russian , so it can be translated to a convenient languish for anyone:

For the first method of energy extraction we can imagine that the voltage antinodes are the perfect analogies for the charged plastic ruler in the experiment. In place of the metallic spheres non inductive windings or metal sheets could be capacitive coupled  to the resonator. A sceptic person could of course argument, that the energy of the pulses could be added by the rotation of the capacitance(sphere). But if we think about the attracting or repelling coulomb forces it becomes clear, that with a correct timing of the output switching it is possible to get a positive feedback, without affecting the source dipole. In the next post we will go into more detail of another possible methode of energy extraction from a resonator.


Bird_eye posted this 08 August 2022

"""Correct timing " is of course sense a lot of,

When you touch directly from the shaft of flywheel,

In order to cover full-cycle  as carry out gyroscopic effect work by  itself during the absence of pulse"""" timing is everythig""".

without impulse also POC coil is not able to do anything as it is symmetrical  itself.

But when you able to touch shaft in indirect-way  you will just see that time is death and spinnig uninterruptedly continue.


This is the story in between the capacitance and inductance.

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