The Don Smith Effect

  • Last Post 3 weeks ago
Fighter posted this 28 May 2023

In order to not interfere with Jagau's experiments with Dr. Stiffler's SEC technology which have many things in common with what Don Smith named "The Don Smith Effect" I'm starting in parallel with Jagau my own experiments with Don Smith's tech.

If this experiment is successful maybe we can unify the technologies these two great teachers demonstrated to us.

So below is my first post in this related thread here.


"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
AlteredUnity posted this 08 March 2024

All three would be great! I know you document your experiments very well, so no rush.

Ah, I see. And your right I wasn't taking the capacitor or load into account, and you have clarified the distortion. Your switching does look clean as well. Thank you.

Fighter posted this 10 March 2024


Last night I ran experiments with all configurations in order to show the Heaviside component extracted by the plates of the variable capacitor. I needed some time to organize the information and draw the schematics for each configuration in order to present the results.

Use the Image Magnifier to check all the details.

So let's see "what's hitting the plates" as AlteredUnity said... šŸ™‚

The most relevant configuration about the Heaviside component are these two:

Configuration 1:

No load on variable capacitor, no connection to Earth, just showing the Heaviside component providing energy to the variable capacitor plates and this energy is not affecting the input.

Configuration 2:

No load on variable capacitor, but we add connection to Earth (which as you can see is increasing the Vpp of the collected energy), showing the Heaviside component providing energy to the variable capacitor plates and this energy is not affecting the input.

Note: in these configurations there is no electrical connection between the variable capacitor to the input or to the Earth (through the load). Still we have 36 Vpp and 46 Vpp energy and, because this energy is provided by the Heaviside component interacting with the Zero-Point field, extracting this energy is not affecting the input !

I consider the following readings less relevant not because these configurations are not working but because we have the load connected and extracting energy from the variable capacitor so the readings of the scope connected to the variable capacitor will be affected by the extracting energy process.

Just something to keep in mind: during all the experiments I noticed that connecting the scope probes anywhere on the device have negative effect on its efficiency, it works better when I don't connect the scope probes to it.

But I'm gonna add the test results here for later references as they can provide more information about how the DSE device works.

Configuration 3:

Load connected to the red wire of the variable capacitor and to Earth, showing the Heaviside component providing energy to the variable capacitor plates and this energy is used by the load without affecting the input; the LED is blinking but it was when I took the photo.

Configuration 4:

Load connected to the red wire of the variable capacitor and to Earth but we connected the negative end of the big coil to the Earh connection, showing the Heaviside component providing energy to the variable capacitor plates and this energy is used by the load without affecting the input; the LED is blinking but it was off when I took the photo.

Notice how just by adding the connecion the negative end of the big coil to the Earh connection resulted in the increasing the Vpp of the energy present on the variable capacitor's plates.

Also notice the changed waveform, it doesn't  start with maximum Vpp and then decreasing as usually, its Vpp is increasing then decreasing, it looks partially like the Trumpet Waveform which Don Smith told us about (more details here):

This is very interesting, it's the first time I see something like on this on my scope ! šŸ™‚

Configuration 5:

And now the most recent and effcient configuration, the one where we're not just extracting pulses anymore but we're extracting almost continuous energy (about 20 mA). The connections which show the evolution from the previous configuration to the actual configuration are drawn with blue color.

Load connected to the red wire of the variable capacitor and to Earth but we connected the negative end of the big coil to the Earh connection and black wire from the variable capacitor to the middle of the big coil, showing the Heaviside component providing energy to the variable capacitor plates and this energy is used by the load without affecting the input; the LED is blinking very fast but it was off when I took the photo.

Notice how by connecting the black wire from the variable capacitor to the middle of the big coil is incresing the Vpp of the energy collected. The input is still not affected by the energy extraction process.

Note: Think about the fact that this energy collected by the plates of a variable capacitor being just 3 cm long is about 20 mA and the total usable length of the big coil is 24 cm; and the fact that we can extract this energy without affecting the input; a very basic estimation tells me we can get about 22 mA x (24 / 3) = 176 mA and, if this process will still continue to not affect the input, we will still have about 20 mA consumption (without voltage booster's own consumption to convert 9V to 42.9 V) which means we will have about 8.8 COP and the device can become a self-running device.

As you probably noticed there is only the big LED on the micro-generator used as load. The reason is the small 2 mA LED was damaged during the tests I've made in preparation of these experiments.

But after running and recording the experiments above I added a second big 20 mA LED to the micro-generator. Below is the test I've made after adding the second LED:

As you can see now we're extracting about 40 mA almost continuously, the input is still not affected.

The readings are a bit jumpy (+/- a few mA) because the rechargable battery is almost depleted (from 9V to about 4.3 V) and the boost converter is struggling to still maintain 42.8 V. But the input is still not "seeing" the 40 mA we are extracting.

I'll come with updates as I find available time for experiments.



"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
AlteredUnity posted this 10 March 2024

Very nice demonstration, thank you for pictures of all the above setups. I like the detailed pictures, like you said it would be interesting to see what happens if the coils were filled with plates! Along with a diode plug. But still impressed with the clean waveforms on those plates. Do you notice a dramatic change depending on the position in the coils?

I know there is so much to try, sorry for late response, been busy. Any free 5 secs I get now is going to these damn pic microcontrollers -very very useful tool to have in your arsenal...

Fighter posted this 10 March 2024

Hi AlteredUnity,

Very nice demonstration, thank you for pictures of all the above setups. I like the detailed pictures

Thank you, it was necessary to organize the data about all these configurations so our team can have all the details about DSE.

like you said it would be interesting to see what happens if the coils were filled with plates

Yes, that's the plan, but will be very difficult to build that kind of capacitor and still keep it variable (as we saw the capacitance of the energy extraction part is very important for the efficiency of the extraction process).

Don Smith demonstrated the effect using just two plates of aluminum and copper separated by a dielectric sheet:

Don Smith used these plates outside of the high-voltage source because in his experiment was impossible to place plates inside the source (he was using a plasma tube to create the Heaviside component).

I'm using this big coil in my DSE device to create the Heaviside component specially to be able to place the plates inside the high-voltage source as my assumption is inside the high-voltage source the Heaviside component is much stronger than outside of the source.

But this doesn't mean the Heaviside component is not active outside too, as far as I know it could be active and provide energy in a radius going to meters around the high-voltage source, see it noted with 6 in the image below: 

I'm searching for disks made of aluminum and copper, found something like this:

The problem is I need them customized to specific diameter to be able to place them inside the big coil and also to think of the way I can build a support to keep them at equal distances like the plates of the actual variable capacitor. Also I don't know if the Chinese manufacturers can provide customized diameter for these plates and if they can do that the customized plates will be expensive.

Another thing is I'm not sure how I can make the customized capacitor to still be variable.

I still don't have solutions to these problems but I'm thinking about them.

But still impressed with the clean waveforms on those plates.

Yes, that's the energy provided by the Heaviside component which (in my opinion) is interacting with and extracting energy from the Zero-Point field. And as you can see we can use the Earth connection and the connection to the middle of the coil to increase their Vpp and dramatically improve the energy extraction process (extracting almost continuous energy instead of just extracting pulses of energy) without affecting the input. That's how DSE become overunity and potentially become self-running.

By the way, about the Heaviside component, there is a very good explanatory video made by our friend Joel Lagace here:


He is going in the same direction like us (to Rome) but on a parallel way. He is using a different method to create the Heaviside component but we still have common methods about the extraction of energy like single-wire energy extraction (Tom Bearden: "Don't kill the dipole !"), Earth connection, Avramenko plugs etc. 

Just like we demonstrated here in these experiments using Don Smith's tech or in Jagau's experiments in his Non Linear Resonance thread or using Dr. Stiffler's tech in his Spatial Energy Coherence circuit thread.

Do you notice a dramatic change depending on the position in the coils?

At this point I don't think the position in the coils have any effect in the efficiency of the energy extraction.

Currently I have two variable capacitors in DSE, see their positions and their wires in the image below:

For current experiments I'm only using the variable capacitor on the left side, but I also tested the variable capacitor on the right side and it can do the same things like the one on the left side. It can be connected in the same configurations, it's behaving in the same way and it can extract the same quantity of energy like the one on the left side.

And it's on the other end of the big coil, that's why I'm pretty sure the positions of the variable capacitors inside the big coil are not relevant regarding the efficiency of the energy extraction process.

I'll try to find time to experiment with the variable capacitor on the left side pushed deep to the middle of the coil but I think that will have no negative impact.

I know there is so much to try, sorry for late response, been busy. Any free 5 secs I get now is going to these damn pic microcontrollers -very very useful tool to have in your arsenal...

Don't worry, I know the feeling, we all do what we can when we can.

I had more time in this weekend to experiment, organize data and present all these experiments above but a new week at work will start and I'll just have small and random chunks of available time for continuing the experiments.

But I'll use any available time and I'll continue because all we do here is important and we must continue on our way to Rome. Our team have devices, technologies and public demonstrations on our site which can't be found on any other site and which are way beyond the frontiers of the "official" physics.

Will come with updates as I'll have them.



"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
Fighter posted this 17 March 2024


Sorry for the delay, last night I ran some tests with the variable capacitor moved in the middle of the left coil and now I can answer to AlteredUnity's question:

Do you notice a dramatic change depending on the position in the coils?

The answer is: yes, the Heaviside component seems to be more dense in the middle of the coils so more energy can be extracted while still not affecting the input.

I recorded and organized the data for the tests of configurations 1 and 2 with the variable capacitor in the middle of the coil:

Configuration 1:

No load on variable capacitor, no connection to Earth, just showing the Heaviside component providing energy to the variable capacitor plates moved in the middle of the coil and this extracted energy is not affecting the input.

I took the waveform from the previous test in this configuration (with the variable capacitor on the left side of the coil) and I put it in the image below with the current waveform for comparing them:

As you can see in this configuration, using the same input parameters (frequency, amp and duty-cycle) but just moving the variable capacitor in the middle of the coil is increasing the Vpp of the waveform with ~15.6V.

Configuration 2:

No load on variable capacitor, but we add connection to Earth (which as you can see is increasing the Vpp of the collected energy), showing the Heaviside component providing energy to the variable capacitor plates moved in the middle of the coil and this energy is not affecting the input.

I took the waveform from the previous test in this configuration (with the variable capacitor on the left side of the coil) and I put it in the image below with the current waveform for comparing them:

As you can see in this configuration, using the same input parameters (frequency, amp and duty-cycle) but just moving the variable capacitor in the middle of the coil is increasing the Vpp of the waveform with ~23.2V.

Comparing the waveforms from the previous tests with the actual ones it seems the latest waveforms (therefore the extractable energy) seems to be more dense if I can say so. Just take a look at the image above.

Now considering this new data I think the basic estimation of COP 8.8 that I calculated in the note from my previous post is kind of underestimated, probably COP will be bigger

Here is a short video showing energy extraction of ~ 40 mA (two big LEDs in the micro-generator used as a load) while the input is still not affected by the energy extraction process:

I feel encouraged by the new data from these experiments, I'm considering to order those customized copper and aluminum disks from China for building the customized (and if possible variable) capacitor. As I said I don't know if the seller can offer customized plates and if it does the customization will certainly be expensive. I would try to find a firm in Romania for customization but certainly this will also be expensive so first I will ask for a price estimation from China.

In the meanwhile I will continue the experiments to learn the behavior of DSE just like I did this week in the few fragments of available time I had. Also I'm continuing to work in preparing the video with all the details of this new configuration for uploading it on my YouTube channel but I still have a lot of work to do on it.

I'll come with updates.



"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
Fighter posted this 17 March 2024

I asked the Chinese seller for a price estimation including shipment to Romania, this is the drawing I've sent with the message:


Hi, I would be interested in ordering 60 customized disks of aluminum and 60 customized disks of copper as in this drawing I've made, could you give me a estimation of how much would it cost including shipment to Romania ? Thank you.

Let's see if it's a price I can afford... šŸ™šŸ˜


"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
Jagau posted this 18 March 2024

Hi Fighter, nice job

maybe it could help you for your air capacitor construction , here is a calculator:



Fighter posted this 18 March 2024

Hi Jagau,

Thank you !

Yes, the calculator will be very useful in calculating the distance between plates !

I'm not sure if it will be better to have air between plates (like the current variable capacitors I use) or to use a dielectric sheet between them as Don Smith shown in his demo here:

But I guess I'll experiment with both options and I'll find out which one is more efficient regarding the energy extraction process in DSE.

Thank you for the calculator !


"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
Fighter posted this 21 March 2024

The Chinese seller came with the price provided by the factory:

30pcs for each 45 dollars  

60pcs for each 75 dollars

free shipping

Seems to be a decent price, I'll order 60 copper discs and 60 aluminum discs. 

I'll place a link for the customized discs here for later references (if I'll need to order again):

Update: the seller clarified that 75 $ was the production cost of the factory, the final price was 89.31 $. I've made the payment and the seller estimated the discs will be produced and ready to go within 11 days.


"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
Fighter posted this 26 March 2024

An update: the seller contacted me to tell me the factory finished the production of the customized discs and he is preparing the shipment.


"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla