In order to study more carefully while observing the results, I built another oscillator at a very very low frequency between 0.125 hertz to trigger once every 8 seconds and at the other end up to 25 times per second ( 25 hertz) using a TLC555, adjustable in frequency and duty cycle..
It is also very precise in the DTC with very low values. Some people can use it as a capacitor dumping circuit. You can isolate the output with an opto isolator.
It would serve to prove that Dr. Stifler was right ,in a following experiment, knowing that cold electricity is a very good way to obtain beyound unity and more. It's a continuation of the Doctor Stiffler circuits that I'm doing.
Note that in this circuit I do not use any 1n914 diode to adjust the DTC in fact as John Bedini did, this is his circuit modified for my needs. It is a very precise circuit. R5 is DTC, R6 is frequency.
Will provide some scope shot.