Spatial Energy Coherence circuit

  • Last Post 10 August 2024
  • Topic Is Solved
Jagau posted this 14 February 2023

Hi all

This thread will be dedicated to an inventor who left us a lot of information on "Spatial Energy Coherence" commonly called "SEC"

This circuit connects to the sea of energy that surrounds us by opening a door with it. Building different circuits will teach us more and how to do it.
Thank you Dr. Ronald Stiffler.

Fighter posted this 28 March 2023

Here are the advices from the inventor on how to make sure you don't buy a bad performing illegal copy product:

Very useful !



"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
Jagau posted this 28 March 2023

When an Exciter circuit with SEC technology is properly adjusted with all 18 LEDs at full brightness with 9 volts 25ma, viewed with a standard span of 33mhz and (1) 14.2 Mhz at maximum

and watched this little beauty with a span of 350 Mhz

Incredible to see so much energy available through coherence,

I have never seen anything so incredible 350 Mhz of rich harmonics .
  All credit goes to the late Dr Ronald Stiffler, thank you

Jagau posted this 31 March 2023

The next experiment I am to do is to make a spacial gate.
It's actually the AC equivalent of an DC Avramenko plug. So I could develop more power.

For those who want to replicate the simple little circuit you will have to use an MPSA06 which has intrinsic properties to this circuit.
To be continued

Jagau posted this 01 April 2023

A more complex circuit to build but gives more power, see the result from the Dc:r Stiffler

And the circuit to do

A nice project to do

 I think one might say the idea of Dr. Harold Aspden with his (VLT) very large tube which he patented and where he felt his energy came from Theory of SEC is most likely the same. Dr. Stiffer reduced this to three small tubes.


Jagau posted this 20 April 2023

In his early (Dr Stiffler) experiments in the photo shows a small piece of cardboard laid over 3/4" PVC pipe fittings. The single wire from the generator is coupled to the coil via a 400pF mica capacitor. On the white LED the two 1N914 diodes are soldered and the input capacitor is connected to the primary of the coil.

The generator ground wire is not connected to the simple circuit:

When you connect an LED directly with a single wire from the generator of course the LED does not light up but with this circuit yes it lights up.

You can see the generator ground wire on 6.1 mhz at 3 v P/P on the right side not connected.

You can see in my replica the LED fully lit with a single wire, quite special isn't it, other artifacts also surprised me which I will talk about in another post, i think SEC technologies is real.


Jagau posted this 24 April 2023

Circuit update for those who want to replicate

The 2 coils are on a flyback ferrite with L2 of 686 uh adjusted with an inductance meter and L3  9 turns gauge 22 in the center of L3 and separate with electrical tape.
SG has 23.4 Mhz 2.5 V, only one side of SG connected,  the groud lead is not connected. Very interesting artefacts wil be obseved.

A connection is temporarily established with the energy lattice that surround us. Thus one temporarily borrows this energy which is returned in the form of light and heat. If you try to lit a LED directly with one wire of the Signal generator on the LED, it will not work, beacause there is no coherence.


Fighter posted this 24 April 2023

Last weekend I almost finished the in-air grounding experiments, unfortunately without finding a solution.

I'll join you in replicating it, Jagau.

What do you mean by "and heat", does resistive light bulbs work with the device ?

I thought only using copper tubes (like in one of the images above) can work with resistive light bulbs.



"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
Jagau posted this 24 April 2023

Hi Fighter
I'm replicating Dr.'s early experiments while trying to figure out the whole technique behind this. So step by step my first attempts lead me to believe that I still have to learn this technique, I don't want to skip any steps and I start with his first experiences in order to grasp the meaning. As most have done and we hear anymore about and abandoned.
You know, the doc was a very qualified engineer, plus he had a doctorate. He didn't say everything, you have to be well immersed in his technique to understand, but fortunately he left us a lot of information on the web and shared several experiences.
As for energy; he said that;

We cannot create or destroy energy, we can borrow it from the energy lattice that surrounds us and after use it returns there, regardless of the type of energy, light, heat, mechanical force and other forms.

If i can help you or others to replicate tell me,will answer you for sure. For the light I am there for the heat it will come and he did well.


Many researchers like Tesla, Bedini, Sweet, Don Smith, Steven Mark have found this effect I believe which all comes from the same source ''energy lattice that surrounds us''

editor posted this 24 April 2023

Hi Jagau!

I will tray to replicate, just one thing!

The 2 coils are on a flyback ferrite with L2 of 390 uh adjusted with an inductance meter and L2  9 turns gauge 22 in the center of L3 and separate with electrical tape.

How exacly are the coils wound?  We have 2 coils, first L2 ( just one coil) on schematic are 2! And on top of that L3 with 9T.


br, e

Jagau posted this 24 April 2023

Hi Editor
I made a typo error the L2 coil is wound first on the left to right and clocwise on flyback ferrite and has 686 uh about 80 turns. Electrical tape covers L2

The doc represented L2 as 2 separate coils, there is only 1 coils and it's done with LITZ wire he was using. I make it myself with 36 gauge in 10 strands

here is the photo of L2 in Litz and L3  9 turns ontop of L3 in center. He used old antenna transistor radio if you find one you are lucky so imade one myself with half ferrite flyback

For L3 it has 9 turns solid wire gauge 22 going to the center on the top of L2 always clockwise direction from left to right. Identify your start and end of wire, it's easier.
Any question?

L1 for he moment is not there, it is reserved for another use later when the experience is more advanced, you will love what you are about to see.

